Tests for teens are a great way to overcome transition difficulties.

It is generally accepted that adolescence, often referred to as the transition period, is the most difficult. No wonder. Indeed, rapid metamorphoses occur literally in every area of ​​life, not of a child, but not of an adult. Puberty begins , the first thoughts of a sexual nature arise, hormonal storms rage in the body. But not only the body is changing - the emotional background becomes extremely unstable, there is anxiety, anxiety, excessive susceptibility and vulnerability. And attempts to form their own, different from the parent, opinion, as a rule, are quite painful.

All these changes cannot but affect the behavior and perception of the world around us and ourselves as a teenager. Hence the characteristic periods of low mood, and sometimes depression, thoughts of a suicidal nature, rejection of one’s new appearance, fear of being rejected by peers, lack of interest in learning and the desire to assert oneself are not always acceptable ways. These components of the tipping point can be expressed a little more or a little less, but in any case, they are necessarily present. It turns out that youth is the most beautiful time of life, its dawn is, in fact, a gloomy and burdened period of internal instability? Of course, this is not so. There is also a brilliant side of the coin - positive aspects, such as freshness and brightness of impressions and emotions, “non-clouded” perceptions, joyful anticipation of happiness.

How to deal with the side effects of adolescence? Of course, the ideal option is to visit a competent psychologist who, after conducting the necessary tests for adolescents, will help a young person or young lady to understand herself and the world around him, to establish a process of communication with peers and close friends of an older age. But, as practice shows, there are very few boys and girls who are willing to independently go to an appointment with a specialist. For most teenagers, a visit to a psychologist is a recognition of their own abnormality, and therefore - inferiority. Things are not better with those young people whom their parents brought to the appropriate consultation. In such cases, the spirit of contradiction and rejection of any, even the most innocent attempts at communication immediately arise.

Moreover, every teenager needs self-identification. To recognize and accept oneself with all the advantages and disadvantages is the solution to many internal problems that arise during the transition period. For this purpose, there are professional and amateur, comic tests for adolescents, which you can take yourself.

Traditionally, the test that determines the type of temperament falls first in the hands of newly made young men and women . It would seem that everything is wonderful - sanguine, melancholy, phlegmatic and choleric. But among teenagers there is a strange prejudice: only a sanguine person - a “good” type of temperament, yet the rest - often do not suit the representatives of the young generation, do not correspond to the ideal image built in their minds. Therefore, in such a situation, the task of the parents is to unobtrusively explain that each temperament is good in its own way.

Quite interesting tests for teenagers on the definition of character. For example, the Schmiszek questionnaire, aimed at determining accentuations, that is, the main directions and inclinations, character. There are also small pitfalls here. The fact is that an accentuated personality theoretically stands on the verge of norm and pathology. But this does not mean at all that a person who has a certain accentuation is mentally ill or will soon become ill. It’s just worth paying attention to some character traits, and, given them, to improve the quality of your life. It is this explanation that teens should hear from their parents or older comrades.

If you are tired of answering questions, you can take the following original tests for teens: Luscher color test and Sondi's portrait test. It does not hurt, also, to determine the level of IQ and professional abilities (vocational guidance).

Today, there are many sites on the Internet where tests for teenage girls are presented. Basically, they are more like a game or children's divination. The young lady, after answering a number of rather strange questions, gets an interpretation in which she is compared with the hero of her favorite movie or cartoon. That's just that multheroes do not and cannot have an individuality, a formed character and subtle psychological characteristics - they are “bad” or “good”. Therefore, the value of such tests is rather doubtful, and perhaps it makes sense to talk about their adverse effect on the unstable teenage psyche. It is better to draw the attention of the child to a test that determines the socionic type. The situation is approximately the same in the sections "Tests for adolescent boys."

There are harmless polls that determine the level of independence, attentiveness, luck, self-esteem, the ability to creative and logical thinking, and others. Answering questions of such tests, adolescents become much more confident in themselves, which, in turn, helps to successfully overcome the difficult moments of growing up.

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