Cold sweat in children may indicate that the child is sick. Such a symptom should not be overlooked. Perhaps this is the first bell to which you should pay attention and immediately visit a doctor. The therapist should prescribe a general blood and urine test, and only after that the picture will become more clear. Perhaps this is due to age-related changes in the body of the child. We will talk about all this in the article.
Why can a child sweat?
Cold sweat in children can be caused by natural environmental factors. Among them, the following can be noted:
High temperature in the room or on the street.
Too soft bed for sleeping.
The child is warmly dressed.
The kid is very active.
In all these cases there will be active perspiration. To prevent this from happening, you just need to eliminate the causes:
Always ventilate the room. The temperature should not be more than + 18-20 ° .
For sleep use orthopedic mattresses. Forget about feather pillows.
Dressing the child for the weather. Remember: children are more active than adults, constantly in motion.
Before running to the doctor with a question about why the child has cold sweat, it is important for parents to familiarize themselves with the above information. Perhaps the reason lies in natural factors.
Worth paying attention to
If all the factors described above are eliminated, and the child is still thrown into a cold sweat, this may indicate a serious illness and infection. There are a number of diseases that trigger sweating. Among them are:
Rickets is a disease in which there is a violation of the musculoskeletal system due to a lack of vitamin D. It is quite rare in our regions, since there is no shortage of ultraviolet rays. As a rule, premature babies suffer from it.
Metabolic disease. In addition to sweating, there will be a sharp loss or weight gain.
The problem is in the endocrine system (thyroid disease) .
Viral diseases. Concomitant symptoms - fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea.
Problems with the cardiovascular system. In this case, ECG and ultrasound are indispensable.
As you can see, if there is a cold sweat in a child, the reasons can be quite serious. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor, it is better to play it safe and be sure that everything is in order with the baby.
Sweating in babies
Separately, you need to raise the topic related to babies. In relation to newborns, the expression "a child in a cold sweat" is quite acceptable. So the body regulates body temperature. No wonder doctors recommend in the first weeks to put on a child’s hat, booties and arm ruffles. No matter how high the temperature is on the street or in the apartment, the heat transfer of the crumbs still does not work at 100%. The body only adapts to environmental conditions.
Many mothers sound the alarm when the baby is sweating during feeding. Remember: the baby does not just eat, but makes every effort to get milk from the breast. For him, this is hard work, so in this case, sweating is considered the norm.
But if there are concomitant symptoms, such as coughing, runny nose, sneezing, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps the baby is diagnosed with allergies. Unfortunately, recently this is a fairly common phenomenon. Children's immunity is weak due to the environment.
Teething can be another cause. Everything is very simple: the inflammatory process is going on in the body, the baby is experiencing unpleasant, painful sensations, it begins to sweat.
Do not postpone a visit to the doctor
If a child wakes up in a cold sweat, you do not always need to rush to the doctor, maybe he is banal hot or had a terrible dream. But there are situations when consulting a specialist does not hurt:
Sweat has an unpleasant odor of ammonia or vinegar.
Sweating is uneven.
The child has a low body temperature all day.
There is a cough or sore throat, runny nose.
A clear liquid or pus is released from the eyes.
Sharply decreased appetite.
Sleep disturbed.
To begin with, you should consult a therapist, and after passing the tests, you may need to consult a neurologist.
Endocrinologist to help you
Very often, cold sweat in children can indicate abnormalities in the thyroid gland. Symptoms are as follows:
The sweat is sticky.
There is a smell of ammonia.
Sweating occurs even at rest.
During sleep, the child starts.
The kid drinks antibiotics or other medications.
In this case, you can immediately contact the endocrinologist.
When you can't lose a minute
There are situations when a cold sweat in a child may indicate a serious malfunction occurring in the body. Then there is no time to wait, you need to urgently call an ambulance. This is necessary when, in addition to sweating, the following clinical picture is observed:
The child has weak breathing.
Body temperature dropped below 35 degrees.
There is a strong cough.
The child loses consciousness.
The limbs and lips of the crumbs become cyanotic.
Remember that in these situations, every minute counts.
Very often, such symptoms can occur after a viral or infectious disease. They can indicate violations in the work of the heart, nervous system, thyroid gland. Correct the situation immediately.
In these cases, you need to be prepared for the doctor to put the child in the hospital for a full examination. It is especially worth listening to parents of children up to a year. The baby's body only adapts to the outside world, the immune system does not work well. All diseases occur transiently. In just a few hours, bronchitis can develop into pneumonia, in which cold sweat is one of the main symptoms.
We give the necessary analyzes
After contacting a specialist, the following tests will be prescribed:
General blood analysis. Better to make it deployed. Necessarily on an empty stomach, only in this case the result will be informative.
Analysis of urine.
If the doctor suspects deviations from the nervous system, an ultrasound scan of the brain and cervical spine will be necessary. Manipulation is completely painless. If the fontanel does not drag on the child, an ultrasound scan is done through him.
Analysis for the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the blood .
Glucose tolerance test . It shows blood sugar, diagnoses hypoglycemia.
Examination of the lymph nodes .
If no deviations in the analyzes and studies are found, perhaps the baby is hereditary. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a course of vitamins, massage. This will help reduce perspiration.
Do not be afraid of specialists, the doctor is interested in understanding the cause and curing the ailment. Cold sweat in children is not uncommon. Many parents immediately begin to sound the alarm. And they do it in vain. After all, the reasons may lie in the uncomfortable conditions created for the child (high temperature in the bedroom, downy hot feather bed and much more).