Diaper rash on the neck in infants: causes, treatment, prevention

The skin of infants is delicate and vulnerable, therefore, it requires constant and careful care. Almost all parents experienced diaper rash in the neck, ears, and axillary and inguinal folds. They must be treated in a timely manner, avoiding the appearance of diaper dermatitis. How to get rid of diaper rash on the neck of a baby? The article will discuss the causes of this condition, methods of treatment and prevention.

Why diaper rash occurs

The skin of the baby is saturated with moisture and has little resistance to aggressive environments. At the same time, the susceptibility of infant skin to infections and inflammatory processes is high. Under the influence of various adverse factors and improper care, diaper rash appears on the neck of the baby, the photo is presented later in the article.

The causes of this condition can be divided into:

  • Mechanical, for example, friction, caused by the constant contact of the skin with moisture. This occurs when milk, mixture or water flows into the neck folds.
  • Chemical. They occur when the skin comes into contact with allergens in the form of a cream or powder.
  • Infectious. In this situation, the appearance of diaper rash in the folds of the neck in the baby provokes bacteria, fungi and their metabolic products.
Diaper rash on the neck of a baby photo

This may result in:

  1. Non-compliance with the diet of a nursing mother. At the same time, her menu includes: sweet dishes, cow's milk, chocolate, nuts and fresh vegetables and fruits.
  2. Violation of the rules for caring for the baby, rare bathing.
  3. Problems in the work of the digestive tract, regurgitation.
  4. Allergy to cosmetics (soap, oil, wet wipes).

When establishing the exact cause of diaper rash under the neck in the baby, the mother can eliminate them on her own, and thereby relieve the baby of the discomfort.

Symptoms of diaper rash

Notice them on the skin of the baby is not difficult. They stand out against healthy skin in the form of redness with a clear border. Diaper rash is able to swell, covered with acne and erosion. Over time, these zones become wet, and due to the fact that no air enters the cervical folds, pustules can form.

If redness occurs, the mother should not miss this symptom, but immediately begin treatment. Timely therapy will not allow diaper rash on the neck of the baby to go to the next stage, and they will disappear without a trace.

How to cure diaper rash on the neck of a baby

If the right moment is missed, and cracks and weeping zones have arisen, then the process has moved to the second degree.

According to the intensity of manifestations of diaper rash, they are usually divided into:

  • 1 degree. It is characterized by slight reddening of the skin without disturbing the upper layer.
  • 2 degree. Marked redness and roughness of the skin. Pustules, cracks and erosion occur.
  • 3 degree. The intensity of redness increases. Pronounced erosion and ulcers.

The occurrence of diaper rash leads to a general malaise of the baby. His temperature rises, itching and burning appear. Such an unsightly picture emerges if diaper rash therapy is started.

Types of diaper rash

Specialists distinguish these types of dermatitis:

  • Psoriasis. With limited rashes and peeling. Quickly starts and progresses.
  • Herpetiform. Grouped and merged bubbles. If they open, then erosion occurs.
  • Seborrheic. With this type of diaper rash, they are located throughout the body, and not just in the neck folds.
  • Granulomatous type of diaper rash, which occurs with a weak immune system. Occurs infrequently.
Diaper rash on the neck in infants

The type of diaper rash on the neck of the baby and the correct therapy should be prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the signs of the disease.

How to treat diaper rash

Therapy of redness on the skin and other symptoms should be carried out promptly, in order to avoid complications. This is done so that the pathology does not spread throughout the body. For therapy, both medical treatment and traditional medicine methods are used.

How to treat diaper rash on the neck of a baby? It depends on the degree of diaper rash:

  1. At the initial stage, the best medicine will be fresh air. Air baths should be carried out at least 2 times a day.
  2. In hot times, the newborn needs to be washed more often, not forgetting the neck folds. You can wipe it with a damp cloth, wipes for these purposes are not recommended.
  3. If the child burps, then it is not only worth wiping it with a damp cloth, but you should wash the child and change the vest. After all, the acidic environment affects the skin annoyingly.
  4. In strong heat, folds should not be covered with powder. It absorbs moisture, rolls into lumps and can rub sore spots.
  5. All baby clothes should be washed only with baby or household soap. They need to be dried in the sun and ironed on both sides.

If treatment of diaper rash on the neck in the baby does not give results, then the newborn should be shown to a specialist.

Diaper rash in the folds of the neck in the baby

Handling rashes is not recommended with different compositions. Grease diaper rash with green or iodine is not allowed. They will not have a positive result, and when a diagnosis is established, they will prevent its accurate determination.

At the most severe stages of diaper rash, doctors prescribe pharmacy drugs.


If home remedies did not save the baby from diaper rash, it must be shown to a specialist. Initially, he will conduct a visual inspection. In especially serious cases, a specialist may prescribe a microscopic examination.

If diaper rash on the neck arose as a result of an allergy, then parents with a baby need to visit a pediatric allergist.

After establishing the correct diagnosis, the specialist prescribes an effective treatment.


How to cure diaper rash on the neck of a baby? Specialists most often in such situations prescribe:

  • "Bepanten" - a quality preventive and therapeutic drug. It is used when irritation, redness and rashes occur. The drug copes with diaper dermatitis, besides it has a wide spectrum of action. It is safe and has no adverse reactions when used by newborns.
  • "Baneocin" - powder or ointment. The drug is intended for the treatment of advanced forms of diaper rash. It is used to treat deep wounds. Kids do not feel discomfort and discomfort. The product must be applied to washed and dried skin.
  • Fukortsin. The drug is an external antiseptic of antifungal action. He is able to heal wounds, erosion, abrasion. Apply with a cotton swab to the affected area up to five times a day.

How to smear diaper rash in infants on the neck? A positive result is provided by zinc ointment. It is applied to clean and dried skin. Ointment can be used as a preventive and therapeutic drug, which relieves itching, redness and inflammation.

Diaper rash on the neck in infants than to treat

To achieve a complete cure for diaper rash and prevent their recurrence, many mothers use vegetable oils. Highly tested products include sea buckthorn oil. To obtain a positive effect, a napkin dipped in oil is applied to the lesion site. The very next day, the baby will notice an improvement.

The properties of sunflower oil are not inferior to sea buckthorn. Before use, it is boiled in a water bath and a napkin is applied in the neck. Fir and vaseline oil also have a positive effect.

Folk ways

Traditional medicine is time-tested and has helped many babies with their positive properties:

  1. A bath with oak bark can relieve inflammation and irritation, as well as reduce sweating. A glass of bark is steamed with 2 liters of water and added to the water for bathing the baby. Water treatments last 15-20 minutes.
  2. Diaper rash on the neck of a baby can be cured with an iodine solution (2 drops per 200 ml of water). Apply to damaged area and pat dry with a clean cloth. After the procedure, hold air baths.
  3. A decoction of a string. The grass has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It relieves irritation from allergies, effectively prevents diaper rash.
  4. Manganese solution. It is added to bathing water. This dries out the skin not only in the neck, but also in the groin. The solution is one of the best medicines for treating diaper rash.
Diaper rash under the neck of a baby

The use of folk remedies will help save babies from diaper rash in a short time. They can be used not only for medical, but also for preventive purposes.


You can avoid diaper rash on the neck of the baby with a few simple rules:

  • The temperature in the children's room should not exceed 25 degrees.
  • The room must be constantly aired.
  • Bathing a newborn in the winter is necessary every other day, and in the summer - every day.
  • After the bath, you need to carefully wipe all the folds, including the neck ones.
  • Talc and flour are not recommended, in order to prevent the growth of microbes.
  • To strengthen the immune system, take air baths.
  • After bathing, dry the baby’s body with a soft towel, while not rubbing or pushing the tissue to the skin.
  • The clothes of the newborn should be sewn from natural fabrics.
  • Use only high-quality skin care products for the baby.
  • The child bathe with the addition of chamomile and string infusions to the water.
  • A nursing mother must follow a diet.
How to smear diaper rash in infants on the neck

Preventive measures taken by parents will help prevent diaper rash in the baby.

Possible complications

Complications can cause infection of the skin, the penetration of pathogens through wounds to internal organs and intoxication of the body. It is important to prevent the development of negative consequences.


Diaper rash on the baby’s neck gives him discomfort. At the first symptoms of their appearance, parents should show the child to a specialist. This is done in order to prevent serious complications. Proper and timely therapy will help get rid of diaper rash on the neck.

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