In Russia, the traditional doll matryoshka appeared relatively recently: only in the 90s of the XIX century. Nevertheless, already during the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900, the nested doll managed to win a gold medal, confirming the status of a national symbol.
In the beginning it was ...
Despite the fact that all over the world the nesting doll is considered an invariable symbol of Russian culture, few people know that in fact the prototype of this famous folding doll was Daruma - the Japanese "nesting doll", which was the personification of Bodhidharma. However, the history of its appearance has much more ancient roots.
The first folding dolls appeared in ancient China during the Song Empire, around 1000 AD e. Outwardly, they did not look like dolls at all. These were small drawers, beautifully decorated and multifunctional. Much later, in the XVIII century, the principle of their arrangement began to be used for the manufacture of sets of folding dolls: in each larger doll there is a smaller doll. So the first “nesting dolls” appeared.
In the Chinese version, inside the smallest doll there was only one grain of rice - a symbol of divine spiritual food.
And what about Japan?
According to legend, a long time ago a Buddhist monk from India settled in China and founded the Shaolin Monastery there, where he meditated days and nights for 9 years. The name was sage Bodhidharma. In the Japanese version, this name is known as Daruma. Like St. Anthony, who was subjected to numerous temptations during his stay in the desert, Daruma had to overcome all kinds of trials, now and then falling on him. Once a sage realized that instead of meditation he was in a dream. Then Daruma did a desperate act: cutting off his eyelids, he threw them to the ground and continued meditation. Subsequently, due to a long sitting, Daruma ceased to control his own arms and legs, therefore it is customary to depict a wooden doll with his image, which appeared in Japan, as legless and armless.
Hundreds and thousands of Japanese annually perform a special New Year ritual associated with their faith in the miraculous power of Daruma. The Japanese nesting doll itself has a rounded shape, in fact, being not so much a “nesting doll” in the traditional sense, as a tumbler doll. She has big round eyes without pupils, which is necessary for performing the ritual. A doll is bought in a temple and houses make a wish. Then one eye is painted, that is, they open Daruma's eye. In this form, the nesting doll will be in the house for a year and, if the desire is fulfilled during this time, then the second eye will be painted on it. This is thanks to Daruma. Otherwise, the Japanese nesting doll is taken back to the temple, burned and bought a new one.
Seven human bodies
There is another version of the emergence of Japanese nesting dolls. The toy, according to her, was connected with Eastern philosophy by a Russian monk who fled to Japan. The prototype of this nesting doll was the image of Fukuruma (or Fukurokuju).
In the Japanese tradition, seven gods of happiness stand out - the so-called sitifukujin, each of which controls only one of the seven human bodies. Among them there is one who is responsible for wisdom, high intellectual abilities and wealth - Fukuruma. Japanese nesting doll with its image has its own unique features. This is, first of all, a high elongated forehead, on which you can see deep wrinkles, and the staff that Fukuruma holds in his hands.
But how did the nesting doll itself come about? Nobody can say for sure. It is believed that once an unknown Japanese master created seven dolls-images of sitifukujin and placed one into the other. The largest and most important among them was Fukuruma. All his "divine" family hid in it.
Way to Russia
In continuation of this version of the appearance of the Russian nesting dolls, it is worth noting that many seriously believe that it was this Japanese nesting doll, with the image of Fukuruma, that was brought to Russia in 1890. And they brought not somewhere, but to the estate of Abramtsev, where the typographer Anatoly Mamontov, the brother of the famous Russian philanthropist Savva Mamontov, lived. He owned the workshop "Children's Education", where the modernist artist Sergey Malyutin and turner Vasily Zvezdochkin worked.
When the artist saw a Japanese doll and was inspired by its unusual device, an interesting idea arose in his head. He soon set out to Zvezdochkin, from whom he ordered the manufacture of the first Russian Russian nesting doll. Malyutin carried out the painting of the pupae with his own hand. At first, they were modest girls in simple dresses, painted with gouache. However, later the painting began to become more complicated - matryoshka dolls appeared with complex floral ornaments and fairy tales. The number of nesting dolls from one set also increased. But the very first matryoshka is still not lost. It is stored in the toy museum in Sergiev Posad.
Back to Japan
We have already examined three versions of the origin of nesting dolls, but there is a fourth. There is another Japanese nesting doll - kokeshi (or kokeshi). Its place of origin is considered Tohoku, the outskirts of the Japanese island of Honshu. As for the date of birth ... Presumably, this is the XVII – XVIII centuries, but some experts say that the doll was born more than 1000 years ago.
Kokeshi is a beautifully painted girl. It is made of wood, and it consists of two separate parts: a small cylindrical body and head (see photo of a Japanese nesting doll below). It happens that kokesh is made from a single bar of wood, but this is very rare. Note that this Japanese doll also has neither arms nor legs.
A variety of trees are suitable for making cocktails - from maple and birch to a sophisticated cherry tree. The doll is usually painted in red, black and yellow and decorated with plant motifs, so characteristic of Japanese culture.
Interestingly, at least 11 types of shape stand out from traditional kokesh. The most popular one is Naruko Kokeshi. Her head can turn, and the doll itself makes a sound very similar to a quiet cry. Hence its second name - “crying kokeshi”.
Today there is a wide variety of copyright kokesh. Shapes, body proportions, their colors can be absolutely any. All at the discretion of the master. Pictures of Japanese dolls with an author's design are presented below.
Overall, kokeshi is an extremely popular toy in modern Japan. They symbolize cheerfulness, resilience of the Japanese culture, the continuity of the traditions of their ancestors. They have significant cultural value. Perhaps, according to these characteristics, Japanese nesting dolls are very similar to their Russian "sisters."
These are the assumptions about the origin of the Russian nesting dolls. As it turned out, it is not so traditional for the culture of Russia, as many are used to thinking. One thing is certain: the prototype of collapsible dolls appeared back in ancient times thanks to the efforts and imagination of Japanese masters. What came of this? See for yourself.
Modern nesting dolls
Today sets of collapsible dolls are very popular around the world. In addition to traditional motifs, more and more often masters use their extraordinary and sometimes very bold ideas for painting nesting dolls. So there were nesting dolls depicting political leaders, musical idols, animals. In fact, they show everything that the wizard’s imagination is capable of. The variety is so great that traditional motifs almost completely receded into the background. Perhaps this is the secret of her popularity? Among the huge selection, everyone can find something to their liking.
For animal lovers
There are nesting dolls depicting birds, bears, cats and dogs - all this still recalls the old Russian traditions that have survived from time immemorial. Can these nesting dolls not be touched and charged with a positive?
Presidential dolls and dolls for fans
Another original version of the painting of nesting dolls is the image of the presidents and civil servants of various countries who are still conducting political activities or have already left a mark in the history of mankind.
The current theme for this year is the painting of matryoshka dolls - FIFA 2018. Having preserved the primordial Russian appearance of the blue-eyed beauty, the apron of the matryoshka was decorated with the symbols of the main football competition.