Pregnancy Tests - List. What week of pregnancy are registered

A healthy and calm pregnancy in many ways, of course, depends on the woman. That is why many gynecologists strongly recommend registering in the hospital as early as possible and be observed by a doctor throughout the pregnancy. A woman, especially in the case of her first pregnancy, raises many questions. For example, what tests to take when registering for pregnancy? What examinations to take? Where to do all this? We will try to answer these questions and explain everything as simple as possible, clearly.

How long should I register?

Positive pregnancy test

After the expectant mother conducted a pregnancy test at home and saw a positive result, it is necessary to hurry up and go to the antenatal clinic. At the same time, it is possible to contact not only a regular clinic, but also a paid center where doctors will help to conduct pregnancy and will conduct all the necessary examinations, which may not be available in a free consultation.

The main thing to remember: for registration, the most optimal gestational age is 5-6 weeks. If there is no opportunity to go to the doctor during this period, you can linger a little. But it is undesirable to remain without medical supervision for more than 12 weeks.

What documents are needed?

Pregnancy management

Briefly consider the registration algorithm of a pregnant woman, thanks to which we exclude possible awkward situations and difficulties.

1. Preparation of a package of documents for registration on pregnancy. These include:

  • passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • insurance certificate;
  • pension insurance certificate;
  • an application addressed to the head physician in case you do not apply for consultation at the place of registration;
  • a card with a medical history and the results of previous tests - if there is, this is not necessary, but desirable.

2. Initial examination by a gynecologist, collecting material for analysis and referral to other studies.

3. Obtaining a card, which will describe and reflect the entire process with the results of the tests when registering for pregnancy, ultrasound and much more. You must have this card with you in the maternity ward.

First trick and tests

Primary appointment

At the first appointment, the doctor should do an external examination, record the weight and height, measure the pressure, abdominal circumference and interview the pregnant woman. The doctor should tell in detail the history of the disease - both his own and the future dad. This is done in order to exclude possible deviations and to predict diseases during pregnancy. Next is the range of necessary tests when registering for pregnancy. We conditionally divide the entire complex into two groups: gynecological and others. Groups are by no means divided by importance, they are equivalent, therefore, neither one nor the other should be ignored.

Gynecological tests of a pregnant woman


Registration in the early stages of pregnancy is beneficial for the health of future mothers and babies. First of all, this is due to the fact that in the early stages the identified diseases are easier to treat without harm and with minimal risk to the child.

  1. For this purpose, a swab from the vagina is taken, thanks to which the microflora of this organ is examined for the presence of dangerous bacteria and neoplasms. The analysis reveals gynecological diseases, inflammation in the body and sexually transmitted diseases. This analysis is not taken on its own, it is done by the gynecologist during the examination with a special spatula or stick.
  2. No less significant is bacteriosis on microflora. According to the collection mechanism, the analysis is no different from the previous one. Often, the doctor immediately gives the material for two analyzes. The difference in research orientation, the second narrower. According to the results, you can see the presence of those microorganisms that the expert will not find in the first study.
  3. Additionally, a smear can be taken to detect cancer cells or the presence of formations of any nature. In this case, the material is taken from the cervix.

Such tests must be taken as soon as possible, which is why a favorable period will be 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, a woman can take antibiotics without harm to the child, at the same time, existing diseases will be eliminated. This is the key to a healthy pregnancy.

Non-gynecological research

Ultrasound picture

As we indicated above, in addition to gynecological tests, there is a need to pass additional examinations. They will help to make a general idea of ​​the health and condition of the expectant mother, to note the features and "weaknesses". These tests when registering for pregnancy should be passed as soon as possible, because if the doctor takes the material for the first group of studies, then you have to do it yourself. These analyzes are mandatory.

  1. Among the first is a general urine test. Such an analysis gives a general idea of ​​the state of health of a woman, the number of leukocytes in her body. Deviation to the greater side indicates the presence of inflammation, and the reverse indicates the presence of a serious disease.
  2. Back sowing urine. With it, you can determine the presence of infections in the body of the expectant mother. Only infections of the genitourinary system are detected.
  3. Blood analysis. At this stage, pregnancy has already been confirmed, so the level of hCG does not matter, but you can see the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells, as well as many other indicators.

As a rule, such analyzes are not the only ones. The question of the appropriateness of additional examinations is decided by the doctor.

Additional research

If necessary, if there is evidence, the doctor may prescribe additional studies that will exclude some serious problems. These include:

  1. An additional blood test is done to detect the level of sugar and other substances, trace elements.
  2. A blood test from a vein to determine the presence of diseases - syphilis, hepatitis of various groups, HIV and others.
  3. An important analysis is carried out for hidden diseases and bacteria that can be transmitted to the child. In this case, a fatal outcome is possible. Hidden infections include herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis. This is another argument in favor of early registration for pregnancy: the sooner infections are detected, the faster you can start treatment and prevention.
  4. A blood coagulation test - how fast it is and whether third-party drugs are needed to help with this.
  5. Colposcopy A study that is conducted if a pregnant woman has diseases of the integument of the vagina or uterus. Tracked the process of erosion, colpitis and much more.

Testing frequency

Ultrasound specialist

You do not need to think that all of the above tests should be passed only at the beginning of pregnancy. Upon receipt of the results, the doctor fills out a card and establishes the need for additional or repeated tests. Even perfectly healthy pregnant women should take the test material at least once every trimester. On the recommendation of a doctor, some tests are repeated at 18 and 30 weeks. In the first appointment, the gynecologist forms a preliminary schedule for taking tests. During the second appointment, according to the results of the studies, the doctor must adjust the schedule and form an accurate schedule.

Is there anything else I need besides analysis?

Of course, in addition to passing tests, it is necessary to undergo examination by narrow specialists. The map that we mentioned above will reflect the list of doctors the pregnant woman should go to. These include an otorhinolaryngologist, therapist, dentist, neurologist, cardiologist. If you have a chronic disease, the gynecologist will refer you to other specialists that are specifically for you. Take these techniques with all responsibility, because your health and the condition of your baby depend on this, among other things.

Is all this paid?

Ultrasound in the early stages

The state encourages early registration in maternity welfare clinics, which is why no money will be charged for this. All tests are done for free at the hospital, receptions are also free. In addition, if there was an early registration, the state pays the expectant mother a lump sum. It is issued along with the first cash allowance for pregnancy.

We have tried to answer as fully as possible for you the question of what tests, when registering for pregnancy, you need to take, what are they for, what is the best time to see a doctor, and many others. The main thing is to be healthy and happy, take health seriously and responsibly, follow all the doctor's recommendations.

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