The animal in the house is a big responsibility. It is necessary not only to love him, it is necessary to look after and care. And if you get a bitch, you should understand what will happen to her as she develops and grows up. One of the moments is the onset of the first estrus. We will talk about this and much more in our article.
How to determine that a dog has started estrus?
The estuary is a natural inevitable natural process. So think a few times before you take a bitch. So, how to identify estrus in a dog?
The first comes from six to twelve months, but for some reason it can start in two years. As a rule, after all milk teeth have changed. The first molt is also a harbinger of the offensive. If she did not appear within the prescribed period, you need to contact a veterinarian, this may indicate a hormonal malfunction or signal a different ailment. It takes place twice a year, if more often - an alarming sign. In healthy bitches, idleness is twenty days, plus one to two days.
You see how serious this is, so when a girl puppy is brought on unconsciously, the first empty place causes panic and fear. In our article we will talk about this in detail.
The first thing you involuntarily pay attention to is the swelling of the loop (vulva). And then the following signs appear:
- The dog often begins to urinate.
- Blood is released from the loop, droplets of which are visible on the floor. Moreover, they are dark in color at the beginning.
- When entering the street, you will notice the increased interest of males in your bitch.
- The estuary may be accompanied by molting.
- The pet's appetite improves.
- Sometimes anxiety arises.
- Salivation appears.
- Pupils may expand.
With the first estrus, the character of the dog changes. Big bitches become aggressive, stop following commands, bark a lot, small bitches, on the contrary, become more fun and mobile. This applies, for example, dachshunds.
Another sign when you notice that the dog constantly licks the vagina, this is directly the beginning of estrus.
A very important point in the first heat dog can not become pregnant. Therefore, walking the bitch, keep her on a leash. She will in every way attract dogs, take a certain pose, raise her tail. Only you can protect her from unwanted conception. Now we know how to determine the approach of estrus in a dog.
Signs of the first empty space and duration
The exact number of days cannot be determined. You can ask the owners of the pet’s mother how long her first estrus lasted. As a rule, these physiological characteristics are inherited by the puppies.
The first estrus will be the fastest. Sometimes it can be accompanied by a very small amount of spotting and the absolute indifference of males to the empty bitch. The process is also hidden. According to veterinarians, it can rapidly begin and also end. Ovulation in this case does not occur. But this applies to the first empty space, the next must be carefully prepared.
Watch the physiological condition of the dog
With the onset of estrus, the female spins her tail to facilitate the mating process called “flagging”. This standing can be provoked by intensively scratching the vulva. If the hind legs snuggle up and freeze, the tail moves away, a wave-like muscle contraction runs along the back, which means the bitch is flags.
Now it becomes more clear how to determine estrus in dogs. In this difficult period, it is necessary to take special care and attention to your pet.
How to determine the day of estrus in a dog?
We already know that it takes place twice a year, with an interval of six months. This will help determine the day of the next estrus. Do not worry if the time interval between estrus is 4-8 months, it is different for all dogs. It usually lasts three, four weeks.
How the estrus occurs in stages
Consider the stages:
- Proestrus. (Forerunner from 7-10 days). The dog has already started bloody discharge. Special hygiene pants are sold, for all breeds, for every taste, they will protect the pet from unwanted pregnancy, and infections and help keep the house clean.
- Estrus. (Hunting from 4-12 days). Allocations acquire a pale shade, or disappear altogether. At this point, the bitch is ready for mating. If you plan to acquire offspring, you must pair it with a male on the second, third day from the start of the cycle, it turns out on the 10th, 11th day. This is ovulation - the egg leaves the ovary.
- Metaestrus. From 17-22 days. Allocations are uploaded. The swollen loop decreases, the dog comes into the usual state of sexual rest, drives away males.
- Anestrus. The recovery period of the animal.
Let's look at an example of a photo on how to determine estrus in a dog.
Forerunner period
How to determine the onset of estrus in dogs, we figured out, let's talk about the initial stage. The bitch's behavior changes. She is easily excitable, restless. He stops for a long time in places where males leave marks, marking the area with urine. He can jump on males, play with his tail, but at the same time, growls and bounces, and then returns again. The knit is not the time. At the initial stage, the pet does not allow males, because the uterus is not yet ready for fertilization, and she does not see the point in mating. But when the blood stains are replaced by thick mucous clots of beige color, then the time has come.
Mating readiness
We learned when and how to determine the first estrus in dogs. Go to the next step. So, the best time for mating is 9-17, and some females have 21 days. As soon as the discharge becomes transparent or disappears, you can begin to mate. In some dogs, estrus practically does not happen, therefore, it is possible to reduce immediately as the loop swells.
Third stage
Now we will learn how to determine the end of estrus in dogs. At this stage, the natural processes in the uterus begin to recover. This period is from 60 to 105 days, the bitch will drive the dogs away. After the first estrus, an increase in the sternum and loop can be observed. There is no blood in the third stage. The genitals take on their former appearance, and the level of pregnancy hormone (progesterone) in the body increases, which will be at the time of pregnancy and in its absence. False pregnancy may occur at this time. This is when fertilization after mating did not happen, but mental and physiological disorders occur.
The dog will act like a pregnant. Look for a secluded place, picking up warm household items. Place soft toys in a nest. Moreover, her nipples may swell, from which milk will even stand out. In this case, the owners need to take care of the end of lactation. To do this, you should limit drinking, servings of food, exclude dry food and spend more time in the fresh air, trying in every possible way to distract the pet from the "nest" and false motherhood.
Final fourth stage
We already know how to determine that the dog is in heat, we proceed to the last stage. Stage of absolute sexual rest. It lasts 100-150 days. A healthy pet has a void held twice a year, for example, in late summer and mid-winter. In case of any deviations, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. So, we figured out how to determine estrus in dogs.
How to behave with a dog during estrus?
We learned how to determine estrus in a dog, now once again we will summarize what needs to be done in this difficult period. The following rules must be followed:
- When going outside, keep the pet on a leash.
- Do not allow males to her.
- Avoid places with a lot of dogs.
- Make every effort so that the bitch does not catch an infection, does not get cold.
- It is forbidden to swim in public waters.
For cleanliness in the house, use special hygiene pants, which should be of high quality, not have rough seams. See that they do not squeeze the stomach and genitals. It is very important to check the gum that can rub and cut. If the dog has a tail, make sure there is a special hole in them. The fabric is worth choosing waterproof. Dog handlers argue that it is better if the dog herself licks blood during a vacuum. It is good for physical and mental health. If you go along this difficult path, then remove all the carpets in the house.
As the pet ages, the number of leeks and their duration will also decrease. But it should be borne in mind that even in old age when mating, there is a very high probability of becoming pregnant.
More tips to help alleviate pet discomfort
Despite the fact that during this period their appetite increases, it is strictly forbidden to overfeed the animal. It is also necessary to reduce locomotor activity, do not let the pet overcome high barriers. When meeting a persistent dog, it is better to take the female to a safe place. And in no case do not scold for frequent urination, it is nature against which you will not do anything. And yet, it is not worth during this period to train the dog new teams.
Is vaccination possible during estrus?
Definitely not. The animal is vaccinated at a young age. The vaccine is given only to a healthy dog. The estrus is not a disease, but there are definitely changes in the body. If the vaccination period coincides with the void, it is better to postpone this moment. You can vaccinate a bitch after estrus. And not immediately, but after a certain number of days. And it is better to be vaccinated before estrus, well in advance of its onset, otherwise it will be ineffective and may harm.
Is it possible to anthelmintic a dog during estrus?
This procedure must be carried out twice a year, two weeks before the start of the blank. Especially if you decide to knit a pet. The procedure will be effective and will not cause harm to health.
How to bathe an animal during estrus?
Of course, hygiene is simply necessary so that the dog does not catch an infection. But here you should be careful. You can not swim in open water, rivers and lakes. An animal can get an inflammatory process. Coming from a walk, it is not necessary to completely wash the dog, you can rinse your paws in the bath. After water procedures, make sure that the animal does not sit on a cold floor.
Is sterilization possible during estrus?
In general, this is a scrupulous and delicate question for every dog owner. This operation can be performed while empty, but not advisable. It is carried out in two ways:
- By tubal ligation. The estrus continues, it will be possible to knit, but fertilization will not occur.
- Removal of the ovaries. This method not only eliminates the likelihood of pregnancy, but also estrus itself.
As a rule, they resort to this operation in case of a disease of the genital organs of the pet, you can stop the development of breast cancer and a tumor of the uterus. Sterilization is also carried out during pregnancy, but at the earliest possible date, but this cannot be done with a false one.
Thus, sterilization can save the animal’s life and, of course, save the owners from unnecessary trouble. But if the bitch is healthy and suitable for the reproduction of offspring, the right decision will be to find a suitable male and mating.
So, we learned when the first estrus begins in dogs, how it proceeds, stages and signs. The main thing is not to panic. It is better to prepare in advance, read the necessary information and follow the rules for care and upkeep during this difficult period for both the bitch and the owners. You need to be patient, not angry, because the animal is not guilty that this natural process is irreversible in his life.