When the time of winter cold comes, most of us settle in our dwellings in front of blue screens with a hot cup of tea and lose all interest in games and walks in the fresh air. But this is so boring. Of course, not everyone can learn ice skating or skiing, but don’t discount skiing. This winter fun brings extremely positive emotions! True, this is only when the sled is comfortable and safe. Fortunately, today you can buy quite comfortable inflatable sleds. Perhaps you already have a fair question: "How to choose a tubing for skiing?" Then do not delay with its acquisition! In addition, many have already recognized that this is the most acceptable option, because it is considered safer in comparison with traditional sleds.
Universal tubing
Tubing got its name from its English counterpart tube, which means "pipe" in translation. This device has a lot of undeniable advantages. Therefore, when you become familiar with even some of them, you will even want to learn more about how to choose a tubing. The reviews of all who are fortunate enough to acquire this invention are the best.
Firstly, it rides not only in the snow, but also in the water, which can significantly diversify summer vacations for any person. Secondly, tubing is suitable for both adults and children. Thirdly, the product itself is much lighter than ordinary sledges, it has convenient handles and protective mounts. In addition, there are varieties that can withstand several people at the same time. Believe me, such skiing will bring you great impressions of extreme descents and trips, even in spite of frosty air or cool moisture.
Inflatable sled equipment
However, in order not to spoil your most positive impressions, you need to find out which tubing to choose. After that, it will be easier for you to make a successful purchase. First of all, what you should pay attention to is the material from which it is made. This criterion affects longevity and speed while riding. The tubing casing should be made of reinforced PVC fabric. Polyvinyl chloride products slip better, more wear-resistant and reliable. Also, inflatable sledges can be created using additional less durable and not protected from hooks synthetic materials: nylon, cordura, polyoxford. Such fabrics have very bizarre colors, which will only add a characteristic personality to your tubing.
The bottom of the sled must be made of PVC with the highest possible density. How to choose a tubing? The higher the product’s performance, the greater its severity. However, the mass also increases, so the base should be more durable (900 g / m 2 ), and 650 g / m 2 is enough for the upper part. If you are going to ride rarely, it is better to purchase a simpler tubing. In the case when it will be used almost every day, choose a product from a more durable material.
It is also necessary to make sure that the structure has no defects, and that the air is evenly placed in it. And in addition to everything, the tubing shell should have double firmware, and the seams should additionally be protected by a sling. As a result, the inflatable sled, consisting entirely of PVC, is stronger, and the synthetic surface protects against injuries and damage. For ice slides, sledges with a plastic bottom are most suitable.
How to choose the right diameter?
Already chosen an inflatable sled by their appearance, and do you like them? Do not rush to immediately purchase the product until you decide on the size. First of all, special attention should be paid to the seat. It should be comfortable and deep enough.
In addition, you need to know the exact ratio of your height to the diameter of the product itself, and choose tubing based on these parameters. How to choose the size? There are various circles, the size of which varies between 60-150 cm. However, there are both large and smaller volumes. It is important to know that manufacturers often indicate diameters of products in a deflated state. When pumping, all sizes become a little smaller.
Now let's talk about how to choose a tubing. In the case when the person’s height is within 2 m, or if you plan to ride together, choose a diameter of 120-125 cm. When the height is less than or exactly 1.75 m, the outer diameter should correspond to 110-115 cm. However, these criteria relative. Everyone should select the inventory in accordance with their personal parameters. But do not forget, the larger the size of the inflatable sled, the less acceleration, and the friction from this only increases.
Take care of your baby
The main selection criteria for children are almost the same, but there are some nuances. If the child is very small, care must be taken to ensure that he can freely reach the pens. Feet should be slightly in contact with the ground, but the distance should not exceed the norm up to 10 cm. If you suddenly got tubing of a larger diameter than necessary, it is better to ride together.
However, when the baby for the first time in his life slides down the hill, it is advisable to ride with him several times. This is necessary in order to make it easier for him in the future to independently manage the device. It is important to pay special attention to the slides from which your child is going to descend. When the child slides down the hill, you will need to climb it later.
How to choose tubing if the snow track is not equipped with the necessary lifts for this? The weight of the inflatable sled must be suitable in order to lift it yourself. However, do not forget: the higher the slide, the larger the product should be. If it is small or too large, skating will not bring the expected pleasure to any of you!
Sizes of inflatable sledges for children
Now consider how to choose a tubing for a child. For a teenager of 14 years old whose height does not exceed 1.4 m, an external tubing size corresponding to 95-110 cm is suitable. If the height of a child aged 5-14 years is not more than 1 m, you should choose a product with a diameter of 80-90 cm. 2-6 years old, it is necessary to purchase an inflatable sled with parameters of 65-85 cm.
What is tubing inside?
In quality tubing, car cameras are used as the basis. Filling in the form of an inflatable circle of various configurations is unacceptable! If you want to buy a camera separately, you should be very careful about such an acquisition. Firstly, the domestic manufacturer has better cameras, since they are more durable. Secondly, if you opted for a less expensive option, then do not be discouraged when on one beautiful day ›› it bursts. Always ask the seller about the manufacturer, and try not to save in this case.
Basically, the camera corresponds to the diameter of the inflatable sled. However, sometimes other diameters are also installed. It all depends on the desired result. If the camera is smaller, it needs to be pumped up more, this will add rigidity, and the device will slide better. Therefore, when a large-sized camera is used, the product becomes softer for descent over more elevated terrain, but the sliding force will suffer significantly.
Check all fixtures
Any inflatable sled must be equipped with a loop for transportation. In addition, with special care it is necessary to check the reliability of its attachment to the tubing. One situation is when you are going to use the leash solely in order to lift the sled up the hill or ride a child on them. In this case, a rope tied to a loop of 1.5 m in length will be sufficient.
Another situation, if you decide to ride a snowmobile or in the summer for a jet ski or boat. Then you need to purchase a product with more reliable mounts. In this case, a tow rope is used, the length of which is up to 4 m. It is fixed along the entire diameter of the circle, which prevents the tubing from spinning while riding.
And the last thing on which I would like to stop your attention when thinking about how to choose a tubing is pens! They are mainly made of the same material as the cable. Sometimes, for more convenient use, they can be sheathed with fabric, and inside are filled with, for example, foam rubber. There are plastic or rubber inserts. However, the most reliable and practical handles are made of PVC. Then they are glued with a certain glue, and for greater reliability they are also rolled with a steel roller.
In any case, carefully examine all the mounts. Remember, the most unreliable version of pens is when they are simply sewn onto the sheath material. This can result in serious damage and personal injury. The safest fastening when they are firmly sewn to the cable reinforced by the insert. As a result of this, the correct load distribution occurs, and the fabric is reliably protected.
Proper use and storage
Now you already know almost everything about how to choose a tubing. However, using the product itself also requires you to follow some simple tips and tricks. This will extend the life of your product, and prevent possible injury and damage. Since the model is not equipped with a brake, be careful! Keep your focus on other skiers during your descent. Do not jump on it, and do not control it while standing. Ride exclusively on snowy terrain with a slope of no more than 25 degrees, away from trees and shrubs.
If we are talking about water tubing, then the main danger for it may be stones protruding above the water, fishing tackle, reed. In no case do not drag it to a pond on a pebble or sand, move it only in your hands. The product is recommended to be stored in the inflated form for no more than 10 days. However, when it is blown away, do not forget to dry it first.