Each pet owner is required to carefully monitor his state of health and behavior. This will help in time to navigate and help your pet. Caring owners often wonder why the budgerigar trembles and often breathes. The owner needs to know what to do in this case, because such a condition of the bird can be a sign of disease.
Specialists identify several reasons that can cause this behavior. If trembling is repeated regularly, you should contact the clinic. Diagnosing a veterinarian will help pinpoint the problem. But theoretical knowledge will help identify changes to any owner. Below we’ll take a closer look at why the budgie is shaking and how to help it.
What causes anxiety
There can be many causes of trembling in a budgie. These include:
- hypothermia;
- stress;
- loud noise;
- avitaminosis;
- contaminated air;
- various diseases.
Below we consider each factor in more detail.
So why is the budgie trembling? The most commonplace cause may be hypothermia of the pet. The owner of the bird should remember that it is very sensitive to drafts and temperature fluctuations. The air in the room in which the parrot lives should be warmed up to at least 18 degrees. In the cold season and when airing, the bird cage must be moved to the next room, where the windows will be closed.
To warm the parrot, you must put the lamp at a distance of at least 0.5 meters from the cage. At the same time, the cage on one side is curtained with fabric to create a shadow, and the bird could choose a place with the temperature necessary for itself. However, you should not overheat the pet, in which case it will have observed: breathing with an open beak, dyspnea, spread wings.
Why does the budgie tremble and often breathe? Another reason could be stress. Often the bird begins to shake with fear. A variety of circumstances can scare a pet. Most often, the parrot begins to worry about moving to a new place of residence. As a rule, the bird gets used to new housing within three days. During this period, the pet needs to ensure peace, you should not stand in front of him for a long time, let him out of the cage, train or speak loudly next to him.
To calm the pet, you need to gently treat the bird, speak quietly and give it a treat. If after three days the pet has not adapted, then it is important to understand why the budgerigar is trembling. The reason for this condition is most likely not stress. However, it is worth knowing that in some cases birds get used to new housing for up to 10 days. At this time, the parrot can behave quite aggressively: throwing at objects located in the cage, it may not like the feeding trough, the perch, or anything else. In such a situation, the annoying item is best removed so as not to irritate the bird.
Loud noise
It is very important to understand in time why the budgerigar is trembling. The reason, for example, may be the noise in the room. Therefore, the place where the pet is kept should be quiet, and you should not scream or turn on loud music near the cage. In addition, the bird may be scared by children or other animals. If the wings of a budgie are trembling, then it is necessary to find out if the kids are noisy near the cage or if someone has approached it. It should be explained to each member of the family that the bird is a living creature and should be treated with care.
A monotonous diet can cause a lack of vitamins. This also explains why the budgerigar is constantly trembling. Other signs of vitamin deficiency include fluttering wings, lack of appetite, ruffled feathers, and indifference to what is happening. In such a situation, it is necessary to diversify the bird menu. He should be given greens, various grain mixtures, fruits and vegetables. After consultation with a veterinarian, you can buy a vitamin-mineral complex for a parrot. Doing this yourself is not necessary, since multivitamins have many contraindications. Only a doctor can choose the right dosage and the necessary drug that will suit a particular bird.
Contaminated air
Parrots have a special breathing system, it includes several air sacs. During the flight, these bags control body temperature, prevent overheating, and enrich all internal systems and organs with oxygen several times better than in mammals.
This breathing system is very sensitive to various impurities in the air. Toxic particles and pungent odors can be fatal, so make sure that you don’t spray around the cell: perfumes, household sprays, tobacco smoke, air fresheners. During the repair period in the apartment with the use of varnishes and paints, glue, other substances with a pungent smell, the parrot should be left with relatives or friends. Toxin poisoning is difficult to treat, as it adversely affects the central nervous system and respiratory system.
A situation explaining why the budgerigar trembles and chokes, and liquid droppings, can become a disease. The presence of the following symptoms suggests that the pet should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible:
- for unknown reasons, the bird refuses to eat;
- there are stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation);
- purulent discharge from the nose;
- vomiting
- lack of coordination;
- cramps
- respiratory distress;
- the pet is lethargic, indifferent to everything, sits crackling in one place, his eyes are closed;
- the pet constantly itches, feathers drop out or he plucks them out to himself (most often this behavior is observed if the bird has a tick or fungus);
- the pet makes strange sounds, his voice has changed.
A thorough examination of the pet will help to understand why the budgerigar is trembling and squeezing the foot. The cause may be hiding in the presence of injury or any other damage. Each breeder should know if, in addition to shivering, the pet has at least one of the above symptoms, it must be shown to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
What symptoms indicate
The correct diagnosis can only be made by a doctor, because in many diseases the symptoms can be similar to each other. The above signs indicate the presence of one of the following pathologies:
- fungal infection or viral infection;
- diseases of the internal organs;
- allergy;
- helminthic invasion;
- poisoning and so on.
Among the possible causes of trembling may be: colds, pathologies of the eyes, ears, beak and wings. Self-diagnosis is fraught with dangerous consequences, as the disease can progress and the bird will die. Experts do not recommend giving the pet medicine on the advice of acquaintances or friends.
First aid
First you need to find out why the budgie is trembling, tweeting and hawking. If the cause is cold, you can take the bird in your arms and wrap it in cloth. It should be soft and warm.
When a pet trembles because of fear, it is necessary to eliminate its source: mute the TV, music, remove children and other pets from the cage, talk to the bird in a calm and gentle voice. After a while, the bird will calm down, and the trembling will disappear.
If there are symptoms of any disease, the parrot must be taken to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible. To do this, the bottom of the box is covered with a soft cloth, a bird is placed there and thus transported to the doctor.
If the feathered friend has an open wound, it should be treated with hydrogen peroxide. It is not recommended to use an alcoholic solution of brilliant green or iodine.
Without the help of a veterinarian, you can eliminate shivering only if it is caused by stress or cold. But when it is a sign of injury or illness, you cannot cope with the problem yourself. It must be remembered that with a delay in treatment, the life of the pet is in danger.
The parrot is considered a social bird, it needs communication, so the owner should devote more time to the pet. And noticing the strange behavior of the pet: trembling, dyspepsia, lethargy, and others, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for help.