Many of those who have encountered installing or reinstalling Windows systems know that in most cases external media such as optical disks or USB drives are used to carry out this operation . If you try to run the installation file from the hard drive, the user will not get the desired result. Therefore, for Windows 7, installation from a hard disk should be performed using completely different methods. For the average user, there are five main options that we will discuss now.
Windows 7: installation from the hard drive. Installation options
So, we will consider some directions in the installation of the seventh version of the system. Among the main options are the following:
- installation on top of the old "seven";
- installation as a second OS;
- ;
- ;
- HDD.
, , . , , Windows 7 . . .
, .
, 32 16 , x64 – 20 . , , Windows.old. ( ). .
, , Windows 7 , . , C, . , .
, ( D). , , , . Setup.exe Archive, Windows 7, .
Windows 7 , . .
Windows 7 : ?
. , , (Boot). – .
, , , MBR. Daemon Tools EasyBCD.
, , . , , , , . , .
Windows 7, , . D. ( ). ( , ).
Windows 7, . .
Window 7. , .
Daemon Tools , . ( ).
EasyBCD , WinPE, « », boot.wim.
, . «».
Windows 7
, , . .
Windows F8 ( Windows 10) ( ). , , , , .
- X:\>windows\system32>E;
- E:>setup.exe
. DOS Windows . , , , , . , . , .
, Windows 7. . , HDD.
BOOTICE , Windows 7, ( bootmgr).
MBR GRUB4DOS. . , ().
bootmgr GRLDR, . , ( ), . , Windows 7. . , .
Windows 7
, «» , , USB-HDD. ? !
: ? USB- , . () . « » ( ) . «» , .
, , , , WMWare Hyper-V . . . , , . !
. , Windows 7 ? . BIOS, .
, sfc /scannow chkntfs x/ c ( C). «», . . … HDD Regenerator, , .
, ImageX, Windows AIK, . , PWBoot , . ?
! , VHD . , VHD- , BIOS. BIOS UEFI ( ) . Windows 7 . .
Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that the simplest is the ideal solution. The use of specific methods with the creation of boot sectors, the ordinary user will not use. It's obvious. But the system update technique looks much simpler, but it also has its drawbacks. In general, it is better to make a “clean” installation by first copying the necessary information to another medium.