The on-screen keyboard is a very useful tool for Windows. It can be useful in a variety of conditions. If the standard keyboard suddenly breaks down - you can turn on the screen to understand what the problem is, or to complete an important job. The on-screen keyboard turns on very quickly and easily. But not everyone understands how to remove it. This is done quite simply.
On-Screen Keyboard Activation
Before you figure out how to remove the on-screen keyboard, you should know how to activate it. This is done very easily. If the computer has a password, then when you turn it on, right below the password entry line there will be a small keyboard icon. You just need to click on it and the on-screen keyboard is immediately activated.
If the password is not used, you need to:
- go to the control panel;
- further to the tab "Accessibility";
- a new window opens where you need to select the "Accessibility Center";
- Once again, a new page opens, where you already need to select the option to enable the on-screen keyboard.
After these simple actions, the tool will start, and you can use it for any purpose using a regular mouse. Now it's time to figure out how to remove the on-screen keyboard.
How is deactivation done?
In order to temporarily disable the on-screen keyboard, just close it. Sometimes it just collapses and appears in hidden icons, so it needs to be deactivated from there. After these easy actions, it will disappear. Well - figured out how to remove the on-screen keyboard? But everything is not always simple. Sometimes it happens that it reappears after a computer reboot, that is, every time it starts / reboots, this function is turned on again. This is done so that the user does not waste time each time to enable the function. But the computer is clogged from this, and the more items in the startup menu - the slower it loads. Solving this problem is easy. You need to remove the on-screen keyboard from startup as soon as possible.
Keyboard Deactivation:
- go to the control panel;
- go to the "Accessibility" section, and from there - to the "Accessibility Center" tab;
- we see the button "Use (or use) a computer without a mouse and keyboard", click on it;
- a new page opens where you just need to uncheck the box next to "Use the on-screen keyboard."
After these steps, the program will not be activated every time you start Windows. This method works on Windows Vista, XP, 7, 10. Although the on-screen keyboard is a very useful tool, its autoload on weak devices can greatly slow down the time it takes to turn on the computer as a whole. So if the program is not used, it is better to disable it.
Now it’s clear how to remove the on-screen keyboard at startup. This is very easy, and in some cases it is simply necessary, because weak devices work even slower than they did before. Activation and deactivation takes only a few seconds, you just need to know how to do it.
An activated on-screen keyboard does not use computer resources, so this tool can interfere only at boot time.