Methods to fix "xlive.dll is missing" error

It's no secret that many people buy a computer for games. But what disappointment catches them when when they try to start a particular game, they see an error. In this article we will talk about the moments when the error "xlive.dll is missing" appears. A definition will be given of this phenomenon, the causes of occurrence will be described, and methods of troubleshooting will be provided. Read the article to the end and you will learn how to run your favorite game on the computer.


xlive dll is missing

As mentioned above, first we will deal with the definition of the error "xlive.dll is missing." We will try to answer the question of what kind of file it is and why it is needed at all for launching games.

, xlive.dll , Games for Windows. , , . , - .

, , , , , .

, "xlive.dll ". :

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .

, , . , , xlive.dll. . , , - , , . .

№ 1:

, xlive.dll Games for Windows, , "xlive.dll ", - . , .

  1. Microsoft. , " Games for Windows" .
  2. ,
  3. "".

, , .

№ 2:

. , . "xlive.dll ", . .

, , . , , . . , :

  1. " xlive.dll".
  2. , , .
  3. .
  4. System32, Windows . 64- , SysWOW64, .

xlive dll is missing what to do

№ 3:

" xlive.dll" , .

, . :

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .
  5. "".

no error xlive dll

, . , , , .

№ 4: DLL Suite

, - DLL Suite. , , .

  1. .
  2. " DLL", .
  3. .
  4. "".
  5. .
  6. Click "Download" next to the desired version of the file.

missing xlive dll file

As a result, a window appears in which you need to lay the path to the directory where the file will be installed. If you don’t know which directory is needed, then leave it as it is, most often the program automatically detects this.

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