Review: Best iPad Apps

In this article we will consider the best free programs for the iPad. The list of these applications includes only the most popular and sought-after files. If you recently bought an iPad, you should definitely try them out. The “Best iPad Apps” list includes apps from a wide variety of categories. There are games, widgets, office assistants, etc. So, the best programs for iPad will be presented below.

Angry Birds HD Free

Almost every smartphone and tablet user has heard of this game. And this is not surprising, because the developers offer not just another bauble, but a real adventure. With this application, you can have fun while away for quite some time. In total, the game features 15 levels, which are divided into five episodes.

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The weather channel

? , , ? . . The Weather Channel . , . .


Ipad , . Netflix . . , (, , ..).


Skype. . , , . .

best free ipad software


. . Kindle Amazon, , , .. , , , .

ABC Player

« iPad» ABC Player, . . , .

Pandora Radio

- ? , . , .

best ipad software
Angry Birds Rio HD Free

« iPad» Angry Birds. . . . --.


. CNN, .

Google Earth

« iPad» Google Earth. , . iPad  , . . 

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