Hyaluronic acid during pregnancy: is it possible to prick, the effect on the body, all the pros and cons

Pregnancy has a different effect on every woman. In some, the hair becomes shiny, and the skin of the face glows. In others, on the contrary, the face becomes flabby and dry. Some ladies experienced similar problems even before conception and used hyaluronic acid injections to correct this condition. Therefore, it is not surprising that the question arises of whether hyaluronic acid will affect the baby, can it be used during pregnancy? If this is acceptable, it is advisable to find out which method to use for this. After all, it is used in the form of injections and is part of the creams that are prepared on its basis.

pregnancy and hyaluronic acid injections

Purpose of hyaluronic acid

Acid is a natural compound belonging to the group of polysaccharides. Hyaluronic acid is produced in vivo. Its producers are fibroblasts. Its main purpose is to bind collagen fibers. This is achieved by filling the intercellular space with it. The skin is moisturized, and the acid itself is a powerful antioxidant. In appearance, it is similar to a transparent gel. The mechanism of its action is associated with the retention of a large number of water molecules.

Effect on the body of hyaluronic acid

The peak of its production occurs at the age of 20 years. Then its amount in the body begins to gradually decrease. As a result, the skin becomes dull, the first wrinkles begin to express themselves. Many factors contribute to the artificial reduction in hyaluronic acid. These include bad habits and an excessively long exposure to the open sun. A deficiency of certain minerals also leads to a decrease in its content.

Hyaluronic acid is rightly called the queen in cosmetology. We also learned how to synthesize it using animal raw materials. It is one of the components of various creams, masks, mesococtails. It can be used as an injection. Some women often use biorevitalization and contouring. This helps to correct the processes associated with facial skin aging. But you should immediately make a reservation that a woman should not do hyaluronic acid injections during pregnancy.

hyaluronic acid

Acid and cosmetology

The use of such a polysaccharide is a good way of biostimulation and hydration. Injections help smooth out wrinkles, while the skin takes on a youthful appearance. The course involves four half-hour procedures. Two such courses are allowed per year, and this is determined by the physiological characteristics of the woman.

In addition, using a similar polysaccharide, various cosmetics are prepared. It is this method that is available for a woman in pregnancy, since injections of hyaluronic acid during pregnancy are undesirable. During pregnancy, a woman uses lotions, masks, scrubs prepared using this polysaccharide.


Important! If enzyme preparations are taken at the same time, the effectiveness is reduced. Using a similar tool, biological rejuvenation can be achieved:

  1. Quick effect and its pronounced duration (up to 10 months).
  2. The skin improves its turgor, sufficient moisture is acquired.
  3. The natural synthesis of hyaluronic acid is stimulated.
  4. Improves your face tone.
  5. Skin regeneration is enhanced.
  6. Tenderness and brightness acquire lips.
  7. Violations in the oval of the face are corrected.
  8. Cells are reliably protected from aging.
  9. The relief structure of the skin is leveled.
  10. Scars soften, stretch marks are smoothed.
  11. Complete disappearance of facial wrinkles, and deep formations are masked.

Acid is also used in capsule form. The duration of the course is 2 months. The result is saturation of the body with a polysaccharide, which is identical to the natural compound. This method of using hyaluronic acid during pregnancy is possible, but only after consulting a doctor.

Medical use

The location of hyaluronic acid is not only the skin. It also contains tendons, joints, organs of vision. Using hyaluronic acid, various drugs are made. They treat various pathologies:

  • rheumatoid conditions, joint damage with arthritis;
  • local treatment of burns and wounds;
  • it is used for tissue transplantation as a means of preventing rejection;
  • pathology of the organ of vision, acid prevents retinal detachment, it is used in operations when the cornea is transplanted.

With age, fibroblast depletion occurs. The result is that the body annually loses 3% of the stocks of hyaluronic acid.

hyaluronic acid during pregnancy

Use of acid during pregnancy

Pregnancy never runs smoothly. It is associated with both pleasant events and serious trials. There are many changes, but women react especially painfully to changes in their appearance. The skin becomes dull, sometimes even peeling can be observed. Naturally, women try to correct these shortcomings with the help of creams and various procedures. And many have a question, is it possible to prick hyaluronic acid during pregnancy.

There are a lot of opinions about the possibility of using hyaluronic acid during this period, but everyone is unanimous that injections should not be used. Such an opinion is expressed by gynecologists, immunologists, and therapeutic specialists. But cosmetologists have a different opinion. They believe that it is possible to use hyaluronic acid injections during pregnancy, and this will not affect the condition of the fetus. True, they agree that before this, women should be examined by specialized specialists.

The woman’s desire to look attractive is understandable, but it is also necessary to think about the consequences. It is not only about the condition of the unborn child. During pregnancy, the woman’s body is in a state of rapid hormonal changes. An additional injection of hyaluronic acid can lead to unpredictable consequences, ranging from deterioration of the skin to the development of severe allergic reactions.

Of course, such manifestations may not be observed, but it is better not to risk it and postpone such manipulations until other times.

beauty injections

Possible Risks and Limitations

With the injection route of administration, not only this compound enters the body, but also some of the animal protein products, various representatives of microflora. These components are considered by the body's immune system as foreign agents. This can cause an allergic reaction. We should not forget that in a pregnant woman the possibility of developing an allergy in itself increases several times. The way out of this situation is the search for highly effective methods of purification of hyaluronic acid from impurities. Scientists are working intensively on this.

There is a certain risk that this polysaccharide may be found in breast milk (colostrum). It begins to be produced immediately after conception. No one will guarantee that it will not affect its further development. It can simply disappear, and then the baby’s diet will consist only of artificial nutritional mixtures. And the presence of a substance in milk can cause allergic reactions in the baby.

There is evidence that this compound can easily penetrate the placental barrier.

acid injections during pregnancy - yes or no

List of contraindications

Hyaluronic acid can not be used in the presence of the following situations:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation. It’s not worth the risk. You should wait for better times.
  2. It can not be used in the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin of the face.
  3. The presence of common infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology.
  4. The acute phase of acne and furunculosis.
  5. Any form of blood coagulation disorder. Any injection at the same time threatens to turn into a decent hematoma.
  6. The presence of a predisposition to keloid scarring.
  7. Hyaluronic acid should not be used if procedures related to chemical and laser peeling were performed less than a month ago. The skin after them needs sufficient rest. Otherwise, severe inflammation cannot be avoided.
  8. Use in the presence of individual hypersensitivity is contraindicated.

The possibility of side effects

Such phenomena can indeed occur, and they are localized at the injection site:

  • sensation of severe itching;
  • at the injection site there is a slight swelling and redness;
  • minor pain may occur;
  • the development of hematomas is likely.

Over time, all these phenomena pass spontaneously. This will take 3 to 5 days. It is necessary to limit yourself to physical activity and sunbathing. No one prohibits the administration of hyaluronic acid before pregnancy. But we should not forget that after 6 months a second course will be required. At this time, the woman will already be in a state of pregnancy. Therefore, you have to make a choice - beauty or health.

hyaluronic acid injections

Alternative injections during pregnancy

External use in the form of various cosmetics during pregnancy has no contraindications. In addition, in this embodiment, using acid is much more convenient. But the use of such cosmetics should also be with great care. It is possible that a pregnant woman may develop dermatitis in response to this. As a result, a lifelong allergy can be acquired.

In general, a pregnant woman is not recommended to use any decorative cosmetics. A practical lady will always find in her arsenal a couple of recipes for home masks and scrubs based on natural natural remedies. Their use will be absolutely safe, and the effect will be no worse. The abundance of vegetables and fruits is a good basis for their preparation.

pregnancy and hyaluronic acid

Little conclusion

As an answer to the main question, is it possible to inject hyaluronic acid during pregnancy, we can say that it is better not to use it in any form. Better to wait and wait for a more favorable moment. Well, those who are determined to use it can be advised to consult with a specialist. After all, not only the health of the woman herself, but also the condition of her unborn child is put on the scales. And this must always be remembered.

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