Baby food "Subject": product description, photo

Baby food “Subject” is a natural product for young consumers aged 6 months to 3 years, which is specially designed taking into account their individual growth characteristics. Quality and price match each other.

"Theme" - baby food. Photo and description
baby food photo theme

It is known that proper nutrition, especially in childhood, is the key to good health of the baby. After all, the body of a baby differs from an adult in its rapid and active growth. It is very important for him to get all the necessary useful substances on time, since the child forms all vital systems and their organs up to a year old. In this case, food is the only source that provides the child’s body with vitamins and minerals for building tissues.

To produce products balanced for the content of nutrients for children is the main credo of Unimilk company. The manufacturer takes into account the fact that the need for energy and nutrients changes with the age of the child, as the development of his body occurs gradually. Therefore, baby food "Subject" is made specifically for the age-related changes of the baby.

Brief information about the manufacturer

baby food theme

The company, which produces baby food "Subject", was founded in 1961. It all started from the Kiev City Dairy Plant No. 2. At that time, this enterprise was equipped with the latest technology and produced products that were very popular among the people of Kiev. In the early 80s, the plant underwent a full-scale reconstruction. After that, Kiev City Dairy Plant No. 2 became the leading enterprise in the Soviet Union.

On the basis of the aforementioned enterprise, in 1995 the Galacton company was founded.

Today, the Galacton company has a new name - Unimilk. It was with their curds, which were produced in a package of 50 grams, that the Tema brand first became known among the population. The manufacturer produces baby food using new modern technology in accordance with international standards.

In the spring of 2014, Unimilk launched a new line for the production of dairy products for small consumers older than 8 months.

Brief description of the topic products

baby food theme reviews

Baby food from the Tema brand is represented by the following products:

  • bio-curd (with pear, apple and carrots, blueberries, apricot, banana);
  • fortified kefir (fat content of 3.2%);
  • yogurt with a fat content of 2.8% with the filling “raspberries, rosehips”, “apple”, “apricot-banana”, “prune”, “banana-strawberry”;
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  • It has a wide range of products for small consumers aged from 6 months to 3 years, which is manufactured in accordance with established requirements and fully meets the needs of the baby.
  • Baby food "Subject" does not contain harmful flavors and dyes, is made from exclusively natural and high-quality raw materials, which is why it is ideal for the first feeding of young babies.

Baby food "Subject": customer reviews

baby food maker theme

On the Internet there are a lot of responses of mothers who fed and feed their children products of the above brand. Small consumers of “Subject” products especially like cottage cheese. Moms write that they are the most delicate texture and quite tasty, so they are so fond of crumbs. Therefore, the curd "Subject" is unrivaled in comparison with other manufacturers.

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Food prices of the above brand

baby food theme Price

Consumers note that Tema baby food, the price of which corresponds to quality, has an acceptable cost.

For example, a baby curd costs about 36 rubles, bio-yogurt - 41 rubles, milk with a fat content of 3.2% - 25 rubles. The cost of mashed meat depends on the type of meat. For example, chicken meat with beef costs 43 rubles, beef with liver - 50 rubles, beef with heart - 51 rubles, lamb - 60 rubles.

Prices for meat and vegetable purees and mashed potatoes with meat and cereals are slightly cheaper.

For example, beef with buckwheat costs 37 rubles, beef with rice - 36 rubles, beef with zucchini - 37 rubles.

Baby food "Theme" is an ideal option for the first feeding of the baby. Hearty, high-quality, healthy and affordable - the main characteristics of the product.

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