The desire to have children, to become a mother is natural for a woman. Even if a pregnancy is not planned in the near future, it is important to be confident and calm that nothing will hinder it when the time comes. Is it worth talking about those who have already thought about replenishing the family? However, unfortunately, the development of medicine has not advanced so much that people ceased to be ill or avoided surgery. Surgical intervention for diseases of the reproductive system raises logical questions about the negative consequences of modern methods. How likely is pregnancy after laparoscopy?
What is laparoscopy?
Laparoscopy is a modern, less traumatic method of surgical intervention used for operations on organs located inside the abdominal and pelvic cavities. It is carried out using a special tool - a laparoscope, which is a retractable (telescopic) tube with a set of lenses that connects to the video camera. Also, the laparoscope is equipped with a non-heating light source.
In order to lift the abdominal muscles and create a space for action during the operation, the cavity is filled with carbon dioxide. Simply put - the stomach is inflated.
The advantages of this method are: the minimum area of tissue injured during the incision, as a result, the absence of postoperative scars, quick and easy recovery of the body, and a short stay in the hospital. Using digital video cameras on instruments allows you to see in more detail, clearly and from different angles the necessary sections of internal organs. With laparoscopy, healthy organs remain intact.
The disadvantages include the limited movement of the surgeon, the lack of direct tactile contact - you can only act inside with tools, incorrect depth perception when looking through the camera, the "mirror" location of the cutting surface of surgical instruments in relation to the operation - controlling objects moving towards is unnatural for human nature , therefore, it is more difficult for him to learn and develop appropriate reactions. All this requires more skill and dexterity from the doctor.
Laparoscopy is widely used for a variety of operations - from removal of the stomach, gall bladder and abdominal hernia, manipulations with the small and large intestines to fusion of the vertebrae.
Very often, this method is used during gynecological operations. It allows surgical intervention even during pregnancy.
Pregnancy after laparoscopy
Since the laparoscopic method is common in modern medicine, many women of childbearing age who have already become mothers and who have not decided whether they want to repeat this experiment again, fall into the number of patients who undergo such treatment. There are also many who are planning a pregnancy for the first time. In general, thousands of women who care about whether they will be able to give birth in the future.
In order to answer this question, you can familiarize yourself with official medical statistics, analytical review articles or talk with those who already have experience in this matter, discussing the likelihood of pregnancy after laparoscopy on thematic forums.
The most common gynecological indicators for laparoscopy
- Ectopic pregnancy.
- Ovarian obstruction.
- Polycystic ovary disease is a pathological change in the structure of the ovaries (the formation of many cysts on the surface) and their functioning.
- Endometriosis is a hormonal disorder that causes tissue that is characteristic of the uterine mucosa and its appendages (endometrium) to fall outside this area. Or an endometrial cyst formed by endometrial tissues.
- Tumors, polyps.
- Adhesions in the fallopian tubes.
- Infertility.
Is there a connection between infertility and laparoscopy
Modern research confirms that such an operation cannot be the reason that prevents pregnancy. Such surgical intervention can only cure infertility in a number of cases, but it will not change the situation for the worse. If pregnancy does not occur after laparoscopy, then the reproductive function was impaired before that and probably the problems resolved by surgery were not the reason.
In any case, the operation helps to improve the organs, allows you to get rid of pathological changes, gives more information about the patient's condition.
The occurrence of a normal pregnancy after laparoscopy to remove an ectopic
An ectopic pregnancy is almost always hopeless for the baby and dangerous for the mother. The embryo can settle in the ovary, abdominal cavity, with pathology of the uterus - in its underdeveloped horn, but with the greatest probability - in the fallopian tubes. To interrupt it, laparoscopy is most often performed. After an ectopic pregnancy, a normal course is possible and very likely, even if during the operation a woman loses one of the fallopian tubes or one ovary.
The first month after the operation, doctors recommend completely abandoning attempts at conception, and then - all individually. About the successful conception that has occurred in many women, they say the reviews they left. Pregnancy after laparoscopy does not occur immediately. The average term is six months (plus or minus a month). But there are frequent cases when a year or more passed between surgery and pregnancy - many reviews say this.
Pregnancy after surgery to treat tubal obstruction
Unlike all other female diseases, tube obstruction tends to return quickly. Adhesions reappear. Therefore, after laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes, pregnancy is advised to plan without delay. It is advisable to wait a month's recovery period, then pass all the necessary tests as quickly as possible: with the help of urine and blood samples, identify the general condition of the body, eliminate the presence of infections, and, having passed a smear, check for the presence of microflora and sexually transmitted diseases. In case of favorable results, you should hurry.
Laparoscopy for ovarian disease, endometriosis and tumor removal
Pregnancy after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts of various origins (one or more), after cleaning endometrial cells from areas where they should not be normal and cauterizing foci of endometriosis, after removal of other benign formations, it is often planned only after a few months of the recovery period after the surgical interventions.
The prescriptions are individual depending on each specific case - the attending physician may prescribe preliminary hormone therapy. Especially often this prescription is relevant after laparoscopy of endometriosis, in which pregnancy does not occur due to a malfunction of the endocrine system.
The choice of the drug is determined by the characteristics of the body and the diagnosis, but in many reviews of patients who underwent treatment, the names of the medicines are repeated, which suggests that domestic experts trust basically the same drugs.
What rules to follow in order to get pregnant sooner after laparoscopy
Despite the fact that there are examples of the occurrence of spontaneous pregnancy after laparoscopy of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, it is recommended to prepare the body and take into account some tips to increase the chances of conception:
- Do not forget about the importance of calculations on the menstrual calendar. You need to know when ovulation occurs and plan to conceive in the most probable week of the cycle (directly the day of ovulation and three days before and after it).
- Consider that not the number of sexual acts plays a decisive role. On the contrary, experts argue that the quality of sperm with too high a frequency of sex is reduced, so one attempt a day during a likely ovulation is more than enough.
- It is necessary to take care of your health and the general condition of the body - abandon bad habits, allocate a sufficient amount of time - about 8 hours a day to sleep, drink a course of vitamins and minerals (for both future parents).
- After intimacy, it is useful for a woman to stay at least 15 minutes at rest, preferably in a supine position on her back.
Postoperative Precautions
After laparoscopy, cysts with pregnancy are sometimes recommended to wait longer than a month, since this operation is considered quite difficult, especially on the ovaries, although their functions are restored within about a week.
After laparoscopy of any organs of the reproductive system, certain precautions should be observed:
- Refrain from eating and drinking (except still water) in the first day after surgery.
- A sparing diet in the first month after laparoscopy is the rejection of spicy, heavy and fried foods, foods that cause increased fermentation, the formation of gases. Recommended boiled or steamed food, dairy products, natural fruit drinks.
- Exclusion of heavy physical exertion - from too active dancing to heavy lifting. Also, flights and long journeys by train earlier than a month after laparoscopy are not recommended.
- Until complete healing of the surgical incisions, one should not take a bath, visit the pool and swim in open water.
- With sex, it is also advisable to postpone 2-3 weeks.
The importance of a positive attitude for the future
In no case should you despair and be especially upset if, during a medical examination, problems in the reproductive system are identified, myoma, polyps or a cyst are detected. After laparoscopy in 85% of the operated women, pregnancy occurs within the first year.
Reviews of many women who already have a positive experience of treatment by laparoscopy confirm that people's thoughts and their mood are more important than medical statistics. Often it was possible to conceive a child only after the expectant mother stopped making pregnancy the only reason for her existence, calmed down and began to simply live.