Many people who have pets at home are wondering if dogs have epilepsy. No matter how strange it may seem, animals are no less susceptible to this disease than humans. There may be many reasons why epileptic seizures may occur in our four-legged friends, but the most common are neurological disorders. Let's look at how this disease manifests itself in dogs and what basic treatment methods exist today.
general information
Of all the pets, it is the dog that suffers the most from epilepsy. If we talk about specific breeds, then dachshunds, retrievers, collies, shepherd dogs, Labradors, boxers, setters, poodles, huskies, hounds, cocker spaniels and terriers are more likely to be attacked. However, this does not mean at all that if you have a dog of a different breed, then the likelihood of an epileptic seizure is completely excluded. The older the pet becomes, the higher the likelihood of the manifestation of the disease.
Primary epilepsy
So, we figured out whether dogs have epilepsy. But what varieties of this ailment exist? Epilepsy is congenital and acquired. Congenital or primary epilepsy is transmitted to the animal through the genes and appears at about the age of 6 months to 5 years. Epileptic seizures can last several minutes and are accompanied by convulsions, salivary drips, involuntary urination and even loss of consciousness. When the seizure goes away, the animal exhibits behavioral changes, spatial orientation disorder, and dull attention. According to statistics, epileptic seizures occur with a frequency of 3-4 weeks. What is epilepsy in dogs, treatment, how to stop the attack - this and much more will be discussed later.
Secondary epilepsy
Secondary or acquired epilepsy appears in animals as a result of past illnesses or injuries. For example, poisoning with various chemicals or heavy metals, electric shocks, some infectious diseases, head injuries and much more can lead to epilepsy. In addition, the likelihood of developing secondary epilepsy increases greatly if the animal is malnourished.
What diseases can cause epilepsy?
We have already found out whether dogs have epilepsy due to diseases, but which diseases can trigger the development of the disease? It is important to understand that if at least one of your pet’s parents had epilepsy, then the likelihood of seizures increases significantly. As for the diseases, most often epilepsy appears after the dog is ill with hydrocephalus. In addition, this disease can develop in animals in which the number of neurotransmitters is significantly lower than normal. Because of this, nerve impulses often do not reach the destination, as a result of which very large loads are created on the nervous system.
Oncological diseases, in particular, malignant brain tumors, are another common cause of epilepsy. If the cancer was not detected on time, and metastases started, then this only exacerbates the situation.
Diseases that provoke the development of dog epilepsy to a lesser extent include infectious diseases, hypocalcemia and hypoglycemia, metabolic disturbances, cardiovascular diseases, cardiac arrhythmias, and renal and hepatic failure. Epileptic seizures can also be caused by the presence of intestinal parasites in the body of the animal.
What external factors can cause epilepsy?
Many beginner breeders are interested in the answer to the question of whether dogs have epilepsy due to any negative environmental factors. The answer is clear: they can. There are a lot of such factors, for example, malnutrition. Pets should receive a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals and other useful substances necessary for the normal growth and functioning of the pet. At the same time, it is not recommended to overfeed or underfeed your pet. After feeding, the animal should be full. It is also not recommended to buy cheap and low-quality feed.
The likelihood of epileptic seizures increases dramatically if the dog is constantly exposed to too much physical and psychological stress.
Varieties of epileptic seizures
The manifestation of epilepsy in dogs is of four types:
- Loss of consciousness. Convulsions in this case can be barely noticeable or completely absent.
- Intense cramps spreading throughout the body. There may also be a loss of consciousness to the animals.
- Focal motor cramps. May be accompanied by severe pain or leak without them. Convulsions pass locally, and not throughout the body.
- Complex partial seizures. The main symptom of this variety of epileptic seizures is behavioral changes in the animal. As for seizures, they can either be completely absent or spread throughout the body.
Any person who has a dog at home should have an idea of each type of epileptic seizure in order to recognize the disease in time and take appropriate measures to save the animal.
How are seizures of epilepsy?
Signs of epilepsy in dogs have much in common with many other diseases, so it is very important to be able to correctly recognize this ailment. After all, the only way you can rid the animal of convulsions and alleviate its suffering. It is worth noting that only an experienced veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis, but nevertheless there are some characteristic symptoms, based on which it can be assumed that your four-legged friend has an epileptic seizure.
As a rule, an epilepsy attack occurs in the following sequence:
- Anxiety. The animal may begin to whine or start rushing around the apartment in search of a place to shelter. At the same time, a large amount of saliva will be released from the dog.
- Cramps. In most cases, they are accompanied by involuntary urination. In convulsions, the dog can even bite its tongue.
- Cramps go away, but salivation remains elevated. In this case, the behavior of the pet will be uncharacteristic.
If a dog does have epilepsy, the symptoms will be as follows:
- muscle twitching in the face;
- cramps, which initially begin weakly, and then gradually spread throughout the body;
- loss of consciousness;
- increase in body temperature;
- foamy discharge from the mouth;
- very dilated pupils;
- hard breath.
It is worth noting that an epileptic seizure can happen at any time of the day or night, so you should know what to do if the dog has epilepsy.
Disease treatment
So what to do if a dog is diagnosed with epilepsy? Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian, who will adjust the treatment program if necessary. But here it is important to understand the fact that the disease cannot be completely overcome. Any procedures and medications that the veterinarian will prescribe will only facilitate the course of epileptic seizures and reduce their duration.
So how to cure dog epilepsy? First of all, it is necessary to show the animal to the veterinarian who will examine him and, based on the clinical picture, will be able to draw up a suitable treatment program. As for drugs, the anti-epilepsy tablets that are prescribed to people are toxic to animals, so it is strictly forbidden to give them.
When pet owners are faced with a problem such as dog epilepsy (treatment and how to stop the seizures are the main issues that interest them), they don’t know what to do in this situation. But you should not try to cope with the problem yourself, since it will not lead to anything good. The only sure way out in this situation is to take the animal to a veterinary clinic. This is due to the fact that each individual case is individual and requires a special approach to drawing up a treatment program. First of all, a comprehensive examination of the animal is necessary.
In order for the treatment of epilepsy attacks in a dog to be as effective as possible, when drawing up a treatment program, it is necessary to take into account the breed, gender, age, all vaccinations that have been done previously, as well as the manifestation of the ailment. In particular, this applies to the type of seizures, their duration, as well as the time when an epileptic seizure occurred.
Therefore, the owner of the animal must describe in detail the veterinarian attack. For example, it occurs before feeding or after, during a walk or rest, as well as any other catalysts that can provoke an attack of epilepsy. It will also be useful to tell the veterinarian about all the diseases that the dog suffered in the near past, as well as what treatment methods and drugs were used for this.
As mentioned earlier, epilepsy in dogs (causes and treatment can be very diverse) requires an individual approach. After a comprehensive examination of the animal, the veterinarian will be able to draw up the most effective course of therapy. If the animal had head injuries, then the specialist can prescribe a skull x-ray and MRI. In addition, much attention is paid to the reflex functions of the dog, visual acuity, tactile sensations, brain activity and the functioning of the nervous system.
Only having a detailed clinical picture on the condition of the animal, the veterinarian will be able to start developing a treatment program that will be based on the individual characteristics of the pet’s body. The veterinarian selects medications, calculates the dosage and frequency of administration, and also explains what measures to take if there is epilepsy in the dog, how to stop the attacks and alleviate the condition of the animal. In addition, a specialist will help you choose the most optimal diet.
What drugs are most commonly used to treat dog epilepsy?
Anticonvulsants are used to combat primary epilepsy, among which the following are most common:
- "Fentonin" - has a strong effect and has no side effects. The only drawback is the short action. In addition, these pills stimulate frequent urination and increase thirst in animals.
- “Phenobarbital” is another effective drug with fast action. Among the main disadvantages, in addition to those listed above, there is an increased irritability of the animal.
- "Primidon" - is available in tablet form and has the same pluses and minuses as the above drugs.
- Diazepam is an effective anti-epilepsy drug that does not cause any side effects. The disadvantage of the drug is that it increases the irritability of the pet.
If a dog is diagnosed with epilepsy, treatment can be based on a wide variety of medications. In the event that not one of the remedies discussed above gives any results, the veterinarian may prescribe other drugs.
If you still find epilepsy in your four-legged friend, then it is important to realize the fact that this disease is completely untreatable, and therefore you will have to constantly deal with it. Not all drugs will immediately give the expected effect. You may need to select an individual dosage over the long term that is right for your dog.
What to do with an epileptic seizure?
We have already examined the main manifestations of epileptic seizures in animals, and also talked about treatment methods. But what actions should the pet owner take to make him feel better when an attack occurs?
During a seizure, the animal increases salivation, so that it does not choke, it is necessary to support his head. If the animal is convulsed, and it does not allow turning its head, it is best to leave the pet in this position. At the same time, you should not try to open your jaws and pull out your tongue, because it still will not give any result.
Under the head, the dog is recommended to put a pillow or any other soft object. Putting the dog’s head on its knees is not worth it, as it can bite you. If there are any objects nearby that the pet could hit and get injured, then it’s better to remove them. To facilitate the course of an attack, you should open a window or door for the influx of fresh air.
If the epileptic seizure does not go away for a long period of time, and the dog’s body temperature has risen dramatically, then it’s best not to risk it and contact your veterinarian right away. If you will personally take the dog to the clinic, then it is advisable to wrap it in a blanket. When the attack passes, it is desirable for the pet to ensure peace, so it is recommended to close it in a separate room in which there will be no children and other animals.
Dog epilepsy is a very common occurrence. This disease can develop for various reasons. But do not worry too much, because there is nothing wrong with that. With proper treatment, good nutrition and proper care, epilepsy will not cause any inconvenience to you or the animal. But to ensure all this, it is necessary to fully examine the dog from a qualified specialist. Over time, you will learn to recognize the approach of epileptic seizures and will take all necessary actions in advance.
If you decide to have a pet, do not forget that he needs proper care. The pet needs to provide proper nutrition, timely vaccinations, a regular trip to the veterinarian, and, of course, give him his love and affection.