Aquaphor Filters: Customer Reviews

Since ancient times, people have been sensitive to water, considering it the basis of life and primary matter. Life on Earth appeared in the ocean, the human embryo develops in the amniotic fluid, our body is 70% water. Water is an important chemical. Multibillion-dollar investments in space research are aimed at finding even the slightest hint of it on nearby planets within our solar system. Recently, incredibly interesting studies have found that water can hear, remember, feel, it gives positive energy and heals.

There is no more common substance on our planet than H 2 O. However, the largest part of it on earth is salty, which is not suitable for drinking or for agriculture. Fresh water is found in rivers and lakes, but without harm to health, it is not suitable for consumption.

Water quality problem

Residents of megacities have already known the problem of water quality. If in rural areas it is possible to use it from a well or underground source, then urban residents are deprived of such a gift of nature. All the liquid in the city apartments comes from rivers and reservoirs, undergoing a powerful physical and chemical treatment. But even such measures do not make tap water safe for food use. Despite the fact that it is theoretically harmless, in practice we get a different result. There is a lot of bleach in tap water, and after passing thousands of kilometers through pipes, it collects rust and other impurities unnecessary from the body. In each area of ​​residence on the territory of our country, the basis of life differs in its qualities, chemical composition, and rigidity. This is due both to the growth of technological progress, with industrial enterprises located in a certain zone, and with the general state of nature.

Until the eighties of the twentieth century there was no need to purify water. On the territory of our country in the last century, fountains for drinking located on the streets, train stations, cinemas were widely used. It never occurred to anyone that this could be harmful. However, the situation has fundamentally changed. The water formula remained the same, simple and elegant, familiar to us from school - N 2 O, but impurities and substances began to appear in it, which eventually led to serious diseases. There is a need to make our familiar product drinkable.

How to purify water

I must say that people always knew how to purify water. Wherever a person lives, he is faced with this issue and resolves it, comparing his knowledge with the area of ​​residence. For example, residents of the northern regions took deer moss to clean the water, put two handfuls of it in a bucket and boiled for 15-20 minutes. After this procedure, the liquid became safe to drink. Moss can be replaced with spruce, pine, cedar branches or branches of ordinary juniper. One and two hundred grams of branches were also taken on a bucket of water and boiled for half an hour. In the middle lane, birch bark was used for this; in the south, yew berry was used for disinfection. A feather grass, yarrow or violet was boiled in the steppe, even in the desert it is permissible to boil a camel thorn or saxaul in the following proportions: 100-150 g of a plant on a bucket, and the water becomes suitable for drinking.

Such water purification tools are suitable in extreme situations, and urban residents needed a different method. And they quickly found him.

The best method of water purification

In 1992, Akvafor was founded in Russia, the main task of which was to develop and produce domestic water purifiers. Today, millions of residents of not only our country use the products of this company to ensure the health of the whole family.

filter aquaphor under the sink reviews

Let’s take a closer look at the Aquaphor filters. Reviews of experts say that today they are the most perfect devices for purifying water from impurities and chlorine. The aforementioned device removes various bacteria and salts of heavy metals from it. Filters are represented by three groups:

  • household;
  • medium cleaning;
  • the highest degree of purification.

Household water filters

Consider the Aquafor filter jug. Reviews about this form are only good, so it has several advantages:

  • universal;
  • easy to handle;
  • easy to maintain.

You can meet jug filters of different volumes - from 2.8 to almost four liters.

aquaphor filter reviews

The transparent container is made of high-quality safe plastic with a convenient spout for pouring water. The device has both a conventional cover, which is removed before water is collected into the device, and a flip-flop cover. This variety is a device that allows you to open only part of it by clicking on the mechanism.

filter aquaphor jug ​​reviews

If you remove the thumb from the trigger, the open part of the lid returns to its place without additional effort. The Aquafor filter jug ​​has one more advantage. Reviews of experts note the ergonomic handle, which allows you to conveniently hold the tank when moving the vessel with water. Cartridges for this type of device are designed for 300 liters of water, this is approximately enough for 2 months of operation. Replaceable modules can be used on different models, which is an absolute advantage. If you want to get more accurate data on water use, you can buy a model of a jug with an electronic resource counter.

People who have purchased Aquafor filters leave positive reviews in most cases, noting that the jug is suitable for a small family, convenient to use at work.

A budget option

To the budget option can be attributed another device from "Aquaphor" - an eco-filter. User reviews confirm that even such a compact device can make tap water cleaner and better. This device can be put on the crane with any thread. A flexible tube extending from the filter allows you to quickly draw the required amount of water. The system only works when you need it. For better purification, active ionic silver is used as a bactericidal additive. The price within the range of 300-400 rubles makes the Aquafor filters available. User reviews note that this type of device is designed for water purification in the amount of a thousand liters, which is a good indicator, however, it is noted that it is better to use it for tough.

Favorites among the filters

The next large group of filters is the Aquaphor Crystal filter. Reviews of this device are noted for its qualities such as:

  • compactness;
  • effectiveness of protection against harmful impurities;
  • profitability.

Experts checked the intensity of the Aquaphor Crystal filter. Test reviews confirm that it is a universal filter for the complete purification of cold water. The housing consists of three separate cartridges, combined into a system that can be installed under the sink in the kitchen. This installation does not change or spoil the style of the room, and the withdrawn tap only complements the appearance of the sink. If you just install a sink and plan to use this filter, choose a model for the kitchen sink with two openings: one for the faucet, and the second for the drinking tap. If you decide to improve the finished one, then with the help of a professional, this work will take a little time to complete an additional hole and install a water purification system where it is convenient for you. Many users share their opinions who installed the Aquafor filters under the sink. Their reviews indicate that for a family of four, this system qualitatively purifies water within one year. Next, the cartridges must be replaced, which takes no more than five minutes.

Filter "Aquaphor Crystal Eco"

A variation of the above design is the Aquaphor Crystal Eco filter. Reviews say that this model, thanks to a three-stage purification system, completely removes chlorine from water, most pesticides, petroleum products, organic impurities, and heavy metal ions. The dimensions of the system are compact, and the cleaning speed is 2.5 liters per minute, which allows you to fill a regular kettle in 30 seconds.

Brilliant option

We draw your attention to the filter "Aquaphor Favorite". Reviews about him are brilliant in the literal and figurative sense, since the device itself is made of stainless steel.

filter aquaphor favorite reviews

The module's resource is 12 thousand liters of water, and the filtration rate is 2.5 liters per minute. It is best to install Aquafor filters under the sink. Reviews of ordinary men assure that the device is easy to install, as it is simple in design. It is only necessary to connect the main system with a free-standing crane with flexible supply tubes.

Trio for water

We draw your attention to the filter "Aquaphor Trio", customer reviews about which will not leave indifferent those wishing to purchase similar devices. From this category you can choose a device that suits your area of ​​residence - for soft or hard water. The Aquaphor Trio filter is compactly installed under the sink. There is a wall mount on the iron bracket, if you do not have free space, which is very convenient.

filter aquaphor crystal eco reviews

Tap water goes through three stages of purification: preliminary, then it is softened, and at the last stage - deep cleaning. Then it is fed to a separate faucet that is led to the sink. Even the most problematic water gains transparency if you use the flow filter created by Aquaphor. User reviews about the models in this category focus on the lack of scale on the kettle, even with prolonged use of cartridges. It is recommended to change the filter once a year, which is an economical solution.


Today, the most impeccable water purification technology is reverse osmosis. With it, you can bring any water in perfect condition. You can remove all impurities from the liquid: nitrates, nitrites, arsenic, cyanides, asbestos, fluorine, lead, sulfates, iron, chlorine, if you use the Aquafor Morion filter, reviews of which exceed all expectations. This is a universal stationary system not only for water purification, but also for its enrichment with minerals.

filter aquaphor morion reviews

This model is easily connected to the water supply. Water enters the filter, passes the first stage of purification, in which all impurities are sent to the sewer. The cleaning process is divided into several stages:

  • pretreatment of water;
  • its passage through reverse osmosis membranes;
  • pure water storage;
  • finish cleaning;
  • water flow through a separate outlet tap.

Compared with stationary models, another system from Aquaphor - a flow filter is more effective. Reviews strongly recommend using it in areas with heavily polluted water. Possessing small dimensions - 37 x 42 x 19 cm, weighing 6 kg, it copes with a difficult task - in five minutes this device purifies water when using the OSMO system.

aquaphor flow filter reviews

This indicator is two times higher than other filters in this category. In the presented model, an improved, more economical automation system, which allows to reduce the costs of the drained water into the drainage by half. The volume of the hydraulic tank is five liters, which allows you not to worry about how much water is left in it. The service life of the membrane and filter modules has increased to 2 years. The housing will last you at least five years, and the supply tubes for 3 years. Modules do not have to be changed within 4 months if your family consists of 4 people and you consume 10-12 liters of water daily. Filters "Aquaphor" feedback on the work are only impeccable.

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