Congratulatory speech

Congratulatory speech is one of the most popular genres used in various solemn situations. It is pronounced at parties dedicated to anniversaries and other events relating to both a specific person and a certain group of people.

Congratulatory speech should give the recipient a certain pleasure. For this, the laudatory part must be included in it, describing the positive qualities, successes achieved, worthy deeds and deeds of the hero of the occasion.

It should be borne in mind that you should not use hackneyed staff phrases. It is necessary to think over in advance those key moments in a person’s life that are truly valuable and significant for him. This may be the end of a higher educational institution, achievements in the sports field, career advancement, etc. For example: “Dear Sergey Petrovich! Today, everyone gathered to celebrate your anniversary. All guests, comrades and friends who are present at the festive table, will still give you gifts and pronounce their toasts. Let me speak out on this wonderful day. Our acquaintance with you has been going on for several years. Together we solved many problems. And always your participation has become the main reason for success. My deep and sincere respect has always evoked your sense of responsibility and deep understanding of the problem ... ”

In addition, a congratulatory speech should take into account the values ​​of all guests. Guests must support the speaker and join his words. The specifics of the congratulation is that only the best features of the hero of the occasion should be highlighted. A description of his objective full portrait is not required. In this regard, the good qualities of the person to whom the speech is intended should be consolidated. Moreover, they should be given a positive assessment. Exaggeration in a congratulatory speech is by no means regarded as flattery, juggling facts or deceit. This is her indispensable and indispensable part, the purpose of which is to give pleasure.

Aristotle also noted one feature that is inherent in a congratulatory speech. It should have educational value. Exaggeration of a positive assessment should arouse in a person hidden needs for his desire to correspond to the created ideal image, for which he must improve certain features.

Congratulatory speech delivered at official celebrations has a complex compositional content. Its introductory part should reflect the reason for its utterance and should be addressed to all those present. It can be a congratulatory speech on a birthday, a congratulatory speech on an anniversary, and so on. In the next, main part of the text, those moments that will be subjected to a positive assessment should be reflected. They can serve as stories about the life path and labor activity of the hero of the occasion, as well as reasoning regarding his merits, wonderful deeds and deeds. In this case, the text of the congratulatory speech must be confirmed by specific facts.

The final part of the text should contain wishes to the addressee. It is here that the educational super-task of speech is realized. Desiring the many benefits that await the hero of the occasion, the speaker motivates the desire for them. Thus, further life prospects are outlined. In this regard, in a congratulatory speech, it is necessary to abandon unpredictable phrases that wish the hero of the occasion to remain the same in the future, as well as stereotypes that are devoid of specificity and are not associated with the main laudatory part. Good wishes should always be individual. In order to correctly compose the text of the final part, it is necessary to answer the question of what is the blessing for the hero of the occasion (success, luck, happiness)? If the main text indicated the ability of the congratulated to come to the aid of anyone in a difficult period of time, then it is worth to wish him that his actions would help people to find happiness.

In the case when a specific deed is praised, then we can indicate that everyone expects from the hero of the occasion the manifestation of his best qualities in the future. For example: “Our dear Pyotr Vasilyevich! I would like to wish you what would be most necessary for you. Health? God gave it to you in full. However, it is not superfluous. Therefore, I want to wish you to remain healthy and strong for many years. This will allow you to continue to lead the volleyball team of our organization, and I want to wish that at the next competitions you climb to the first step of the awarded ... ".

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