Sinusitis in a child: signs of the disease

Very often, viral and bacterial infections can trigger sinusitis in a child. Signs of the disease are the same as with ARI or SARS: headache, nasal congestion, fever. Usually the symptoms of viral and respiratory diseases go away on day 6-7. If, after this time, the child continues to be bothered by the above symptoms, headaches have begun and purulent discharge has appeared from the nose, then the common cold has caused a sinusitis complication . Sinusitis in children up to a year, and sometimes up to two or three years, does not occur, they usually suffer from rhinitis. This is due to the physiological characteristics of development. The baby has not yet developed maxillary sinuses and there simply is no place for pus.

sinusitis in a child signs

How to determine sinusitis in a child?

The following symptoms should be noted:

  • both sinuses are blocked, it is difficult for a child to breathe;

  • nasal pain, which provokes a headache;

  • temperature increase up to 39 º;

  • the child complains of weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, sleep disturbance;

  • swelling of the eyelids and cheeks is observed.

If you notice such signs in your child, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Sinusitis in a child: signs of an acute form of the disease
sinusitis in children up to a year

Usually, acute sinusitis appears after an infectious disease, it can be acute rhinitis or adenoiditis.

Symptoms of acute sinusitis:

  • prolonged runny nose, in which the discharge from the nose becomes yellow-green in color and becomes a thick consistency;

  • the child has a severe headache, which is localized in the region of the nose (by evening, usually, the pain intensifies, painkillers do not help);

  • nasal congestion, in which vasoconstrictor drugs do not help;

  • hearing impairment and sharp pains in the ears that do not release after warming compresses;

  • toothache in the absence of any problems with the teeth;

  • fever, especially in the evening;

  • moods, poor mood, lack of appetite, decreased activity in the child;

    how to determine sinusitis in a child

  • snoring in a dream;

  • photophobia and tearfulness;

  • decrease in taste;

  • swelling in the nose, cheeks and eyes.

Sinusitis in a child: signs of a chronic form of the disease

If acute sinusitis is not treated, then chronic sinusitis in a child may develop. The symptoms in this case are the same as in the acute form, but may be less pronounced.

In young children, general symptoms are more pronounced than local ones. For a long time, elevated body temperature persists. The child’s body weight is lost, he sleeps poorly and eats without appetite, a cough appears, and cervical lymph nodes increase. Chronic sinusogenic intoxication develops.

In older children, the signs of sinusitis are less pronounced, but they persist for a longer time. The child suffers from prolonged nasal congestion, headaches, and a decrease in smell. With a purulent form of sinusitis, an unpleasant odor from the mouth and nose can occur.

Swelling of the lining of the brain, purulent meningitis and other dangerous complications can provoke sinusitis in a child. Symptoms of the disease must be detected on time and appropriate treatment initiated. Sinusitis is a rather dangerous and unpredictable disease. To avoid it, you need to regularly harden and strengthen the body of the child.

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