Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every woman. Sometimes it happens that the happy mood of the future mother is overshadowed by a significant deterioration in well-being. If the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy, you cannot postpone a visit to the doctor. Such a symptom can be triggered by a dangerous pathology. However, you should not panic. It is possible that pulling pains are associated with fetal growth.
Changes in a woman’s body
From the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s life changes dramatically. This affects both her emotional and physical condition. Even when the expectant mother is not aware of her interesting situation, a special hormone, relaxin, begins to be produced in her body. With its help, a safe separation of bones and tendons is ensured as the fetus grows. However, many women are concerned about the question of why the stomach hurts during early pregnancy. In this way, the body responds to changes that occur.
More tangible unpleasant symptoms may appear several months after conception. If the upper abdomen hurts at 33 weeks of pregnancy, this may be due to the rapid growth of the fetus. In addition, many representatives of the weaker sex feel mobility in the joints, complain of pain in the pelvic area, lower back. Unpleasant sensations can also appear in the hands, elbows and knees.
Pain and a general deterioration in well-being can be observed against a background of changes in the cardiovascular system. It is the heart that assumes the main burden during the period of gestation. Many women begin to suffer from hypotension, tachycardia, anemia. This cannot but affect the well-being of the expectant mother. Pain can also be observed against a background of high blood pressure. Any unpleasant symptoms are a reason to seek help from a doctor. It is important to prevent the development of gestosis - complications of the second half of pregnancy.
During the period of gestation, a woman's taste may also change. Against this background, many representatives of the weaker sex begin to eat improperly, at the same time consume incompatible products. At the same time, it is easy to answer the question of why the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy. It is worth adjusting the diet and unpleasant symptoms disappear.
Heartburn is another pathology that often develops as the fetus grows. If the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy, this may be due to the ingestion of gastric juice into the esophagus. It will be possible to correct the situation if you take food in small portions.
Gastritis during pregnancy
Chronic gastritis is not a contraindication for pregnancy. However, the expectant mother should be prepared for the fact that she will have to face certain difficulties. If the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy, it is imperative to inform the attending physician about this. It is possible that such symptoms are associated with exacerbation of gastritis.
The disease develops due to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. As a result, the production of hydrochloric acid is disrupted. Food that enters the stomach cannot develop fully. In addition to the fact that the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy, many women complain of a general deterioration in well-being, weakness. Many expectant mothers have significantly reduced blood pressure. Against the background of pain, women become irritable, sleep poorly.
The problem is that acute gastritis does not always have specific symptoms. If during pregnancy (35 weeks) the upper abdomen hurts, many representatives of the weaker sex attribute the worsening of well-being to their position. However, not many are in a hurry to seek help. In addition, unpleasant symptoms such as belching, nausea, diarrhea may disturb the expectant mother. Statistics show that in 75% of cases during pregnancy, gastritis worsens.
A significant deterioration in the well-being of a woman carries a direct threat of termination of pregnancy. Therefore, the expectant mother is prescribed bed rest, diet food is indicated. The use of mineral water will bring benefits if the woman does not have edema.
Appendicitis during pregnancy
Acute inflammation of the appendages of the cecum is a disease that everyone can face. Not an exception are women during pregnancy. This is one of the most common abdominal pathologies requiring surgical intervention. If the upper abdomen hurts at 34 weeks of gestation, the woman can be referred for examination by a surgeon. Statistics show that the peak incidence rate falls on the age of 15 to 30 years. The situation can be aggravated by squeezing the internal organs as the fetus grows.
The appendix is an appendage of the cecum in the form of a tube. The functional purpose of this body is not fully understood. Its removal does not affect the future life of a person.
During pregnancy, appendicitis can develop in two forms - catarrhal and purulent. Initially, the appendix swells, fills with blood. Already at this time, unpleasant symptoms may develop during pregnancy: a stomach ache (navel), weakness appears. As the inflammatory process develops, pus appears in the appendix. In this case, there is already a serious threat to the life of the future mother and fetus.
If the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy, in no case should you postpone a visit to the doctor. Timely treatment will avoid dangerous complications. The only correct solution for appendicitis is surgical removal of the inflamed process. Anesthesia is selected, as well as antibacterial agents corresponding to the gestational age.
If the stomach hurts on the right during pregnancy, it is possible that we had to deal with inflammation of the pancreas. The pathological process can be acute and chronic. Pancreatitis takes the third place among all acute diseases of the abdominal cavity. Unfortunately, women often encounter unpleasant symptoms during gestation.
An alcohol abuse even before pregnancy, bad eating habits can provoke a pathological process. The disease affects many women who over the long term have been treated with estrogen. In rare cases, congenital abnormalities of the pancreas are observed, which make themselves felt during pregnancy. Other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, hepatitis) can also cause pancreatitis.
Mild pancreatitis can be easily treated. Therefore, if there is a pain syndrome, you cannot postpone a visit to the doctor. Timely therapy will help to avoid dangerous consequences. In advanced cases, a severe form of acute pancreatitis develops. Necrosis or abscess may appear in the affected organ. In this case, there is already a threat to the life of the expectant mother.
Pancreatitis treatment during pregnancy
If the upper abdomen hurts at 39 weeks of gestation, the woman will definitely be hospitalized. The specialist must conduct a thorough diagnosis, identify the causes of the deterioration of the patient's condition. In the most difficult cases, the operation "caesarean section" will be performed. Thus, the threat to the life of the child will be reduced.
If pancreatitis manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy, the doctor will do everything to save the life of the fetus and mother. The patient is prescribed bed rest and a sparing diet. Spasmolytics will help relieve severe pain. During pregnancy, drugs "No-spa", "Spazmalgon" can be used. Within a few days, the patient may be prescribed fasting. To maintain the life of the woman and the fetus, infusions of saline and protein solutions are used.
In the case of necrosis or pancreatic cysts, a woman is shown surgery. Pancreatitis is dangerous with serious complications. With necrosis and abscesses, death can occur within a few hours. Therefore, if the upper abdomen hurts at 37 weeks of gestation and the woman is diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, seek help immediately.
Nutrition of the expectant mother
Why does the upper abdomen hurt during pregnancy? It is possible that a woman does not eat properly. In this case, there is a risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract described above. It will be possible to get rid of many unpleasant symptoms if you adjust the diet. Moreover, the statement "during pregnancy, you must eat for two" is not correct. Overeating leads to obesity, gastritis and other troubles.
Nutrition should be regular, balanced. The future diet of the expectant mother should contain seasonal vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat, fish. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to consume foods containing folic acid in large quantities. These include veal liver, spinach, asparagus, linseed oil.
In the first trimester, a woman may well observe the same diet as before pregnancy. Three main meals and two snacks will be enough. From mid-pregnancy, you can add another main meal. In this case, the portions should be small. Eating later than two hours before bedtime is not recommended.
If the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy, it is possible that stomach problems begin. At the next examination, a gynecologist should report unpleasant symptoms. It will also be useful to use the services of a nutritionist.
The threat of abortion
Does the stomach hurt in early pregnancy? Light pulling pains may be present due to rapid fetal growth. However, unpleasant symptoms should definitely be reported to your gynecologist. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the threat of termination can occur in healthy women.
Spontaneous abortion is often observed when the fetus is not yet viable. If the pregnancy is first, and the stomach hurts as with menstruation, this may indicate an increased tone of the uterus. There is a serious threat of miscarriage, so you should definitely inform your doctor about unpleasant symptoms. Early miscarriage may also be associated with chromosomal abnormalities. The fetus cannot fully develop, therefore spontaneous abortion occurs. Abdominal pain is the first sign of this process. Then there are spotting.
Previous abortions also negatively affect the course of pregnancy. With each subsequent miscarriage, the probability of having a healthy child is significantly reduced. If a woman has had to undergo several spontaneous abortions, she will have to spend almost the entire pregnancy in a hospital.
If a woman seeks help in a timely manner, while studies show that a full-fledged baby develops in the womb, the specialist will do everything to preserve the pregnancy. The expectant mother is assigned bed rest. Have to abandon sexual relations with a spouse. In addition, antispasmodics are prescribed.
Premature birth
If during pregnancy (35 weeks) the upper abdomen hurts, it is possible that labor begins. Statistics show that 15% of babies are born prematurely. In this case, premature birth is always associated with a high risk of complications for the newborn. Early labor can begin due to pathologies of the development of the child, diseases of the woman herself. Often prematurely babies appear during multiple pregnancy.
If we consider the "Maternal" factors, early childbirth can provoke sexually transmitted diseases. This is chlamydia, herpes, microplasmosis. Acute viral lesions such as chickenpox, rubella, and flu are also dangerous. With chronic pathologies of the expectant mother, the risk of premature birth also increases.
The state of the reproductive organs of a woman can also affect the full-term pregnancy. Under supervision for all 9 months, it is necessary for women with a bicornuate uterus. Polyps and other benign formations of the genitourinary system are also dangerous.
Early childbirth can begin if the fetus has a genetic disorder. So, babies with Down syndrome, as a rule, are born prematurely. Children with heart defects are also born earlier. Only 20% of these children can lead a full life in the future.
If you suspect a premature birth, immediate hospitalization of the pregnant woman is required. Whether it is necessary to stimulate labor, the specialist decides individually in each case. Children who are born after 30 weeks of pregnancy, with the right therapeutic measures, can lead a full-fledged lifestyle in the future. The risk of infant death increases if childbirth begins from 20 to 30 weeks of pregnancy.
This pathological process is the most severe manifestation of gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnant women). Dangerous complications can develop that threaten the life and health of the expectant mother and child. In many cases, a coma develops rapidly. Statistics show that 50% of deaths during pregnancy are associated with eclampsia. Therefore, if the upper abdomen hurts at 38 weeks of pregnancy, cramps appear, a significant increase in blood pressure is observed, an ambulance should be called immediately.
The provoking factor of eclampsia is pregnant hypertension. Due to the rapid increase in blood pressure, the brain cells of the future mother are damaged. In addition, cerebral blood flow is significantly reduced. Eclampsia is often observed in women who do not comply with the appointment of a gynecologist or do not register for pregnancy at all. Compliance with diet and rest is also important. The abuse of cigarettes and alcohol can provoke a rapid deterioration in well-being.
At risk for eclampsia are the representatives of the weaker sex who first bear a child over the age of 35 years. The situation may be aggravated by obesity. Women whose weight exceeds 80 kg should register for pregnancy as early as possible.
Eclampsia in most cases is preceded by a state of preeclampsia. For several days, a woman may suffer from headache, flickering in front of her eyes, pain in the stomach, nausea. The development of eclampsia begins with a loss of consciousness, a seizure. Assistance to a woman should be provided immediately. After a few seconds, a woman can regain consciousness, her well-being improves. However, after a few minutes, the seizure is repeated.
If a woman is diagnosed with eclampsia in the later stages of pregnancy, she will have to bring the remaining time before delivery in a hospital. The expectant mother is provided with complete rest, blood pressure is controlled. To improve health, drip intravenous administration of magnesium sulfate is provided. The appointment of sedatives allows you to prevent repeated attacks of eclampsia. With repeated convulsive seizures resuscitation measures are performed.
If at the 40th week of pregnancy the upper abdomen hurts, nausea appears, the woman loses consciousness, the doctor may decide to undergo a caesarean section. If eclampsia is suspected, natural childbirth can pose a threat to the life of the expectant mother and child.
Abdominal pain is a sign of the onset of labor.
Training fights - an indicator that very soon the baby will be born. Unpleasant sensations are observed from the middle of the second trimester. Initially, spasms are observed occasionally, then the number of training contractions increases. During the second pregnancy, the stomach hurts much more often. At the same time, it is worthwhile to inform your doctor about unpleasant sensations. With each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of rapid delivery increases significantly. In this case, the baby may be born prematurely.
The main sign of false contractions is their irregularity. Belly contraction can be observed only several times a day. If the contractions continue after a certain period of time, we can talk about the onset of labor. , 38 , . .
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Rapid passage of the baby through the birth canal can lead to serious injuries. Intracranial hemorrhages are not excluded. A child born in this way may remain disabled.
Predicting a rapid birth is almost impossible. However, factors that can project rapid cervical dilatation should be considered. If the second or third birth is due, while the previous labor was rapid, it is recommended to go to hospital in advance (already at 37 weeks of gestation).
The health of a woman and a child is the responsibility of the very future mother. Therefore, if during the period of bearing the fetus a stomach ache or other unpleasant symptoms appear, it is necessary to make an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible. It is also important to timely register for pregnancy. It is recommended that you consult your first consultation if your period is delayed.
Abdominal pain can occur with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Before planning pregnancy, it is worth treating chronic ailments, undergo a full examination of the body.