Glaucoma in cats: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

When starting a pet, most people do not even suspect what difficulties they may encounter. The fact is that animals, like people, suffer from various diseases. Some of them are not serious, while others, on the contrary, pose a danger to life. This article will talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment of glaucoma in cats. What is the insidiousness of this disease? Let's try to answer this question.

Glaucoma - what is it?

Unfortunately, glaucoma is a disease that is often diagnosed in cats. By type, it is ophthalmic. During the development of pathology in an animal, intraocular pressure rises significantly. Various factors can cause this ailment. At risk are those individuals who have a hereditary predisposition. Glaucoma can also occur due to a trauma. Below will be described in detail about all the reasons that can provoke glaucoma.

Each owner should be familiar with at least the main symptoms of the disease. This will help to respond in time and start treatment immediately. Given the seriousness of the consequences (complete loss of vision), every minute counts.

glaucoma in cats treatment


Cat glaucoma is classified into types depending on the following factors:

  • Origin. It happens primary and secondary. The latter form occurs due to complications after injuries. May act as a symptom of ophthalmic diseases. It is only acquired. As for the primary form, such glaucoma is an independent ailment. It occurs due to a violation of the mechanisms responsible for the balance of intraocular fluid. This form can be both acquired and congenital.
  • The state of the iridocorneal angle. Formed in the anterior chamber of the eye. It accumulates fluid. His condition affects how freely she can circulate. According to the degree of damage, open-and closed-angle forms of the disease are distinguished. At the first in the animal, the iris-corneal angle is not blocked. Pathology proceeds most often in a chronic form. But the angle-closure is distinguished by the sharp nature of the current. With it, there is a complete blockage not only of the angle of the anterior chamber, but also of the drainage system. Naturally, this leads to an imbalance of intraocular fluid.
  • Involvement in the process. According to this criterion, unilateral glaucoma (if the lesion affects only one eye) and bilateral (pathology has spread to both visual organs) are distinguished.
  • Severity. Depending on how the disease progresses, veterinarians distinguish four stages: terminal (the most severe, the animal is almost completely blind), far reaching (the field of view is concentrically narrowed), developed (minor violation of the optic nerve) and initial. With the latter, there is a chance of a full recovery, since the structure of the organ is not yet broken.

Causes of primary (congenital) glaucoma

Why does glaucoma occur in cats (see photo of the affected eye of an animal above)? It is important to understand that each type of this disease has its own characteristics and, of course, causes. Based on this, let's look at what can provoke primary glaucoma.

If a kitten has already been born with such a pathology, then most likely its parents had it. Doctors call this a genetic predisposition. Also at risk are those individuals who have been diagnosed with glaucoma in the genus. Congenital malformations may also be the cause.

Veterinarians have noticed that there are certain breeds of cats that are most prone to ailment. These include European species, Burmese, Siamese and Persian.

glaucoma in cats how to treat

Causes of Secondary Glaucoma

Glaucoma in cats of the secondary type can occur against the background of some other disease. Complication occurs due to conjunctivitis, dislocation of the lens, uveitis. A fairly common cause of the development of pathology are injuries of the visual organs. Veterinarians also believe that glaucoma can develop with tumor diseases, inflammatory processes, and overgrowing of the drainage canal.

The following factors can also be attributed to the reasons:

  • age-related changes;
  • previous eye injuries;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • diabetes.

Main symptoms

Glaucoma is a disease that affects vision. Therefore, the main symptom is its violation. However, the owner in the early stages to determine that the animal has become worse to see, is quite problematic. The fact is that cats have very well developed other feelings. It's about smelling and hearing. At first, this helps the pet to navigate well in space, not paying attention to vision. But at a certain point the situation worsens and, accordingly, the behavior of the animal changes.

glaucoma in cats photo

Angle-closure glaucoma in cats: symptoms

Glaucoma can occur in two forms. Angle-closure (acute) is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. These include:

  • Digestion problems. The animal is often sick and may vomit.
  • Behavior change. Cats become insecure due to decreased vision. This is reflected in their behavior. The general condition is lethargic, sometimes aggression is manifested. Pet refuses games.
  • Painful sensations. The animal does not allow to touch the eyes, rubs and shakes its head.
  • Changing the color of the lens. The owner can independently notice the clouding in the eyes of the pet.

If such symptoms are observed in an animal, then it is advisable to immediately contact a veterinary clinic. If you do this immediately, you can diagnose glaucoma in the initial stage.

Symptoms of open angle glaucoma

Open-angle glaucoma in cats does not develop very quickly. Most often occurs in animals aged 10 years and older. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • An increase in eyeballs. This is due to the accumulation of fluid.
  • Changing the shape of the eyes. They become convex, sometimes they may not completely close.
  • Painful sensations.
  • The pupil stops responding to light.
  • Lachrymation increases.
  • The vitreous is liquefied.
  • Redness of the eyes is observed.
glaucoma in cats symptoms

Symptoms of Congenital Glaucoma

Congenital glaucoma in cats, as a rule, manifests itself with the same symptoms as described above. The owner will be able to notice the presence of this pathology only by observing the animal. Pay attention to how the pet reacts to light. If he avoids bright lighting, preferring shade, then it is necessary to be examined in a clinic. Also, the strabismus with which the kitten has already been born may indicate congenital glaucoma.


If there is a suspicion of glaucoma in cats, it is necessary to contact a veterinary clinic. There, the specialist will appoint an examination, the main stage of which will be the measurement of intraocular pressure. Also, the condition of the optic nerve and fundus is diagnosed without fail. By and large, this is enough to make a diagnosis. However, in order to determine the form and nature of the course of the disease, additional studies can be prescribed - gonioscopy, ultrasound. With the help of the latter, the doctor determines or excludes the presence of a tumor.

glaucoma diagnosis

Disease treatment

The main treatment for glaucoma in cats is to normalize the pressure inside the eyeballs. Therapy in the fight against this disease can be medical, laser or surgical. Only a veterinarian can choose a method of exposure. Everything will depend on the type of pathology and general condition. However, it must be understood that if the animal has completely lost its vision, then it will not be possible to restore it. This process is considered irreversible. With a partial decrease in the ability to see, treatment can improve the general condition. However, you should not count on a full return of vision.

Conservative method

Many are interested in how to treat glaucoma in cats. First, let's consider what drugs are prescribed for drug therapy. The course includes:

  • Medicines that contribute to the outflow of intraocular fluid - Metazolamide, Bimatoprost, Mannitol.
  • With severe pain spasm, pain medications are prescribed (Ketanov).
  • Means of a group of beta-blockers that slow down fluid production (Betaxolol).
  • If the disease is caused by an infection, then you will need to take a course of anti-inflammatory drugs. It can be Ibuprofen or Diclofenac.

In order to avoid relapse, the animal will have to take these funds all his life. Otherwise, the pathology will begin to develop rapidly, which will lead to blindness.

glaucoma eyes in cats

Laser treatment

Many people treat pets as children, so they try to use every opportunity to help them recover. With glaucoma, laser correction can be done. It is prescribed if drug treatment does not give a positive effect. In medicine, this method of therapy is called cyclophotocoagulation. Unfortunately, this procedure is very expensive, therefore, it is not carried out in all clinics.

Surgical intervention

Unfortunately, nothing will help return lost vision, but this does not mean that you do not need to deal with the accompanying symptoms. With a strong deterioration in well-being, the animal undergoes surgery to remove the affected eye. This will save him from constant pain and discomfort.

If vision has not yet begun to fall, then during surgery, the surgeon either partially removes the ciliary body or drains the anterior chamber. This will help for a while to normalize intraocular pressure.

glaucoma in cats symptoms and treatment

Treatment with folk remedies: reviews of the owners

In the comments, cat owners often ask about folk remedies for the fight against glaucoma. The fact is that this disease cannot be cured in this way. However, reviews say that with the help of traditional medicine, the effect of drug therapy can be strengthened. So, let's take a look at what owners advise.

  • Aloe broth rinse eyes several times a day.
  • Strong tea with the addition of honey to insist and instill a few drops in each eye.

This, of course, will not help get rid of glaucoma, but it will reduce inflammation and pain. Owners claim that animals become calmer.

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