When to Celebrate Student's Day - November 17 or January 25: the history of each of the dates

Student years are recognized as one of the most striking and special in human life. Rapid adulthood, independence, the desire to try new things, searching for yourself - this is only a small amount of what awaits freshmen on the way to obtaining a diploma. One of the main questions that worries everyone who begins this stage, when and how is Student's Day celebrated? Should it be held on November 17 or January 25, and why did two dates appear at once?

Business time

The people consider the students to be a time when they turn a blind eye to pranks and mistakes, because there is an adult life ahead, where there is almost no place for them. But it is worth remembering that fun and a loose lifestyle are not the main occupations.

Student's Day November 17 or January 25

Since ancient times, young people went to universities for knowledge, set goals for themselves, which they wanted to achieve in order to make themselves known to the whole world. History shows us that students have often faced the injustice and rigidity of the world. This is what gives reason to think about a lot. Celebrating Student's Day is an opportunity to remember not only how fun this time is, but also what it gives for our future.

A memorable day for the whole world

To begin with, it's worth figuring out whether they celebrate Student's Day on November 17 or January 25? The fact is that both dates exist and have the right to life. The difference lies in the story, which served as an occasion to consider each of them memorable.

This is exactly what November 17 is - International Students' Day. It is considered worldwide because the events preceding it affected the entire world community.

Student's Day is November 17, the history of the tradition of which gives him a special idea and fills the date with serious meaning. This is not a holiday in the usual sense of the word. More precisely, it can be described as a day of remembrance, symbolizing the unity and solidarity of students from all over the world. It appeared many years ago.

In 1939, on October 28, young people studying in higher education institutions took to the streets of Prague. They participated in the demonstration, which was dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the formation of the state of Czechoslovakia. The country at that moment was already under the occupation of German troops.

Why is World Student Day November 17th

The demonstrators were brutally dispersed. Weapons were used. A student named Ian Opletal was shot dead. The death of a young man stirred up the public. The funeral was attended not only by all those who studied at the university, but also by teachers. The reaction to the murder was a mass demonstration denouncing the injustice and cruelty of the fascist regime.

The invaders did not keep themselves waiting: on November 17, hundreds of demonstrators were detained. Some of them were shot, others were sentenced to imprisonment in concentration camps.

A. Hitler ordered the immediate termination of all educational institutions. Students were able to resume their studies only at the end of the war.

In 1941, the First International Anti-Nazi Congress was held in London, where students decided to assign November 17 the status of the day of remembrance of the dead Czech students. Until now, this date is revered by young people of all countries, nationalities and religions.

Domestic analogue

But we know another date. Is there a debate over her, to celebrate Student Day on November 17 or January 25? The second date is distinguished by an even more ancient history, but is widespread in Russia.

Back in the 18th century, on January 25, 1755, the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed a decree prepared by Ivan Shuvalov. He marked the appearance of the first university in Moscow. In the church calendar, this day was the veneration of the holy great martyr Tatyana. So, she became the protector and patroness of students.

November 17, International Students' Day

It is believed that Count Shuvalov chose this day because of his mother. Her name was Tatyana, and the decree became a gift on her name day.

Why is Student Day celebrated on January 25th? This date has already become special, because in 1791 Nicholas I signed an order for the celebration, and this year the church of St. Tatyana was opened, where the guys came before the session with prayers and requests.

World Student Day Traditions

Why is World Student Day - November 17, so important for people? This is an opportunity to honor the memory of those who died at the hands of the Nazis. Memorial services are held all over the world. Their organization unites and unites students from different corners of the Earth.

Large-scale events are also held in the village of Nakla, where Ian was buried. This day shows the other side of students' lives. Here, young people who, to many, still seem not quite conscious, show that they know history and understand how important it is to honor its memory.

Traditions of the Russian holiday

In Russia, it is fun and noisy. January 25 is the time when all the excitement and fears from the session are left behind, which means that nothing obscures the celebration.

It all started with official events, where they issued letters, awards and thanks, and then held noisy festivities. Lucien Olivier, who became the creator of one of our favorite salads, loved students very much. As a sign of his affection for them, he gave the children his own Hermitage restaurant for a feast.

History of the tradition of November 17, Students' Day

The city men, who kept order on the streets, felt sorry for the tipsy youth and did not arrest them for minor violations.


In different countries there are other features of this holiday. However, we have a great opportunity not to choose to celebrate Student's Day on November 17 or January 25.

Why January 25 is Student Day

You can honor young people studying at the university twice: for the first time remembering those who were victims of war and cruelty, and in the second to praise yourself for the successful completion of the session. After all, the student time passes, like everything else in this world, which means that you should get as many impressions from her as possible.

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