How old can I kiss?

From adolescence, all children are interested in one question: “How old can I kiss?” Of course, the question is a little stupid, because if there is no one nearby, and you are already fourteen, although you read somewhere that this is allowed from thirteen, then what’s the difference, how old can you kiss? It's not about age, but that you should not be completely complex about this and listen to friends and girlfriends who brag about kissing at eleven. After all, the first kiss is the most important event that will never be repeated anywhere else, so you should not give it to the first comer. When people around boast that they have long been able to kiss, why no one ever asks them, and where is the same person with whom they first did it? And do they regret that they gave the first kiss in their life to someone unclear?

Therefore, let's temporarily leave the question: “How old can I kiss?” And think about who it is worth doing for the first time. It must be a person to whom you have at least some feelings. Someone who teaches you how to kiss, and will not laugh at your feelings or the next day will forget about your existence.

It's funny, but there are people who first kissed in kindergarten. And, of course, vaguely remember this event. And there are romantic natures who are already twenty to thirty years old, and they have never kissed anyone. Of course, this is a bust, however, as we noted at the beginning, it is better not to give your first kiss to the first comer. The fates of all are different, and each of us decides how many years you can kiss.

If you have time, then read some literature on this topic in order to learn how to at least theoretically kiss, and not think about the question: "I can not kiss, what should I do?" And in this article we will give some tips and recommendations.

A kiss is the best way to help express your love for someone. It is through him that one can express gratitude or happiness. And we learn to kiss from childhood, because a kiss on the cheek also requires a little effort. And we kiss not only a loved one or a companion and a life partner, but our parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, etc. And even a kiss on the cheek is different for everyone, so there are no and cannot be any special recommendations on how to do this. However, there are some rules, after reading which you can imagine what a kiss is between a man and a woman, and you won’t think: “I don’t know how to kiss, what should I do?” In fact, everything is quite simple.

The very first and most important rule of the kiss is to be sincere, to convey your real emotions and feelings, otherwise you risk being branded as an unfeeling person. And not without reason in films in order to make sure whether this half is yours or whether you really love someone, it is recommended to kiss him. After all, if feelings are not real, then the kiss will turn out the same. And what if you are afraid to kiss? Nothing! Trust the heart and instincts, because they will not fail. Try to kiss as if this is your last kiss in life. In this case, everything will work out!

You need to choose a place and circumstances for a kiss. However, it doesn’t matter if anyone is around or not. The main thing is that between you there should be an atmosphere of love and affection. Well, romance should be present in any case. And remember about fresh breath! Always and timely brush your teeth, carry gum with you, because bad breath from your mouth can scare away anyone.

Tell your partner about your feelings, tell us about your love for him. This will give the kiss more romance. Forget about stiffness, relax and go to meet new sensations!

Remember, it doesn’t matter what kind of kiss in a row is in your life. Pass through him all the feelings that you have for each other, then he will become unforgettable!

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