Each of us knows that a balanced diet is the key to well-being and a beautiful appearance, which the representatives of the fair half of humanity are always especially worried about. Women at any time of the year want to look attractive, have a beautiful complexion, strong nails, luxurious hair and stand out with a sparkle in their eyes. It is these characteristics that are associated all over the world with beauty, however, in the case of pregnant women, their natural attractiveness is not always preserved. An organism that works for two needs a lot of vitamins and minerals, the lack of which often leads to various diseases that are dangerous not only for the mother, but also the baby.
First of all, an acute shortage of iron, which is known as anemia or anemia, negatively affects the body. Neither men nor women can be frivolous about this problem, and pregnant women in general should carefully monitor the iron indicators. If they fall sharply, then it is urgent to start taking iron preparations for pregnant women. Which ones are best for women expecting a baby? We will tell about this and many other things to our readers in this article.
A few words about anemia
Iron preparations for pregnant women are prescribed quite often, because it is this category of women that most often faces anemia, which occurs most often in the last stages of bearing a child. If we take the data available in the public domain, we can say that literally a quarter of the entire population of our planet suffers from a lack of iron. Moreover, most of them are women expecting a baby. In our country, approximately half of pregnant women in the third trimester experience iron-containing anemia.
The above information shows that anemia is very common, so many women relate to it quite simply. Not always after making a diagnosis and issuing recommendations on the list of names of iron preparations for pregnant women, the expectant mother goes to the pharmacy and buys the medicine. However, such an attitude to anemia can cause serious problems, because the functions of iron in the body are very important and cannot be compensated by other trace elements. We will talk about this in the next section of the article.
Why does our body need iron?
Iron preparations for anemia of pregnant women are prescribed in cases when its content in the blood drops sharply or approaches the lower limit of the norm. But women are not always fully aware of how important it is to avoid such situations while carrying a child. To understand this, information about what exactly iron molecules do in our body will help.
So, in every person there is not so much iron. Typically, these indicators do not exceed five grams, but most often fluctuate within two to four grams. Moreover, more than sixty percent is in hemoglobin, and a little more than thirty percent is in the liver, kidneys and spleen. Women of childbearing age need more iron than, for example, men or the elderly. This is primarily due to blood loss during the period of menstruation. At this time, the body loses up to thirty milligrams of iron, and can get with food no more than twenty. Moreover, no more than two milligrams of iron is digested from this amount. Naturally, the female body is almost constantly balancing on the verge of a lack of iron.
The situation worsens during pregnancy. In the second and third trimester, the growing fetus begins to require more iron, and the upcoming birth makes the body also stock up with this substance due to heavy blood loss in this period. During breastfeeding, a woman gives almost one and a half thousand milligrams of iron per day, which negatively affects her health and the quality of milk, which is necessary for the baby to fully develop and grow. So why is iron so important? Let's try to talk about this in a simple and understandable language.
First of all, it is worth understanding that iron is not synthesized by any of the organs. It can be obtained only with food or thanks to special iron preparations (far from all such medicines are suitable for pregnant women, therefore, a mandatory medical consultation is necessary before taking them). If there is a lack of iron molecules in the body, then there will not be the right amount of hemoglobin. And he, in turn, is able to literally attract oxygen and carbon dioxide, transporting them throughout the body. We can say that the respiration of cells depends entirely on the level of hemoglobin. Its molecules take oxygen from the lungs and carry it to the cells of the body, from there unnecessary carbon dioxide is taken, which must be brought out. The more body weight, the more transport molecules a person needs. Their lack leads to oxygen starvation and carbon dioxide intoxication. We think that now our readers understand why iron is so important for pregnant women (we will give a little later names of drugs that are most suitable for women expecting a baby).
In addition, this substance protects our body from toxins, helps to destroy viruses and synthesize the necessary hormones for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Thus, the resulting anemia not only leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus, but also reduces immunity, making the expectant mother more susceptible to viral diseases. Therefore, iron preparations with low hemoglobin in pregnant women are not just shown, but are vital for the woman herself and her baby.
Normal hemoglobin and daily iron requirement
The attending physician, before compiling a list of iron preparations for pregnant women as a recommendation in a particular case, focuses primarily on the level of hemoglobin in the blood, determined by means of a routine laboratory analysis.
During the bearing of a baby, a woman more than once passes a blood test, and the doctor is always especially interested in the level of hemoglobin. Normally, this indicator can range from one hundred ten to one hundred thirty grams per liter. In order to maintain this level, a pregnant woman should take from fifteen to thirty milligrams of iron daily. Moreover, in the early stages, you can completely adhere to the lower specified boundary, but before giving birth it is better to ensure that the body can create a certain supply of iron in the body. Therefore, do not neglect iron preparations for pregnant women, because they allow the expectant mother to feel good and provide the baby with the necessary amount of oxygen.
Types and sources of iron
If you want to constantly maintain the same level of hemoglobin in the blood, then you should know that there are two types of iron that are completely differently perceived by our body.
The heme is considered the most useful, and it is perfectly absorbed by the human body. It is contained in hemoglobin, which means that it can be obtained from products of animal origin. In order to feel good, a pregnant woman should eat meat daily. Ideal options would be beef, horse meat and rabbit meat. Also, do not discount offal: liver, spleen and heart. Most often, from the above options, we prepare a liver at home, but this product may not be safe for pregnant women. The fact is that it is the liver that filters out all toxins and its inadequate quality will do more harm than good to a woman.
The second type of iron is non-heme. You can get it from various plants and iron preparations (in the reviews for pregnant women a whole list of suitable medicines is indicated). However, in this form, it is absorbed much worse and, in order to obtain a daily norm, a much larger quantity will be needed. Those who plan to make up for iron deficiency with plants need to pay attention to beans, buckwheat, spinach and pomegranates. Real dark chocolate and oatmeal, which, however, is quite difficult to find in modern stores, will also be useful.
It is worth considering that iron preparations for pregnant women usually contain, in addition to the main substance, some minerals and vitamins. Indeed, without them, it cannot be fully assimilated. It is best to combine iron with vitamin C and group B, as well as folic acid. In this case, we can hope that all the necessary iron for pregnant women (we will definitely indicate the names of drugs from the list of the best in the article) will be absorbed by the body as much as possible.
Causes of iron deficiency
What iron preparations can be given to pregnant women, we will discuss a little later, and now we will find out the main causes of anemia. Physicians usually call four premises:
- lack of iron intake from food;
- poor digestibility;
- high demand;
- lack of compensation of iron at its high consumption.
In pregnant women, there is often not one, but a whole set of causes that lead to anemia. And if in the early stages of bearing a child they may not manifest themselves, then over time, the question of which iron preparations for pregnant women are better, most future mothers ask. And here you can’t do without consulting a doctor, because it is a specialist who can choose the appropriate treatment that will not harm either the woman or her baby.
Manifestations of anemia in pregnant women
The tests do not always fully reflect the situation with the content of iron in the blood. There are cases when the hemoglobin level was quite acceptable, and the fetus experienced a severe lack of oxygen. Naturally, in the first place, this affected the well-being of the woman herself and was manifested by the following series of symptoms:
- persistent headaches, dizziness and recurring fainting accompanied by tinnitus;
- fatigue, decreased performance and desire to lie down;
- the appearance of shortness of breath with any physical exertion;
- change of heartbeat to a more frequent and rhythmic;
- decreased immunity;
- the appearance of black dots in front of the eyes when changing the position of the body or a sharp turn of the head;
- blanching of the skin;
- the desire to inhale pungent odors that previously seemed extremely unpleasant (paint or, for example, gasoline);
- the occurrence of problems with hair and nails (they become brittle and deformed).
If you have noticed at least two of the symptoms listed above, then it means you should go to the doctor. It is he who will prepare a list of names of iron preparations for pregnant women, based on the obtained analysis results. The severity of the disease also affects the choice of drugs.
Anemia: Severity Levels
I would like to clarify that if you have anemia, then this is not a cause for panic. After all, doctors divide the disease into three degrees of severity, depending on which treatment options are determined. In some cases, hemoglobin levels can be adjusted by diet without the use of drugs. But in especially difficult situations, drugs can not be dispensed with and it can only be determined by evaluating the real lack of iron in the body.
At the first degree of anemia, the hemoglobin level drops to ninety - one hundred and ten grams per liter. Usually at this stage it is very difficult to determine the disease, because it proceeds without the symptoms that were described in the previous section. Only a general blood test can show the problem.
The second level of severity involves a drop in hemoglobin of up to eighty grams per liter. In this situation, the pregnant woman begins to experience a lot of discomfort, and the baby inside her - a lack of oxygen. This usually manifests itself in an increase in motor activity, signaling problems with iron.
A third severity of anemia is characterized by a hemoglobin level below eighty grams per liter. Such an indicator can become critical for the future mother and fetus, because it indicates serious health problems. Perhaps, to normalize the amount of iron, complex therapy will be required, which includes proper nutrition and drugs in the form of tablets and injections.
Classification of Iron-containing Medicines
Perhaps we will upset you, but the best iron preparation for pregnant women has not yet been found. Despite this, at the moment there are a large number of different iron-containing drugs. We will give a brief description of them, so that it will be easier for readers to navigate in the list of iron preparations for pregnant women proposed below.
All medicines related to the group of interest to us can be divided into two types:
The first category includes divalent iron compounds, which are fairly well absorbed and absorbed by the human body. It is such medications that are most often prescribed to women, since they contain a high concentration of iron and are taken no more than twice a day. Such compounds belong to inexpensive iron preparations for pregnant women, which also provides them with a certain popularity among doctors and patients.
However, such anemia treatments have a number of side effects. With excellent absorption and digestibility, they are quite difficult to tolerate by patients. For example, pregnant women often complain of constipation, nausea, vomiting, and increased flatulence in the stomach. All the negative consequences of treatment are exacerbated by the fact that iron tablets and capsules must be drunk before meals. This irritates the gastric mucosa even more. Often, ferrous iron has a bad effect on tooth enamel, in some situations it even causes its darkening.
Non-ionic compounds include ferric iron. The human body tolerates its intake much more easily, but it is worse absorbed. Therefore, pregnant women are prescribed it much less often. The concentration of iron in such tablets is quite low, and they must be taken at least three times a day. Often the number of receptions reaches five, which is quite inconvenient and tiring.
I would also like to note that some drugs contain only iron salts in their composition - these are the cheapest iron preparations. For pregnant women, they are not too well suited, as they are not well absorbed by the body. It is best if the tablets contain acids and vitamins, in this case, the effectiveness of the treatment will be higher.
Doctors usually recommend sustained-release drugs to their patients. They rarely cause negative effects and evenly raise hemoglobin. In addition, they are able to retain iron in the body for a long time.
Rules for the selection and administration of iron-containing drugs
Even the best pregnant iron supplement will be less effective if you drink it incorrectly. In addition, do not forget that the drug should be selected taking into account certain nuances. For example, you need to remember how much higher the absorption of iron in the stomach compared with injections. It is also better to choose coated tablets. Thus, they less irritate the gastrointestinal tract and will cause a minimal amount of side effects.
Iron tablets should be washed down only with water, but tea, coffee and other drinks interfere with the absorption of the drug. Also, do not combine their intake with antibiotics, many of them reduce the absorption of iron molecules in the gastrointestinal tract. If you are shown treatment with antacids, then they must be drunk separately from the drugs to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The interval between doses should be at least two hours.
Pregnant women should know that treating anemia takes several months. Most often, iron-containing tablets and capsules are prescribed for two to three months. At the same time, it is not worth stopping even in cases where hemoglobin has already reached its normal level. Women are prescribed a maintenance dose that allows the body to fully stock up on a much needed substance.
List of Good Pregnancy Iron Preparations
Testimonials from doctors and patients can provide complete information on medications indicated to women expecting a baby with a diagnosis of anemia. Among their huge number, five effective drugs can be distinguished:
- "Hemofer";
- "Sorbifer";
- Maltofer Fall;
- Ferlatum;
- Totem.
We will tell you as much as possible about each of these funds.
Characteristics of iron-containing drugs for pregnant women
“Hemofer” is prescribed to expectant mothers quite often, but the women themselves write that, despite its easy tolerance, the drug requires a very long reception. Doctors never prescribe it for less than three months. Most often, treatment takes about five months. “Hemofer” is produced in the form of drops, which affects the timing of replenishment of iron deficiency in the body. The drug has a yellowish color and a pronounced smell, which often causes rejection of this tool. Pregnant women in their reviews note that it is best to take the medicine through a straw, as it very often stains tooth enamel. Even better, rinse your mouth thoroughly after each use. This will help you avoid the unpleasant effects of treatment.
"Sorbifer" is available in the form of tablets, which speeds up the process of digestibility. In addition, this drug contains ferrous iron, and it is precisely it that is absorbed faster in the gastrointestinal tract. It is nice that the tablets do not stain the tooth enamel in dark color and cause a minimal amount of side effects. Pregnant women are prescribed it twice a day, while the concentration of iron in the drug is sufficient for women expecting twins. The result of treatment will be noticeable after three weeks, but it is necessary to continue taking the pills for a few more months. Many note in the reviews that, in addition to the advantages already listed, they were attracted by the relatively low cost of the drug.
Maltofer Fall refers to combination preparations that contain not only iron, but also a complex of vitamins that enhance the digestibility of the main substance. On average, a medicine costs about five hundred rubles and is well tolerated by pregnant women. In each case, the required dosage is calculated by the doctor, but usually women, in anticipation of replenishment in the family, should take three tablets per day. They must be chewed without fear of harming tooth enamel.
Ferlatum is recognized by many doctors as one of the best drugs to date. It is produced in the form of a solution, but, nevertheless, is perfectly absorbed by the body. Pregnant women in the reviews note its pleasant taste, minimal side effects and a short course of treatment. The required result is achieved very quickly, which reduces the risk of an upset digestive system.
Totem is sold in ampoules and is widely prescribed for pregnant women. This drug contains several auxiliary components that help not only absorb iron, but also normalize digestion. It is believed that this drug is effective in cases of prophylaxis of anemia in women in position. Therefore, it is often prescribed in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the hemoglobin level is still within normal limits. Usually, the course of treatment lasts several months and consists of taking one ampoule per day.