"Acyclovir" during pregnancy: instructions for use, reviews

Pregnancy is such a period in a woman’s life when she is responsible not only for herself and her well-being, but also for her baby’s health. Many medicines can cause severe harm to the fetus, so their choice must be approached very carefully. Can "Acyclovir" during pregnancy? Is this drug harmful or beneficial? How to take it, and what side effects may develop after taking it?

The danger of herpes to a child

Herpes is a viral disease. The most dangerous is the genital type of virus. In the early stages, it can cause the fetus to freeze or miscarriage, in the later stages and during childbirth, the baby becomes infected with herpes, as a result he may develop:

  • Skin rash.
  • Malformations of the organs of vision.
  • Disturbances in the development of the brain.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Disorders of the liver.
  • Anomalies of the cardiovascular system.

If genital herpes is not cured before the birth, then at birth the baby will be infected with this virus. After some time, the disease will manifest itself in the form of a rash in the oral cavity, but over time, it can spread throughout the baby’s body, and this condition is dangerous for his life and can be fatal. That is why herpes during pregnancy is a very serious disease.

"Acyclovir" during pregnancy

Can pregnant women take Acyclovir?

"Acyclovir" is a popular antiviral drug that has a detrimental effect on the herpes virus and chickenpox. It is widely used by dermatologists for infectious lesions of the mucous membranes and skin.

The drug is sold in the form of tablets, ointments, creams and as injections.

Most drugs are most dangerous in the first months of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that before 10 weeks the formation of the child’s systems and organs takes place, and medications can provoke anomalies and malformations. In addition, during this period, the embryo still cannot defend itself independently from harmful substances and toxins, relying in this on its mother.

The use of drugs during pregnancy should be agreed with the doctor, the same applies to "Acyclovir".

Benefit or harm?

As for the use of "Acyclovir" during pregnancy, the opinions of doctors differ on this issue. Many prescribe the drug only in extreme and severe cases.

It is proved that the main component of the drug is able to penetrate the placenta into the blood of the fetus, but its effect on the baby is not dangerous.

"Acyclovir" during pregnancy is prescribed to a woman if the harm from the virus that is or can be done to the baby is several times more dangerous than exposure to the drug.

Viral diseases adversely affect pregnancy and labor, can cause miscarriage, premature birth, freezing of the fetus, as well as pathologies and abnormalities of the fetus.

Particular attention should be paid to genital herpes, since the consequences of it are extremely negative for the baby, so it is necessary to treat it, even before the birth of the baby.

Instruction manual

"Acyclovir" during pregnancy has a broad antiviral effect, in addition, it stimulates the immune system to fight infection. It is an effective drug against all types of herpes.

During pregnancy, Acyclovir in the form of a cream is most popular; it is applied to the skin and mucous membranes depending on the location of the lesion: genitals, lips and other areas. It is recommended to apply the drug every 3 hours for a week. The use of cream in the first trimester of pregnancy must be agreed with the doctor.

Can "Acyclovir" during pregnancy?

Acyclovir injections during pregnancy are generally not practiced.

In the form of tablets, the drug can be used in the third trimester, but only according to indications, in the absence of an allergy to an antiviral agent and after consultation with your doctor.

Eye ointment is used for herpes lesions of the cornea of ​​the eye, it is placed under the lower eyelid every 4 hours.

Side effects

"Acyclovir" is well tolerated by pregnant women, but side effects may occur:

  • When taking pills - digestive system disorders (stool, diarrhea), dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, deterioration of the liver, interruptions in the urinary system.
  • Ointments and creams - inflammatory reactions, tissue irritation, swelling, dry skin, itching.
  • Any form of taking "Acyclovir" during pregnancy can provoke an allergic reaction (itching, redness of the skin, peeling).
  • Sometimes cramps and numbness of the limbs may appear.

But it should be noted that side effects are very rare, and the drug is considered a safe antiviral agent. But, despite this, his appointment should be reasoned and justified, in addition, it should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.


The drug is contraindicated in:

  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up its composition.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Neurological disorders.

As a rule, the drug is tolerated very well, side effects are very rare. At the first signs of malaise or a change in health status, you should stop taking "Acyclovir" and consult your doctor.

"Acyclovir" during pregnancy 1 trimester

1, 2, 3 trimester

When can I use the drug, and when should I refrain? So, the use of the drug, depending on the trimester of pregnancy:

  • "Acyclovir" during pregnancy - 1 trimester. In the first 12 weeks, taking the drug is contraindicated, but it is during this period that herpes worsens. Therefore, ointments and cream in the form of applications are sometimes prescribed. Injections are not used at all, and tablets - only with a severe form of the disease.
  • "Acyclovir" during pregnancy - 2 trimester. During this period, the child has already formed, all of his organs and systems are working. But the effect of herpes on his condition can still be fatal. But at this time it is already possible to resort to radical measures - tablets and ointments, in addition, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed in parallel. It is allowed to use ointment "Acyclovir" - eye in the 2nd and 3rd trimester during pregnancy.
  • The drug and 3 trimester. Treatment is carried out only if a primary infection has occurred. Tablets and ointments are used, very rarely - injections.

Pregnancy ointment

Ophthalmic ointment "Acyclovir" accelerates the recovery of herpes-affected cornea and minimizes the likelihood of complications. In this case, the concentration of Acyclovir in the blood remains negligible, therefore, the ointment has a minimal negative effect on the fetus. It is applied every 4 hours, applied under the lower eyelid with a layer of not more than 1 cm.

"Acyclovir" tablets during pregnancy

Cream during pregnancy

Cream "Acyclovir" is used to lubricate damage to the skin and mucous membranes of herpes. The tool can be safely used during pregnancy, since it is practically harmless and its amount in the blood is so small that it is not worthwhile to say about its harm to the baby. Herpes, especially genital, is much more destructive for a small growing organism.

The cream is applied to the damaged area every 4 hours. The sooner treatment is started, the more favorable the prognosis. Cream 3% for mucous membranes and 5% for skin integument is produced.

Pregnancy pills

Acyclovir tablets are available in dosages of 200 mg, 400 and 800 mg. The number is selected by the doctor, as well as the duration of treatment. If you believe scientific research, then "Acyclovir" in tablets is safe for use by pregnant women and does not cause fetal abnormalities. In addition, 2010 studies have fully proved the effectiveness and safety of the drug both in the form of ointments and in the form of tablets.

"Acyclovir" during pregnancy

The drug during pregnancy planning

Pregnancy planning is an important step in a couple’s family life. It is important both the psychological and physical health of the mother for conception and the full development of a healthy baby. It is necessary to prepare for this period: abandon bad habits, eat properly and fully, avoid low-calorie diets for weight loss, and lead a healthy active lifestyle.

In addition, it is important to treat all chronic diseases in the body. Unfortunately, herpes cannot be completely eliminated; it remains in the blood for life. But you can minimize the risk of exacerbation of the virus during pregnancy. Before its onset, it is necessary to undergo a preventive course of treatment and reduce the chances of its exacerbation during the period of bearing the baby. It is necessary to take "Acyclovir" for preventive purposes, in addition, drink vitamin preparations and immunostimulating agents.

In the first months of pregnancy

The appearance of herpes at the beginning of pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence, the body's immune forces are weakened, and the hormonal restructuring of the body is in full swing. If during the period of bearing a child herpetic eruptions appear in a woman for the first time in her life, then the virus poses a special danger. In this case, the infection can penetrate the embryo and provoke the development of various pathologies. That is why "Acyclovir" is indispensable in the early stages of pregnancy, and its use is reasoned and justified.

But the use of ointment and cream is still considered safer than injections and tablets. In the first trimester, many doctors recommend the use of applications.

"Acyclovir" during pregnancy trimester ointment

Reviews about the drug

Reviews about the drug are mixed. Many women welcome the use of Acyclovir during pregnancy. They believe that harm from the virus is more dangerous than the use of the drug, especially in the form of a cream. There are cases of taking "Acyclovir" during pregnancy in tablets, and this did not entail negative consequences.

Some women note problems with bearing that developed after taking the drug, as well as a deterioration in well-being.

Most women fear taking medication during pregnancy. But, as practice shows, the use of antiviral drugs is often justified in order to prevent the dangerous effects of herpes.

Instead of a conclusion

Do not start the disease or let it go by itself, but you do not need to be afraid of it. The fight against the virus can last a lifetime, but the right approach to it, regular preventive measures, stimulation of the immune system - all this ensures that herpes will appear less and less.

"Acyclovir" during pregnancy 2 trimester

Pregnancy is a responsible state of a woman; it requires only informed and balanced decisions. Before starting treatment, you need to consider all the risks and consequences, and only then make a choice. "Acyclovir" during pregnancy can be taken, but consultation with a good doctor is necessary.

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