Learning to read children is one of the important aspects of the development of his personality. Fluency in reading skills helps to be more successful at school, quickly perceive and understand what is written. That is why many parents are interested in such an important point, how to teach children to read faster.
Fast reading as a factor in children's good performanceWhen reading, memory, attention, sight, hearing, thinking, imagination, perception and speech work. Optimum reading for children is in the range of 120 - 150 words per minute. Reading speed directly depends on the speed of speaking. Therefore, each person has an individual reading pace. Parents wondering how to teach their children to read faster should definitely consider this. If the child reads slowly, then this interferes with the correct assimilation of the text. So, reading the third word, he already forgets the first. With reading too fast, children, on the contrary, do not have time to understand the meaning of what they read. With optimal reading, students understand the essence of writing well and begin to complete tasks more quickly.
How to teach a child to read at 6 years old
When teaching children five to six years old, you must not forget about
mandatory presence of game elements at the same time. From the age of two in the game, the child learns the world around him, and therefore this type of activity is familiar to him. Thanks to the game, the development of such a skill, not yet subject to it, as reading, will take place easily, without boring and without straining the child.
How to teach a child to read
Many people mistakenly assume that reading instruction should begin with learning the alphabet. However, you should start with a clearer and more familiar, so the first step is the recognition of characters. You need to learn the alphabet when your child is already able to read.
First step. Reading wordsThe first step is to read the words that the baby already knows and applies well. Therefore, he must first learn to read words such as "mom", "dad", body parts, etc. Words for classes should be written in advance on separate cards in large print and red. Gradually, the font will change to smaller, and the red color to black. Pursuing how to teach children to read faster, you need to remember that the regularity of classes is important. Also, one should not linger too long on one word, otherwise it may bore the child. Five seconds is enough for this. No need to show words starting with a single letter. With the right approach, the child will learn five words a day. Then you should add words denoting household items and household items. This is what he most often encounters at home: animals, furniture, clothes, dishes, etc.
Second phase. Reading Phrases
At this stage, your child will learn to combine already familiar words together, forming phrases. For starters, itβs best to enter words that indicate color. They should be written on cards of the appropriate color.
The third stage. Reading offers
You need to start this stage with simple sentences that are made up of familiar words. Then, gradually you can move on to common ones. It will be interesting for the child to make absurd sentences, for example: "Lena is sitting on her head." As the sentences grow, the font decreases.
The fourth stage. Reading of books
When starting to read a book, it is necessary to take into account that it is interesting for the baby, with a large font and text of no more than one sentence per page above the picture. Before reading, you should study unfamiliar words, and first read, and then consider the illustration.
Fluent reading is very important for good school performance. And if you follow the recommendations outlined above, it is easy to find the answer to the question of how to teach children to read faster. The main thing is to sincerely rejoice at any success of your child, more often hug him and give praise. And only with your support will he reach great heights.