At what age can children be given kiwi? Tips & Tricks

As a child grows up, mother’s milk ceases to be his main source of energy. This moment comes in about six months. The reason is that breast milk can no longer fully satisfy all the needs of a growing organism, and the digestive system is ready for new food.

at what age can children be given kiwi

Usually, the first lure begins with liquid cereals, then the time comes for vegetable purees, after which meat and various fruit products are slowly introduced into the menu. With age, the baby has a great interest in "adult" food. Exotic fruits, such as kiwi, oranges, mangoes and grapes, can be given to the child in the last turn. And many parents, due to lack of experience, do not know how and from what age you can give kiwi to children.

from what age can a kiwi child

Fruit in brief

The birthplace of kiwi is considered to be Northern China, but today this fruit grows in many countries of the world: in the USA, Japan, Italy, New Zealand, Greece, Spain. The main supplier of fruit to Russia is New Zealand. It was in this country that he received his unusual name. Kiwi is a bird that lives in those parts, outwardly very similar to the fruit of the same name. And we can enjoy the “Chinese gooseberry” all year round without compromising our wallet. And the kids just love this fruit for its bright color. But caring parents do not know at what age you can give kiwi to children. By the way, scientists say that kiwi is a berry, and no fruit.

at what age is it allowed to give a kiwi to a child

The taste of the fetus is felt differently by everyone. You can feel notes of strawberry, banana, melon, watermelon, gooseberry and even pineapple in it. And this wonderful berry does not lose its beneficial properties even in canned form.


It is not surprising that people have a lot of questions, for example, "is it possible to give a child kiwi and from what age." After all, this fruit is a record holder in the number of vitamins and minerals contained in it:

  1. Phosphorus, potassium, calcium, fluorine, copper, boron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron.
  2. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and PP.
  3. Niacin, mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber.

Kiwi from what age can a child: benefit and harm

Doctors still can not agree. And parents constantly ask themselves questions: “Is it possible for children to have kiwi?”, “Benefit and harm?”, “From what age will it be safe to introduce this fruit into the diet?”

  1. One fruit makes up for the daily norm of vitamin C, its content in the pulp exceeds its amount in orange and strawberry. It also helps strengthen immunity and fight infections and viruses.
  2. The fruit contains valuable fiber, an especially important substance for the children's intestines. Coarse fibers contribute to the timely cleansing of the intestines.
  3. Kiwi has a laxative effect. The fruit liquefies the stool and helps gently remove it from the intestines. Great for children with chronic constipation.
  4. Magnesium contained in the fruit strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The child will have less bruising.
  5. Kiwi reduces the risk of urolithiasis, because it contributes to the easy removal of salts from the body.
  6. There is almost no sugar in the miracle berry; 84 percent of the fruit consists of water. It can be safely given to young children with diabetes.

Is it possible to give a child kiwi and from what age

The fruit is of foreign origin, and it must be treated with caution. In Soviet times, there was no such exotic. Due to the lack of experience with grandparents, parents have to rely on doctors, the Internet and their own experience. Opinions of pediatricians differ. At what age can a kiwi child be? Despite its beneficial qualities, it can also be harmful:

  1. Kiwi is not recommended for children with hypotension. Potassium in the "Chinese gooseberry" acts on blood pressure and can lower it.
  2. The fruit has a diuretic effect. Frequent use of the fetus greatly stresses the kidneys of the child, which leads to a violation of the acid-base balance. Also, phosphates are washed out of the body.
  3. The chance of an allergic reaction to kiwi is low, but its manifestations can be serious: rash, skin itching, swelling of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity.
  4. Exotic fruits should not be consumed by children who are allergic to other foods. Kiwi can provoke and aggravate food intolerance, thereby worsening the state of health.
  5. An overdose of vitamin C threatens the child with kidney, pancreas and vitamin B deficiency.

Kiwi from what age can a child benefit and harm

At what age can children be given kiwi

The benefits of this fruit are understandable, but at what age is it allowed to give a child kiwi and not be afraid for his health?

According to doctors, kiwi can be introduced into complementary foods after three years. But if you "climb the Internet" on the forums, then it is easy to find the answer to the question of how old can you give kiwi to children. And some mothers begin to give exotic fruit to children from the age of six months. These experiments have a great chance to seriously upset the digestive processes of the baby and turn into a hospital bed for him.

At the age of one year, doctors also do not recommend adding kiwi crumbs to the menu. The risk is already much lower, since the stomach and intestines of a one-year-old child are almost completely ready for eating adult food. And many parents successfully introduce a baby kiwi into the diet. The fruit is especially effective for functional constipation and helps to fix a similar problem. But you should remember about allergies and check for their presence in the child.

The amount of fruit for a child aged one year should not exceed two teaspoons of mashed potatoes or one plate per week. In the absence of reaction, the miracle berry is given once a week.

It is because of fears of an allergic reaction that pediatricians do not recommend kiwi to be given to children under five years of age.

from how many months a child can be given kiwi

How to choose a kiwi child

A few tips will help you buy the right fruit.

  1. Buy fruits only from conscientious sellers; fruits should not be processed with any chemicals.
  2. The fruit should not be too soft. This means that he is overripe or, worse, spoiled. And it should not be too hard, which means the fruit is not ripe. "Green" kiwi is able to severely burn the mucous membrane of the child.
  3. The smell of quality fruit is absent. If kiwi has a wine aroma, do not buy it.
  4. On a peel there should not be spots and growths. Such deficiencies indicate fetal disease.
  5. There are several varieties of Chinese gooseberries. The difference is in the peel. It can be with villi and smooth. The beneficial properties of both varieties are the same.
  6. The child should not be given a fruit in which, when pressed on the peduncle, juice flows. These are the first signs of damage.
  7. The peel must be absolutely clean. A coating on it speaks of the process of decay.

The best quality fruit is solid, when pressed, it is elastic.

Parent Tips

So at what age can a kiwi child be? There are several simple rules by which we can significantly reduce the risk of allergies.

  1. On the day of the first test, there should be no other products that can cause allergies. Thus, when a rash appears, you can easily determine the cause.
  2. For the first time, a child will need only one plate. In this case, the lobule should not be eaten, but simply sucked. It is important to track the reaction of the mucous membrane and skin around the mouth to kiwi in time.
  3. The first exotic fruit should be a banana. According to research, if the baby does not have an allergy to this fruit, then the reaction to kiwi will also be absent.
  4. Feeding should begin with the consistency of mashed potatoes, then you can go to the plates, and then give the whole fruit.
  5. If you want to give your child kiwi juice , the liquid should be diluted with water to avoid burns to the mucous membranes of the esophagus.
  6. The peel must be trimmed. It causes irritation and is not absorbed by the children's digestive system.

Kiwi Dessert Recipes

To make your child eat vitamin fruit with even greater pleasure, try some delicious recipes:

  1. Kiwi marmalade will appeal to both adults and children. For cooking, you need one kilogram of kiwi, one kilogram of sugar and a glass of cold water. Grind the kiwi, put in a pan with water and bring to a boil. The mixture should boil for five minutes, after which the fire should be reduced and simmer for two hours. Next, pour the contents onto a baking sheet and cool. Cut cold marmalade into pieces.
  2. A kiwi cocktail will also appeal to the children. To do this, you need two kiwi, two bananas, a teaspoon of honey and 100 grams of yogurt. Mix all ingredients and beat with a blender.

Can Kiwi children benefit and harm at what age


Each parent needs to decide for himself how many months a child can be given kiwi, because the child's body is unique. It will only bring benefits to one child; it can cause harm to another. If possible, pediatricians recommend starting to give kiwi after at least three years, and not more than one fruit a week. It is important for mothers and fathers to remember that the main rule of feeding is not to harm!

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