"Prednisolone" for dogs: what is prescribed, instructions for use, dosage

If a dog suddenly has an attack of an allergic reaction, the owner has only a few minutes to make the right decision and help his pet. For this short period of time, calling a veterinarian and getting an exhaustive consultation is not always possible. In such a difficult situation, “Prednisolone” (tablets) for dogs can become a life saving. However, when purchasing a medicine for your home pharmacy, be sure to study all the pitfalls, especially side effects and contraindications.

prednisone for dogs


The synthetic derivative of the hormones cortisone, which are formed in the adrenal glands, is Prednisolone. For dogs, it is prescribed by a veterinarian if a pet has problems with the normal production of this substance in the body. By the way, it is vitally important, since it regulates metabolic processes and suppresses inflammatory ones. 80 years ago, a discovery was made: cortisone helps miraculously get rid of skin diseases and articular rheumatism. However, it was noted that when prescribing the medicine, the doctor should calculate the exact dosage. Otherwise, the adrenal cortex, which produces the hormone, simply atrophies.

For many years, scientists have tried to create various derivatives of cortisone. They tried to develop such a drug, the main substance in which will have medicinal properties that do not differ from the natural counterpart. So the drug “Prednisolone” and its analogues appeared: “Dexamethasone”, “Medrol”, “Metipred” and others. The medicine belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroid medicines of short duration.

prednisone ampoule instructions for use

Release form

In five forms, this medicine is available. This is indicated by the instructions for use presented to the drug "Prednisolone". In ampoules for injection, in the form of tablets, suppositories, ointments and eye suspensions, you can purchase a medication. Which is better to choose? Give a pet an injection or give a capsule hidden in a treat? An experienced veterinarian will answer these questions best. He will recommend Prednisone for dogs in tablet form, most likely, if the pet suffers from a chronic disease. But the injection will be needed in an emergency case, when the ailment worsened, threatening not only the health, but also the life of your beloved friend.

prednisone for dogs dosage

What helps the drug?

Why are dogs given injections? "Prednisolone" is a highly effective antiallergic drug. Various forms of drug release allow you to take it with various types of allergies, the degrees of its manifestations. In addition, the medication perfectly inhibits various inflammatory processes, so veterinarians often prescribe it during the rehabilitation period after undergoing surgical interventions or injuries.

But the possibilities of the medicine are not limited to this. After all, it is also famous for its anti-toxic, anti-shock and anti-exudative properties. Therefore, Prednisolone will be necessary for your animal if it suffers from the following diseases: asthma, leukemia, blepharitis, mononucleosis, pancreatitis, conjunctivitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, lupus erythematosus, Addison’s disease, neurodermatitis, eczema, dermatitis, etc. By the way, treatment the latter, skin diseases, requires a sufficiently long period of admission to achieve complete healing.

Reviews and price

If possible, be sure to visit your veterinarian before taking the medicine. He will tell you in detail how to take Prednisone correctly. Instructions for use in ampoules advises its use if the dog has an acute allergic reaction. But the doctor does not always recommend injections. Given the age of the animal, its state of health, weight, breed and anamnesis, it can prescribe tablets or suppositories.

Before you buy "Prednisolone" for dogs, other people's reviews will not be amiss to read. Many dog ​​owners say that this medicine is very effective in emergency situations. They indicate its effectiveness and convenient form of release. Many praise affordable prices. So, the range of the cost of packaging, which includes 100 tablets of 5 mg each, ranges from 60 to 120 rubles. Ampoules cost 40-50 rubles. (the pack contains 3 containers of 1 ml each).

prednisone tablets for dogs

Application methods

Only an experienced veterinarian can tell you how to take Prednisone correctly. For dogs, the dosage can vary significantly depending on the severity of the disease, the breed of the pet, its state of health. Usually, the norm is calculated based on weight indicators: one milligram of the drug is assumed per kilogram twice a day. The course of treatment lasts an average of two weeks. But there are times when therapy is delayed for several months.

However, after 14 days, it is imperative to see a doctor and take tests. Only a specialist will decide: continue treatment or cancel the drug. Often a doctor recommends gradually reducing the dosage: a quarter every two weeks. For any ailments other than allergic reactions, Prednisolone is prescribed to the dog only after an examination carried out in the clinic and an accurate diagnosis is made. Usually, if an animal suffers from ophthalmic ailments, drops are prescribed for it, and ointments for skin diseases.

prednisone for dogs reviews

Side effects

In the preparation, all undesirable properties possessed by the original substance, cortisone, are leveled to a minimum. Despite this, a broad-spectrum hormone is Prednisolone: ​​for dogs, of course, veterinarians recommend buying it, but indicate that the animal should be treated with this agent carefully, paying attention to the manifestation of possible side effects. Among the possible negative reactions, the following are distinguished:

  • Violation in bitches of the menstrual cycle.
  • Acceleration of blood coagulation, an abnormal increase in its glucose level.
  • The appearance of hypokalemia.
  • The development of pancreatitis, osteoporosis, various mental illnesses.
  • Skin problems.
  • Immunity violation.
  • The appearance of excess weight.

To prevent side effects, the doctor must constantly monitor the condition of the animal. With long-term therapy with Prednisolone, another medicine is prescribed - Methandrostenolone. They do this in order to prevent the development of potassium deficiency in the blood. For the same purpose, the dog is given drugs containing this element, as well as adjusting its diet. Judging by the reviews of the owners, puppies sometimes experience vomiting after an injection. Kids after the procedure often behave uneasily, the coordination of their movements can be impaired.

why are prednisolone injections prescribed for dogs?


"Prednisolone" for dogs is not always possible to buy. The drug is contraindicated if the pet suffers from chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, nephritis, endocarditis, hypertension, stomach ulcers, psychoses, ailments associated with an increase in the synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex. In addition, do not prescribe medication to pregnant and lactating bitches. But infectious ailments and tuberculosis do not exclude Prednisolone therapy.

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