Educational games for young children

Most parents strive to ensure that their child develops harmoniously, making a lot of effort for this, leading him through various circles and sections, buying expensive toys, etc. However, it must be remembered that the baby receives the first skills from the parents. And it is quite possible to deal with the child yourself almost from birth, using educational games for the little ones.

Children already from the cradle begin to master their surroundings. So, it is worth accustoming him to nursery rhymes and poems already at this time. When bathing, dressing, washing and other everyday activities, mothers are recommended to accompany these processes with children's songs, at least pronounce them. Even if it seems that the baby is completely unresponsive, you must remember that in this way his passive vocabulary is enriched.

Games for the smallest children are very simple and short, since the baby’s wakefulness is still short. So, already from 8 months, crumbs can be planted on your knees, reciting poems accompanied by actions. Over time, the child will begin to perform movements independently, responding to the word. Here you can use the well-known "Ladushki" and similar games for little ones. Such exercises not only teach you to listen to speech and perform certain movements, but also develop a sense of rhythm.

In addition to toys, you can take almost any item, just make sure that they are safe for babies. So, it develops fine motor skills of hands (which is closely connected with speech) sorting out cereals, modeling from plasticine, drawing with finger paints (they are allowed for use already from a year). Using a spoon or a small cup, you can transfer bulk products from one container to another. This will help the child learn to hold the spoon correctly, give the concept of “empty”, “full”, etc.

The kid is growing up, and children's games for the smallest are becoming more interesting and serious. Over time, the plot appears. For example, on a doll or toy, a child can already show simple daily actions (laying down to sleep, feeding, etc.).

Speaking of games for the little ones, it’s important to mention finger exercises. After all, they stimulate the development of fine motor skills and speech. Among them, the popular “White-sided Magpie” and the like. They develop memory (including motor), motor skills, a sense of rhythm in children.

Outdoor games for little ones help to develop muscle, flexibility, dexterity, speed of reactions. In addition, they allow not only to throw off the accumulated tension, have fun, but also help to adapt to the world, to decide on your hobbies. These include football, volleyball, badminton, etc. There are special games for young children. They sometimes use objects (balls, jump ropes, etc.), for example, “Edible - inedible”, “Square” or do not use anything (“Stop, foot”, “Sea is worried - time”). Games can be invented independently. The main point here is the presence of rules and any kind of body movements.

The kid can be offered classes with improvised materials. If they are entertaining and interesting, then that is how the child will receive his first knowledge. For example, to familiarize children with the properties of objects, it is enough to take a large bowl or basin where water is poured. Pre-prepared items from various materials (cork, twig, metal spoon, etc.) are lowered into the water one at a time. It also explains how and what each thing is made of.

After some time, you can modify this game, turning it into "Drowning - Do Not Drown." The host calls the subject, if it drowns, then the child makes some movement, for example, crouches, otherwise - the other, for example, spreads his arms to the sides.

Games for kids are the first way to get to know the world and gain vivid impressions and positive emotions.

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