Unfortunately, it’s not just people who get cancer. Sometimes this pathology also occurs in domestic animals, for example, in dogs. Melanoma is one of the forms of a malignant tumor, taking annually hundreds and thousands of lives of four-legged friends of a person. And of course, all dog owners should know about the symptoms and treatments for this form of cancer in animals.
Where can the tumor be located?
Most often, melanoma in dogs is formed on the paws. Sometimes a tumor begins to develop in animals and in the oral cavity. In very rare cases, melanoma appears in front of a dog’s eyes. Sometimes veterinarians also diagnose a skin tumor. In the latter case, it is often benign and treatable melanoma in dogs. The photo below shows just such a variety of this disease. But sometimes melanoma in dogs on the skin can be malignant.
In humans, this form of cancer usually manifests itself if they have to periodically and for a long time be in the sun. The causes of melanoma in dogs, unfortunately, have not yet been elucidated. This tumor, for example, as already mentioned, is often found in the jaws of an animal. And the sun's rays in this place too often penetrate, of course, can not.
Which breeds are most affected?
Specialists have noticed that most often melanoma develops in males. Bitches are practically not affected by this disease. Of the breeds, the most sensitive to the development of this form of cancer are:
cocker spaniels;
scotch terriers;
golden retriever.
Most often, melonoma is diagnosed in animals aged 10 years. In young dogs, this disease is rare. However, sometimes melanomas can develop even in puppies.
Symptoms of education in the mouth and limbs
Melanoma in dogs is considered an extremely dangerous pathology. Such tumors penetrate deep into the tissue, often affect the bones and very often give metastases. Therefore, treat a dog with such a disease as soon as possible. The main symptoms of melanoma in the dog’s mouth are:
The color of melanoma can vary from pink to black. On the paws of animals, tumors usually have a dark shade. At the same time, the signs of the disease are mainly claw loss and claudication.
Dog Melanoma: Ocular Symptoms
This type of tumor in animals can form on:
cornea and sclera;
retina and iris;
The main symptoms of the disease in this case are:
Sometimes in sick dogs, corneal clouding is also observed. Often, eye melanoma in a dog is accompanied by ulcers on the eyelids. Sometimes, on the eyeball of an animal, dark spots form, among other things.
Dog skin melanoma: symptoms
In this case, the tumor is localized at the border with the mucous membranes. It may also be the scrotum or the area around the claws. The size of the formation in this case usually does not exceed 2 cm. Also, skin melanoma in most cases is not pigmented. This type of swelling usually gives metastases to the lungs and lymph nodes.
Diagnosis of the disease
With accuracy, it is possible to determine the presence of melanoma in a pet, of course, only in a veterinary clinic. To diagnose this disease, specialists usually perform a puncture biopsy and cytology. To receive material from the oral cavity, the dog is usually given sedatives. A sample is taken in the area of the tumor in the jaws of the animal with a thick sharp needle. In the mouth of dogs, there are a lot of nerve endings. Therefore, the animal experiences severe pain when sampling. To avoid problems, the dog is offered a sedative sedative. When taking paw samples for dogs, a local anesthetic is usually used.
During the examination, veterinarians also check for metastases:
regional lymph nodes;
animal lungs;
abdominal cavity.
In addition, blood and urine tests are taken from the animal, as well as:
MRI and CT;
Features of the course of the disease
The pathological process begins in this case with the formation of melanosis. Further, the tumor gradually grows and infiltrates the surrounding tissue. One of the features of melanoma is the very rapid formation of metastases. When an animal is diagnosed with this disease, it is necessary to treat the animal as soon as possible.
In dogs of all cancers, melanoma is most often found. The source of tumors of this variety, both malignant and benign, are melanocytes - dendritic cells that synthesize melanin. The disease develops as a result of their blast transformation. That is why this type of tumor is most often diagnosed in representatives of breeds with pigmented skin.
It often happens that a dog’s melanoma has no macroscopic signs of malignancy. However, she may even give metastases. In veterinary practice, there are also known cases when an external tumor on the dog’s body has not yet been detected, and metastases in the animal’s organs have already been present.
Benign Melanoma
Melanoma in the mouth and legs is in most cases malignant. The situation is different with the skin form of the disease. In this case, melanoma is most often benign. Veterinarians diagnose this kind of skin tumor in 75% of sick dogs.
Benign tumors of this type are usually localized in the areas covered with wool. Such melanoma also has a characteristic domed shape with clear outlines. The formation is mobile and has a black-brown color. Benign melanoma is small in size - only about 2 cm. Usually only one such tumor is found on the dog’s body. But sometimes the disease manifests itself in multiple formations.
If a dog has malignant melanoma, the prognosis is often poor. Unfortunately, cases of death of animals in the presence of this disease are not uncommon. Benign tumors, of course, are usually completely cured in dogs.
Clinical forms
Melanomas can form on the body and in the mouth of dogs in different ways. Unequal such formations often have growth rates. Also, tumors of this group differ in pigmentation. That is, the macroscopic form in melanomas can be different. There are several clinical types of such a tumor:
Intraepidermal melanoma
A tumor of this type in most cases is a sharply limited dark-colored plaque that only projects slightly above the surface of the dog’s skin. This type of education is considered relatively benign. However, to give metastases, the intraepidermal form of melanoma, unfortunately, can still. Also, with the development of this form of the disease, massive hematogenous deposits are often found in the internal organs of the dog or in the skin layer.
Verrucose form
Melanomas of this group usually have an uneven tuberous surface covered with many deep cracks. The latter contain necrotic infectious mass. Such tumors in most cases emit a putrid odor.
This feature of the tumor often causes an incorrect diagnosis. The veterinarian can take such an education as a purulent infiltrative lesion and prescribe a course of antibiotics. In this case, among other things, precious time is also lost.
Nodular melanoma
This type of tumor is most common in dogs. It is the nodular form of formations that is considered classical melanoma. Such a tumor is a small domed nodule that rises above the surface of the skin. The latter at the sites adjacent to the tumor is usually hyperemic.
Melanomas of this form usually quite quickly grow inland. Moreover, they have an elastic, moderately dense texture. Nodular tumors can be localized anywhere in the dog's body.
Fungous formations
Such melanoma is characterized primarily by the fact that it has the form of a large node on a wide base. A tumor of this type consists of an exophytic massive growth. The fungic form looks more intimidating than other types of melanomas. However, at the same time, it gives metastases rather late. With timely radical surgery, such melanoma in most cases is completely cured.
A small plaque or nodule is what constitutes such melanoma in the initial stage. A photo of the fungic form of the tumor can be seen just above. Melanoma grows very slowly at the initial stage and may have different pigmentation. In the process of development, the tumor becomes fungal and begins to ulcerate.
How is melanoma treated?
The method of combating tumors of this type is chosen by the veterinarian depending on the degree of neglect of the disease. Initial melanoma in dogs (photo of the stage can be seen below) is usually treated by surgical excision within healthy tissues.
If the disease is already slightly started, a biopsy of one of the lymph nodes is done in the area of the tumor. If a lesion is detected, all remaining lymph nodes in the area of melanoma development are removed.
In the third stage of the disease after surgery, the dog is additionally prescribed immunotherapy with interferon. During this period, several melanomas can already develop on the body of the animal. In most cases, all such tumors are removed. If it is impossible for any reason to do this, the dog is prescribed the introduction directly into the melanoma of interferon or BCG vaccine. Sometimes animals also undergo chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy at this stage.
Unfortunately, neglected melanoma in dogs is never completely cured. In this case, the animal simply removes large tumors that cause unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes at the last stage of the disease, the veterinarian can also cut out some metastases in animals. Also, the dog is prescribed, of course, chemotherapy and immunotherapy. But the first type of treatment at the last stage of sustainable results, unfortunately, does not give. The effect of chemotherapy in this case lasts no more than 3-6 months.
Of course, malignant melanoma in dogs often ends in their death. But the treatment of this disease in an animal, of course, is necessary. In this case, even at a late stage of the disease, the dog can significantly extend its life. Non-qualified dogs with melanomas usually live for no more than a few months. Treatment can extend this period to several years.
Melanoma cryodestruction
When a tumor is localized in the jaws of an animal, it can sometimes happen that it is not possible to cut it out. In this case, the cryodestruction method can be used. This technology is the treatment of melanoma in dogs in the impact on the formation of liquid nitrogen.
Such therapy is carried out using a device of a special design. In the process of cryodestruction, the tumor is completely frozen. Repeating cycles of the procedure usually leads to the complete disappearance of melanoma in the dog's mouth. The advantages of cryodestruction by veterinarians and pet owners include primarily traumatism, painlessness and cheapness.
Chemotherapy and immunotherapy
Radiation exposure in melanomas in dogs almost never gives too serious an effect. It is advisable that veterinarians consider this procedure if the operation is powerless. Also, radiation therapy is often performed after surgery.
Chemotherapy, as already mentioned, is often prescribed for dogs to prevent relapse. With such treatment for melanoma in dogs, veterinarians in many cases use the Oncept drug as well. The peculiarity of this medication is that it is able to stimulate the protective forces of the dog's body.