Childhood is the time when everyone wants to learn more and more, study the world and feel unity with it. Our parents tried in every possible way to help us through various games and tasks. But the human consciousness is arranged in such a way that he constantly wants to know about things that you will not see and do not touch, for example, about space, the Universe, planets, etc. Space puzzles for children may be their first starting point in the world of learning higher and more complex things.
Why do we need all these puzzles?
Is it possible that without all kinds of exercises our children will not be able to know the world themselves? Is it important to deal with them from an early age? These mothers worry some mothers immediately after the birth of the baby, they frantically begin to make some attempts to help the baby develop, buy a huge amount of toys and think that all this will come in handy more than basic knowledge. However, this is not so: after such “attempts”, children grow up lazy, restless and not hardworking, they don’t have a desire to learn and study, so there are problems with education in the first grade, or even in kindergarten.
Each kid is interested in understanding what is located there, beyond the borders of our planet, and how everything is arranged there. To quench
this curiosity will help the usual riddle about space. You can make it up anytime, anytime, and the child will only be interested in thinking and reasoning, especially if the classes are in a playful way. Moreover, the most interesting of all
types of puzzles are precisely puzzles about space. For children, they seem to go beyond the usual
riddles about trees, glasses, watches, etc. Without parental help, it is very rare to instill a desire in a child to do something and move forward.
Simple puzzles for preschoolers
1. There are many strange inhabitants,
Planets, comets and luminous stars,
Our planet earth
One of these inhabitants.
2. Where do all the stars and planets live?
Where do space rockets fly ?
Where did Belka and Strelka go?
Where do the aliens fly on a plate?
All this is in the ocean
In the celestial, and not the sea endless.
3. There are unknown animals,
Bears, dogs, Prometheus,
And even the kitchen utensils are in it,
For example, the constellation that is called the Bucket.
Riddles about space for preschoolers should not contain complex words or scientific terms, otherwise it will be too difficult for the kid to guess one or another riddle. Parents should try to exclude complex tasks from the child’s educational “diet” and fill it with simple logical poems.
Riddles about space objects
1. Every night in heaven
The presentation is arranged,
Sparks of fireworks froze
Like particles of golden dust.
Scattered across the vault of heaven
These sparks are unprecedented. (Stars)
2. In a dark handkerchief comes out
Chubby damsel
And watching at night
Who is still awake, having fun. (Moon)
3. It looks like the letter “C”,
Rolling through the sky
But does not fall from heaven.
What is it, tell me, guess a rebus. (Month)
4. She rushes up
Dust and wind will lift everything.
Not body, but iron armor,
Not a tail, but a pillar of fire smokes.
Her goal is space, planets, science,
She carries astronauts,
Do not be afraid of a steel friend
She will bring artifacts to the Earth from the Moon. (Rocket)
The cosmos riddle in some cases implies complex words, so parents should not be lazy to explain to their child the meanings of certain words. To make it easier for your child to guess, print pictures with objects from outer space (planet, rocket, satellite, etc.) and among many such, ask them to choose the real answer. Thus, it will turn out to make puzzles about space easier for children, and this is especially true for preschoolers.
Puzzles for older children
1. This is a strange mystery.
In space, its clue
After all, to our land, as luck would have it,
Doesn't fly ... (UFO).
2. This bucket is hanging in the sky,
But you can’t drink from it,
Little children know about him
And at night they look at him. (Big Dipper)
3. The very first person
Conquering his whole age
He got on a rocket, flew away,
But this is not the limit! (Gagarin, astronaut)
4. What happens on earth, but does not work in space? (Fall)
Parental enthusiasm and a desire to teach can make guessing riddles a fun activity. Moreover, the rule does not matter that the older the child, the more complicated the riddle about space. They themselves are not easy due to the presence of some uncertainty, and children do not think like adults do.
The cosmos riddle is one of many riddles that takes some time to think, but without classes in any way, so parents only want patience.