When a woman really wants to get pregnant or, conversely, is panicky afraid of this, any change in her body is taken as a signal. Naturally, each representative of the fair sex knows that menstruation will indicate the absence or presence of pregnancy. But what if the critical days are still far away, but you probably want to know today?
On various online forums, hundreds of women share their feelings, symptoms, and other signs with which they identified pregnancy every day. But do they all really work, or are some of the signs just a myth? So how to understand that you are pregnant, long before menstruation?
When can pregnancy be determined?
To begin with, a woman can become pregnant only on the day of ovulation, and this occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. That is, a mature egg enters the uterine cavity for fertilization 13-14 days after the onset of menstruation. Of course, in rare cases, ovulation can occur on other days, but this is rather the exception.
Until the fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall, the female body is not able to perceive it, and therefore, in principle, there can be no signs. It turns out that it takes at least a week before the hCG hormone begins to be released into the blood.
Indirect symptoms of pregnancy
There are a number of symptoms that appear in the very early stages of pregnancy. Listen to your body, because you can understand that you are pregnant by these signs:
Small brown discharge. It is literally a drop of blood. The fact is that during the implantation of the egg there is a slight bleeding. Allocations should be very scarce and not longer than one day.
Bad mood, depression. A condition more like fatigue or a cold. In order for the uterus not to tear away a foreign body, the body deliberately reduces immunity, hence the general malaise.
The chest has become sensitive. While you are guessing, a small life is already developing in your body that will need to be fed. The breasts may hurt completely, or only nipples may be sensitive.
Nausea, intolerance to odors - every woman knows about this symptom. In fact, toxicosis usually starts from 8 weeks and gradually recedes to 12, but if a woman is very sensitive, all these "charms" can begin much earlier.
Frequent trips to the toilet. This is explained simply - the uterus increases in size and presses on the bladder.
Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. After conception, the uterus straightens and, as it were, pulls on the ligaments, hence the unpleasant sensations.
These symptoms are nevertheless indirect, because if they exist, you can both understand that you are pregnant and make a mistake. All these signs can be observed in women in the premenstrual period.
How to understand that she is pregnant in the early stages
None of the above signs gives a 100% accurate answer. Therefore, those who ask the question: "How to understand that you are pregnant?" - The first step is to take a blood test for hCG in dynamics. This is the only way to accurately determine the presence or absence of conception.
There is, of course, another, simpler way - to buy a pregnancy test in a pharmacy. Here you need to understand that if the delay has not yet occurred, the test may be wrong, since in the urine the level of hCG is much lower than in the blood. For the most reliable result, choose tests with high sensitivity.
Ultrasound can also show the presence or absence of the yolk sac in the uterine cavity. But in this case, inaccuracies are possible due to the small experience of the doctor or outdated equipment.
How to understand that she is pregnant, without tests and doctors
One of the exact symptoms that indicate pregnancy is an increase in basal temperature. Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, basal temperature tends to change. If pregnancy has occurred, the temperature in the rectum will remain at around 37 degrees. In order to get an accurate result, you need to measure the temperature daily at the same time, without getting out of bed.
Folk ways to determine pregnancy
It is now possible to determine your condition with the help of some tests and studies, and our grandmothers did not even think how to understand that she was pregnant without a test, simply because they had no idea what it was. But the methods for determining pregnancy have always been, although many of them are very doubtful. Here are just a few of them:
A pinch of potassium permanganate is dissolved in a container of warm water, then a little morning urine is added there. If there is a pregnancy, the color of the liquid will not change, otherwise the water will turn a light yellow color.
You need to collect morning urine and drip iodine there. Pregnancy is, if iodine remains on the surface, but if it is immediately dissolved - alas, conception did not occur.
Another method is to boil urine and observe the reaction. Appearing flakes in the urine indicate the presence of pregnancy.
All these signs and tests answer the question “how to understand that she is pregnant before the delay”, but what if there is no delay? What if the menstruation came on time, but very meager, and you assume that you are still in a position?
If your period went ...
And you have all the symptoms, it is quite possible that the pregnancy has come. If you suspect that you are in an interesting situation, but you are embarrassed by menstrual bleeding, know that this is rare, but it occurs. This is not always dangerous, but the consultation of a gynecologist in this case is required.
In such cases, an ultrasound diagnosis is necessary in order to clarify the presence or absence of uterine pregnancy. There are frequent cases when bleeding occurs against a background of pathology, for example, an ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate medical attention.
Prophetic dreams
Oddly enough, many pregnant women claim that even before the delay they saw a fish in a dream or put on jewelry. It is noted that the fish should be alive and preferably swimming in clean water. Perhaps the subconscious in this way is trying to convey to the woman information about her new status.
How to find out about pregnancy in antiquity
Women are impatient creatures. And wait a whole month to find out whether the conception occurred, not in their rules, especially if the pregnancy is desired and long-awaited. Therefore, before you realized that you were pregnant, in ancient Egypt, a girl had to drink a special drink, which consists of some grass and milk from a woman who feeds only a boy. If after that the girl vomits and vomits, then she is definitely pregnant.
The same Egyptians had a belief that if wheat grains germinate after they are watered with urine from a woman, then she carries a child. Interestingly, this method was not in doubt by anyone and was considered one of the most accurate.
In Russia, too, there were signs. So, beads strung on a string were put on the bride's neck. As soon as the decoration became small bride, she was considered to be pregnant. It can be assumed that the thread was initially short, and since the pregnancy of the woman the thyroid gland increases, it turns out that the future mother will experience suffocation.
In fact, in order to know exactly whether a miracle happened, you need only one thing - patience. And for this, you can try to get distracted, switch to something else, and very little time will pass before everything becomes clear and you will be confident in your condition.