Podenko ibitsenko (Ibiza greyhound): breed description, character, standard

The Ibiza Greyhound is a breed for true connoisseurs of dog beauty. Thin, with big ears and expressive huge eyes, the dog is constantly in motion. Nervous shaking of the body indicates a willingness to carry out the commands of the owner at any time. And also Podenko Ibizenko - the dog is extremely loyal and has remarkable intelligence.

Breed history

The first image of ibizans was discovered during excavations of ancient Egyptian buildings. Rather, it was an image of distant relatives of modern hounds.

The ancestors of the ibizans spread throughout Europe thanks to the Phoenicians. In the VIII century, a settlement was founded on the island of Elvis (modern Ibiza). The first ibizans settled there.

Podenko ibitsenko for a walk

An alternative theory of the origin of the breed says that Podenko ibisenko is a relatively young species, and its representatives only resemble pharaonic dogs in appearance. The first representative of ibizans appeared in 2004 due to the careful combination of different hounds.

What is the standard of the Ibizan greyhound

According to modern standards, Podenko Ibisenko is a slender sports dog. The following criteria are important for recognizing a purebred breed:

  • Height at the withers - 60-72 cm.
  • Dog weight - up to 25 kg.
  • The color of the dog is white with red spots, milky white, copper or yellowish.
  • The Ibiza Greyhound is a short-haired breed. Any shreds of long hair are considered marriage. However, a short brush on the face is allowed.
  • A small, graceful head is framed by large, upright ears.
  • The nose is large and dyed in tone of hair. Its color ranges from chocolate to light red.
  • Long, thin, but powerful legs.
  • A long and very mobile tail.
  • Ibizan's back is straight and strong.

Description of the character Podenko Ibizenko

Ibizans are zealous hunters. Getting such a dog, it is desirable to give him the opportunity from time to time to realize his basic instinct. If this is not possible, then you should make sure that the pet moves for a long time. To do this, you need to make long walks with your pet, filling them with active games.

Ibizan, who is eager for fast movement, can run away from home. In search of adventure, they can be carried quite far. Light and incredibly jumping dogs are able to overcome the highest obstacles. If it is not possible to jump, they cling to the obstacle with strong claws and climb over it.

Ibizan character

Pets are friendly to children. Always ready to join the company for fun games and active walks. Soft, unforgettable and extremely affectionate for their master. Ibizans are easy to learn and remember the team the first time.

Ibiza Greyhound - an extremely impressionable dog. When training a pet, you should remember this and not punish the student for misunderstanding. Otherwise, the dog may lose interest in classes and even be offended by the trainer.

Pet Conditions

Since the Ibiza greyhound is a short-haired breed, caring for the ward's fur is the main condition for leaving. The ibizan skin should be wiped with a damp cloth at least once a week, it is recommended to soak the cloth with a solution of a special cleaning agent. It is advisable to bath the dog once every one and a half to two months. To give a well-groomed appearance, the pet needs to be trimmed, that is, remove dead hair by plucking.

Twice a year (in spring and autumn) it is necessary to treat Podenko from parasites - fleas and ticks.

Ibizan the hunter

The breed has long strong claws that grow quickly. As a result, the dog becomes difficult to walk. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically trim the extra processes from the veterinarian or independently with the help of special large nail clippers.

Ibizan Content

It is also necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the animal’s teeth. It is advisable from time to time to clean the fangs of a pet using a special solution applied to a small brush.

Eyes and ears should also be carefully examined. Once every seven days, ears should be cleaned and eyes washed. If secretions of unknown origin are found, it is urgent to consult a veterinarian.

Spanish Hound Health Problems

Purebred dogs are in good health. As evidenced by the description of the Ibiza Borzoi breed, this breed is characterized by a number of genetic ailments. All diseases are usually associated with the nature of the dog and the characteristics of the musculoskeletal system. The main diseases of the breed are:

  • Convulsive syndrome or epileptic seizures.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Dysplasia and cataracts of the eyes.
  • Axonal dystrophy.

Dogs of this breed are often susceptible to allergies and viral infections. Timely vaccination can prevent most pet ailments. A call to a specialist veterinarian after noticing obscure symptoms can save a pet's life.

How to choose an Ibiza hound puppy

The ibizana breed is relatively uncommon. As a result, it is very difficult to find puppies. As a rule, there is a long line for the offspring of the hound. Many scammers are in great demand and, in pursuit of easy money, are able to slip a dog similar to what they want to their future owners.

Today, in view of the main birthplace of the breed - Spain, foreign nurseries are engaged in breeding. In view of the character of the Ibiza greyhound, puppies are recommended to be acquired no earlier than three months of age. In order not to confuse the kids with any other breed, you should remember the main feature of the breed - large erect ears. Eyes of bright amber color complement the portrait of the animal.

Ibiza Greyhound Puppies

In order not to buy a defective puppy, you should carefully monitor its behavior. A healthy baby will be active, run pretty fast and not limp when walking. Puppies should be distinguished by activity, curiosity, non-aggressive. Little ibizan should react vigorously to the call and not show signs of any disease. Even at a tender age, the Ibiza greyhound is similar to an adult. The same head landing, the same big erect ears and attentive brown eyes. In short, a small ibizan is a small copy of its parents.

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