Has the long-awaited husky puppy finally appeared in your house? It's time to pick him a nickname. In this article you will find general recommendations for choosing dog clicks, a list of the most popular and some ideas that will help you come up with the original name yourself.
About the breed
Siberian huskies are sledding northern dogs. They are strong, fast and hardy. Husky was intended for the transportation of various goods over long distances. Dogs have a very thick coat, but do not smell.
Husky - one of the most good-natured dogs. They have a cheerful and balanced character. Aggressive dogs were rejected, so the breed is one of the safest for humans. Husky are affectionate and often show their good disposition, but are unobtrusive.
One of the benefits of a husky dog is that the dog will not be very homesick for the owner who is at work or even went on a business trip. She, of course, will wait for him, but at the same time she will accept the company of another person, will not give up food, howl for days on end and the like. Husky can be kept in the apartment, and in the aviary. They do not bark, but whine and howl like a wolf.
Of course, such an unusual and stately pet wants to choose a suitable name. Husky will be with the owner for many years, and the dog will have to wear his name for a long time. Therefore, the choice of nicknames for husky should be taken responsibly.
How not to call a dog?
First of all, I want to talk about how to not call a dog. There is even a joke on this subject. The guy got a dog and decided that it would be funny to call her by his own name - Max. After some time, he got married and noticed that the neighbors were looking at him strangely. He once rises to his floor and distinctly hears his wife shouting: “Max! You shit on the carpet again! Well, as much as you can! ”
This story clearly teaches us the first rule: do not call the dog human names. Even if now in your environment there is no person with that name, in the future he may appear. An exception may be foreign names that are not common in your area, for example, Jack, Bob, etc.
Another mistake is to give the dog an insignificant nickname for the sake of a joke. Such a name will quickly bother you and become unpleasant. It is not worth giving a nickname too long; it will be difficult for the animal to remember it. In this case, the name should have a short version, which will be used.
Do not give the dog a name that is difficult for you or your family members to pronounce. Think carefully about the nickname. It is unlikely that you would like it if the beautiful and noble husky are called the Ball or Polkan.
What to be guided by when choosing a nickname?
Beautiful nicknames for husky can be chosen from the list given in this article, or come up with yourself. Do not forget that first of all you should like the nickname - you have to repeat it and hear it many times a day for many years.
You should not choose a certain nickname even before you choose a puppy. It is foolish to call the affectionate and tender dog Lyuty. First, look at the behavior of the dog, think about the nickname for several days. If it does not correspond, then at least it should not contradict the qualities of the dog.
The dog herself can become a good helper in choosing a name. Just call the names you like next to her and watch what she responds to, turns her head to you.
Husky Girl Names
There are many different names for dogs. What could be the nicknames for a husky girl? I want the name to reflect her character, appearance or be associated with Siberia, cold, snow.
Get to know your puppy in a few days. Perhaps the girl will be nicknamed Thunderstorm, Blizzard, Alpha, Beech, Zluka.
If you like to read, then you might want to choose the name of one of the literary heroines for your dog: Juliet, Gerda, Josephine, Gella, Gretta.
Many prefer to give their dogs nicknames in honor of mythological heroes - Hera, Pandora, Aurora, Patricia, Isis, Indira, Marta, Olympia, Vesta.
Some more popular variants of the nickname for husky: Arctic, Winter, Storm, Aina, Siberia, Taiga, Mystery, Tundra, Snowstorm, Avalanche, Fairy Tale, Snowstorm, Yuki, Diva, Ada, Aza, Haze, Ugra, Runa, Moon, Weasel, Alma, Tara, Nora, Taya, Utah, Nora, Tessa, Lady, Taffy, Helga, Isolde, Hilda.
Nicknames for Husky Boy
For males, strong, even slightly aggressive names are usually chosen . Nicknames for a husky boy can reflect some character traits: Thunder, Tsar, Whirlwind, Gloomy, Sly, Fast.
Fans of fiction can call the dog Kai, Pirate, Nero, Siegfried, Hippopotamus, Viking, Nemo, Fuchs, Fang or White Fang.
Mythological male names for husky: Zeus, Thor, Hercules, Pontius, Sigmund, Achilles, Yeshua, Loki.
Popular male nicknames for Husky: Buran, Wind, Thunder, Iceberg, Ice, Nord, North, Frost, Holder, Cold, Snow, Snow, North, Baikal, Taimyr, Amur, Ural, Altai, Irkut, Polaris, Fog, Alph, Archie, Balto, Wolfe, Wolf, Gray, Gray, Silver, Demon, Fierce, Rocky, Shaman, Caesar, Killer, Skye, Barbarian, Dusk, Typhoon, Buddha.
A few more ideas for choosing a nickname
Recently, the husky breed has gained popularity, largely due to its attractive appearance. These dogs are like wolves, associated with cold, snow, Siberia, and owners when choosing a nickname for a husky often repel it. You can look at the map of Siberia and name the dog in honor of one of the local rivers.
Because of the interesting pattern on the face, which sometimes makes the husky look angry, demonic, the names Demon, Damn, Faust, Draco, Lestat, Asterot are often found.
Some prefer nicknames for husky with meaning and believe that the name affects the character of the dog. There is a description of the characters of dogs with certain names. Of course, this may be due to the fact that Rexes are usually called shepherd dogs that are obedient and well trained, and Palms, for example, are small street curs, which no one is raising. Here are a few examples of common nicknames.
Ada lends itself well to training, but is capricious and does not like children. Aza is nervous, but fearless and loves to travel. Vesta is touchy, and Juliet is friendly. Naida is loved by everyone, but can bite someone else's.
Cupid is loyal to the owner, active. Buran is calm, balanced and loves children. Hard is self-confident, independent.