What is DirectX on the computer for?

Every gamer has come across a concept like DirectX 9. What is this component for and what is it for? Of course, versions older than ninth already exist today. In simple words, this is a kind of intermediate tool between computer games and a video card, which makes it possible to use all the computing power of a computer to draw impressive graphics.

When a user sees realistic reflections in puddles and windows in the game, smoke that does not differ from the real one, sparks - he understands what DirectX is for.

Version Differences

what is directx for?

. . DirectX - , . DirecX11? , . .

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: « DirectX?» , . . , . , .

DirectX Windows

why directx 11 is needed

DirectX . , , , , . - - . DirectX – , , . . DirectX.


what is the directx program for

, . . Windows , , , .

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, . . Win+R dxdiag. , DirectX.

, , . . Windows DirectX.


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, . DirectX Windows ? , .

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directx 9 what is needed

, , , DirectX. , , . , , . . , . DirectX 11? . , .

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