Extract of a newborn from the hospital: discharge dates, necessary documents, clothes for the baby and preparation of conditions for life and development of the child at home

The discharge of a newborn from the hospital is an important event in the life of a young family and its close relatives. Everyone eagerly awaits a meeting with a new family member, they are worried and are trying to adequately organize a meeting. In order for an extract to be remembered for many years and passed without fuss, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it.

When will the discharge

After an exciting birth, any young mother wants to be at home with her baby sooner. But in the maternity hospital, strict rules are established that determine the timing of discharge of a newborn from the hospital. Usually a woman in labor is prescribed 3-4 days after delivery. But there are times when a joyful event can be delayed for a longer period.

discharge of a newborn from the hospital

The factors on which the duration of the stay of the mother and the newborn in the maternity hospital are as follows:

  • delivery method (childbirth took place either naturally or by caesarean section);
  • the presence / absence of complications;
  • health status of a woman and a child.

If there are no complications, the young mother and child will leave the walls of the hospital in the shortest possible time. But if a woman underwent a cesarean section or certain complications occurred during childbirth, then the statement is postponed for 7 days or more. There are cases when a newborn after discharge from the mother’s maternity hospital remains in the hospital. This happens when a neonatologist (a pediatrician engaged in newborns) discovers any deviations in the baby. If everything is not in order with the health of the woman in childbirth, the baby remains with her to wait for the mom to recover completely. The final decision on discharge is made by the obstetrician-gynecologist and neonatologist.

Indications for discharge

Before the date of the alleged discharge, a young mother and baby are examined by a doctor. The testimony by which a woman in labor will be allowed to discharge is as follows:

  • the general condition of the woman is satisfactory;
  • the uterus contracts according to the norm;
  • appropriate analyzes are not in doubt;
  • Ultrasound did not show the presence of residues of placental parts and large blood clots.

The kid also undergoes a certain examination. Factors that prevent the discharge of newborns from the hospital are as follows:

  • the presence of an infectious or viral disease;
  • weight loss of more than eight percent;
  • jaundice occurs with changes in the analysis and is accompanied by bouts of vomiting;
  • diagnosis of prematurity;
  • identification of serious pathologies and developmental disorders.

If all indicators are normal, mom and baby are prepared for discharge. It is usually planned for the afternoon, when all the papers and test results are ready.

discharge of a newborn from the hospital


When she is discharged from the maternity hospital, she is given a package of documents required for the registry office, a children's clinic and a maternity welfare clinic.

A certificate of the birth of a child is provided to the registry office, which indicates the name of the mother. In the registry office, the baby is registered and issued a birth certificate.

Documents for a newborn upon discharge from the hospital, provided to the district pediatrician, are as follows:

  • An extract on the baby’s health status, which provides information on the baby’s body weight at the time of birth and at discharge, Apgar score, gives all test results, information about the vaccinations given and the general condition of the baby. This information is entered on the outpatient card of the child.
  • A birth certificate that every expectant mother receives after 30 weeks of pregnancy. One ticket remains in the maternity hospital, and the remaining two give the woman in labor. This document gives the baby the right to free examinations in the local clinic for up to 12 months from the date of birth.

The documentation provided to the young mother is as follows:

  • exchange card;
  • an extract on the course of childbirth and on the general condition of the woman;
  • sick leave (if there are complications).

All of the above documents to newly minted parents are issued at the maternity hospital. They must be provided to the polyclinic at the place of residence within three days from the day of discharge.

Things for baby and mom for discharge

It is better to collect all the necessary things for discharge in advance. Some women go to the hospital with two bags - for themselves and for the baby. You can make a list and instruct your husband or close relatives to prepare everything you need at discharge.

The list of necessary things for the baby:

  • a nipple and a bottle for the mixture (if the newborn is breast-fed);
  • water or mixture;
  • diapers;
  • wet wipes;
  • clothing for the newborn for discharge from the hospital, appropriate for the season;
  • a beautiful envelope or blanket with a bow;
  • car seat.

List of things for mom:

  • outerwear and underwear;
  • comfortable shoes;
  • cosmetic bag;
  • personal hygiene items (sanitary pads and comb);
  • postpartum bandage.
set for a newborn in the hospital for discharge

Tips for choosing clothes for a newborn

Young parents must very responsibly approach the choice of clothing for a newborn for discharge. This will be the baby’s first costume, which will cover his delicate skin and help adapt to the external conditions of a new world for him.

Useful tips when choosing clothes for the baby are as follows:

  • It is better to give preference to natural fabrics of calm tones (white, pink, yellowish, blue, etc.). In bright tissues, the presence of dyes is possible, which will irritate the baby's skin.
  • Seams should be external.
  • All tags, price tags and protruding threads need to be cut.
  • Clasps should be comfortable.
  • The size of clothes should correspond to growth (for a newborn it is approximately 52-56 cm).
  • Hats should be tied. It is better to purchase several pieces at once, with a smaller head volume and a large one (approximate girth of the newborn's head is 35 cm).
  • It is necessary to take into account weather conditions on the day of discharge (air temperature, precipitation, wind).

All items from the set in the maternity hospital for the newborn for discharge must be washed in advance with special baby powder and ironed on the wrong side. It should be remembered that first of all, mother dresses, and then the baby. Ideal when the newborn is dressed by medical staff.

Extract in the summer

To discharge a newborn from the hospital in the summer, you need to purchase a light beautiful blanket with a bow or a thin envelope (color that matches the sex of the child). Traditionally, pink is chosen for girls, and blue or light green for boys. The bandage tape should not be too short. The ideal length is three meters. Clothes for discharge should correspond to weather conditions, be beautiful and elegant. An approximate list of things in the summer season is as follows:

  • a thin cap on ties;
  • body or vest, sliders;
  • diaper.
discharge of a newborn from the hospital

At a temperature of +10 ° C, you can wrap the baby in a warm blanket or slightly insulated envelope. And at +20 ° a lightweight fleece blanket or a thin envelope will be an excellent option. It should be remembered that a newborn child needs to wear one layer more than an adult. But you can’t wrap too much, as you can overheat the baby, which will negatively affect his well-being.

Extract in the fall and spring

A set of baby clothes for the spring and autumn months differs from clothes for the discharge of a newborn from the hospital in the summer. At this time, the weather is changeable, strong winds blow and precipitation more often. For babies, you can buy insulated blankets and envelopes with a warm pad for discharge. It is better to buy them after the child's growth is known. All things should completely cover the legs and arms of the baby to prevent its hypothermia. For spring or autumn discharge of a newborn from a maternity hospital you will need:

  • vest, sliders or one-piece cotton jumpsuit;
  • warmed clothes on fleece or terry overalls;
  • two hats: one thin, the other warmed;
  • warm socks and scratches.

Spring and autumn weather can meet mom and baby both warm and cold. Therefore, it is better to prepare several sets for discharge.

Winter discharge

To discharge a newborn from the hospital in winter, you will need even more clothes. But you should not be too zealous, because usually young parents at this time go home by car. An approximate list of things for a baby’s winter discharge from a maternity hospital is as follows:

  • vest, romper suit (jumpsuit) and diaper;
  • insulated (terry) overalls;
  • a warm envelope on a sheepskin or with a fur lining, winter overalls or a cotton blanket;
  • two hats (thin and warm);
  • warm socks and mittens.
sets for newborns for discharge from the hospital

How to prepare mom

It is important for a young mother to prepare herself for discharge herself. A woman needs to know the requirements for clothes and shoes after childbirth. It should be remembered that the size of clothes has increased by 1-2 numbers, so it is better to purchase things more freely. An ideal option would be clothes made from natural cotton. You can prefer a comfortable sports style. It is combined with comfortable shoes, and the woman will feel comfortable. No need to give up cosmetics and jewelry. A photographer is usually present on the statement, so it would be better if the young parents in the photo are not only happy, but also beautiful.


How the extract will go is largely dependent on the wishes of the newly made parents. It can be a modest meeting with a limited number of people, or it can be a noisy celebration with balloons, photography and photographers. Before discharge, medical staff conducts a conversation with a woman on how to care for themselves and the baby in the postpartum period. Then mom is taken to a special room, where she is going to get dressed. An infant is usually prepared for discharge by a healthcare provider. Already here the first photo session in the life of a child can begin. After the mother and baby are ready, they are led out to meet them, the child is solemnly handed to dad or grandfather, photographed, give flowers to mother and gifts to medical staff. On average, an extract will take about 30 minutes (no more).

newborn after discharge from the hospital

What can be gifts for discharge

Such an important event involves gifts and flowers not only to the woman and the baby, but also to the doctors of the hospital. Usually these are flowers, sweets, cakes or quality alcoholic drinks. But the choice of gifts for new parents and the baby is quite extensive. The most common options for presentations for discharge from the hospital are as follows:

  • baby monitor, sterilizers, breast pumps;
  • sets for newborns for discharge from the hospital (cakes from diapers, sets of baby cosmetics, sets of baby clothes and towels, etc.);
  • Toys
  • clothes.

An excellent gift option for a young mother will be a gym membership, beauty salon or a certificate for the purchase of children's goods.

How to meet a wife from the hospital

Most of all the worries and experiences of a young father. It bears the burden of responsibility for preparing the house for the arrival of the wife and baby. In addition to taking care of flowers and gifts, you should tidy up the apartment in which a new family member will live. The young dad must prepare the room and purchase items for the care of the baby. The list of things necessary after the discharge of a newborn child from the hospital is as follows:

  • bath, bucket and water thermometer;
  • humidifier;
  • heater;
  • changing table;
  • pram;
  • crib;
  • towel;
  • baby soap, foam and shampoo;
  • two oilcloths (one in the crib, the other on the changing table);
  • potassium permanganate;
  • children's first aid kit;
  • wet wipes;
  • nipples, bottles and sterilizer.

You should also equip a place where basic necessities will be placed. Before the date of the intended discharge, the apartment should be properly cleaned and wet cleaned. It is worth taking care in advance of gifts, flowers to his wife and medical staff, as well as refreshments for guests.

discharge of a newborn from the hospital

To discharge a newborn from the hospital became an unforgettable event, you need to carefully think through and connect your imagination. Then it will become a bright moment and will be remembered for a lifetime.

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