How to change the screen size: tips and tricks

The following article will present a variety of options on how to change the screen size on a laptop or desktop computer. These methods can be used both when working in a browser, and when setting the resolution in a video game.

The easiest

First, you should introduce a simple and fast algorithm for changing the screen resolution on a computer or laptop. To do this, you need to use the keyboard and its optional Numpad panel (not all peripheral devices of this type have this element). To change the monitor screen size in this way, follow these simple instructions:

  • Hold down the Ctrl key.
  • Without releasing it, click on the "+" button located on the Numpad panel. This combination allows you to zoom in on the monitor.
  • Using the same option, only with "-" instead of "+", you will get a reduction of all the elements that are displayed on the screen.

Using special software

The next option is how to change the screen size on Windows 10. Now you will need to use a special video card utility. In a specific situation, this will be the Nvidia Control Panel. It is installed along with drivers for video adapters. But sometimes for various reasons it may be deleted.

Therefore, before starting the process of changing the permission, it is necessary to check its presence on the computer:

  • right-click on a random location on the desktop;
  • examine the list that opens.
Nvidia Control Panel Installed on Computer

If among all the options there is no line under the name of the necessary utility, then you need to reinstall the special software. To do this, simply download the installer from the manufacturer’s website, having previously specified the parameters of your video card, and reinstall it. The panel itself will appear along with it.

Now you can move on to how to change the screen size on the computer using this utility. To perform the operation, follow the algorithm below:

  • call the context menu anywhere on the desktop by right-clicking on the computer mouse;
  • in the list, find the line under the name "Nvidia Control Panel" and open it;
  • a special program will start, in the right part of the window find the "Display" section;
Nvidia Control Panel

  • the very first point will be the change in resolution;
  • Now you just need to specify the display to which the changes will be applied, and then set the necessary indicators.

Consider a more sophisticated way to change the screen size on a computer.

Work with the control panel

This is a rather complicated way. But at the same time, it will be very understandable even to novice computer users. To execute it, simply follow the algorithm below:

Control Panel

  • using the search bar, find the standard application "Control Panel";
  • after it starts, switch the display of sections in the format of categories and find the one that will be called "Design and Personalization";
  • after going to it, open the "Screen";
  • then open the subsection called "Screen Resolution";
  • on the new page, configure the settings in accordance with the conditions necessary for you.

By the way, this option of how to change the screen size can be done in another, more simple way:

  • as before, right-click anywhere on the desktop;
  • among the list of functions, find the line called "Resolution";
  • after that, go to the screen settings subsection and make all the changes you need.

Resize when working in a text editor

Now it’s worth considering how to change the screen size when you work with documents or do business on the Internet. The first case describes the procedure for Microsoft Word. To realize the goal, follow this instruction:

  • run the program;
  • on the top panel of the window, find the tab called "View" and open it;
  • here it is necessary to start the function of measuring the scale of the screen elements, for this, click on the button with the name "Scale". It is a magnifying glass icon;
Zoom in Word

  • After these actions, a special window will start, in which you will be asked to perform image size adjustment.

Resize the screen in a browser window

This section will discuss several options for how to change the screen size. This is due to several options for Internet browsers. Next, each of them will be placed in a separate category, so that it is more convenient for you to choose your own option. Let's get started.

Google chrome

It is worth noting that in more modern versions of popular browsers, the way to resize window elements is described quite briefly. Here is the algorithm:

  • launch a browser window;
  • on the bookmarks bar, find the key to open the program settings - it is a column of dots, located on the edge of the right side of the line;
  • click it and after that find the line "Scale";
  • resize the elements by pressing "+" or "-", depending on what you need.
Zoom in Google Chrome

Microsoft edge

The operation algorithm in this browser is practically no different from what was indicated earlier. Here is his description:

  • run the program window;
  • in the bookmarks bar, find the same key for opening the context menu, and click on it;
  • in the list that appears, find the same line under the name "Scale" and click on the same "+" or "-" to change the size of the elements displayed on the monitor.
Zoom in Edge


Now everything is a little more complicated. Here you have to work with tabs, but not for long:

  • launch a browser window;
  • in the upper panel, find the "View" tab;
  • open it and hover over the line under the name "Scale";
  • Then select one of the keys “Zoom in”, “Zoom out” or “Reset”.

Now let's figure out how to change the screen size in the game.

Forced change

By default, the screen resolution in the game changes through the settings item in the menu. However, it may also happen that due to the mismatch of the system requirements or the absence of higher settings in the program, it is necessary to change the screen size outside it. Here is the required action algorithm:

  • In the game folder, search for one of the following files: configure.exe, setting.exe, setup.exe. Any of them is responsible for opening a window with additional game settings, among which you can find a higher resolution than suggested inside the program. To change the settings, select the "video" or "graphics" section.
  • Another option for resizing the screen is through additional interfaces. Find the same files in the folder with the game as above, only with the extension .ini. Open them with notepad and search for graphics settings. When using notepad, you will need to rewrite the numbers in the permission line.
  • Well, the standard option is to use internal settings. From the game menu, go to the options section. There should be a tab under the name "Video", "Graphics" or "Screen". Go inside and put the option you need.

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