In 2013, AMD released two AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series graphics cards with different specifications. The chip, created on Graphic Core Next microarchitecture, occupies a place equal to 2.8 billion transistors. Like most Radeon cards, there is Eyefinity technology, which allows you to connect up to six monitors at a time. They can work independently of each other, and can form one large monitor. It all depends on what settings will be set.
Radeon 7850
This AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series graphics card has 800 megahertz processor frequencies. High performance and bandwidth (153 gigabits per second) provides a 256-bit bus. The computing system processes data equal to 1.76 teraflops. Computing blocks are present in the amount of 16 pieces, and texture blocks - in the amount of 64 pieces. For computing processes, there are two cores.
The memory format corresponds to the GDDR5 marking, and DirectX support of the eleventh version will help to accelerate interaction with operating system applications. For better optimization of the card, it is necessary to monitor driver updates, since only they are able to fully reveal all the capabilities of the GPU and provide access to the necessary settings. The basic drivers that indicate the video card in the system are bundled with the card, and the updated version can be viewed on the AMD website.
This AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series graphics card supports the latest integrated technologies that allow you to enjoy high-quality and smooth images in 60 frames, and the resolution can reach 4096 x 2160 pixels. The same applies to the audio stream, which meets all modern requirements, producing high-quality sound.
Radeon 7870
This AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series graphics card is a powerful follower of the previous card. It has a whole gigahertz to work with the GPU. Performance for computing operations is much higher than in the previous version - 2.56 teraflops. There are 20 computing units and 80 texture units.
Since this is the flagship of the 7800 series, in many respects it surpasses its brother. Support for tessellation technology has been implemented in the video cards of this manufacturer for a long time, but in this version it is brought to the limit. Now you can enjoy the three-dimensional image, striking in its realism and detail. And improved anti-aliasing will help to achieve a smooth and nice picture.
In other parameters, this representative of the AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series in terms of specifications fully coincides with the previous video card. Both cards are capable of supporting 3D image technology in both video and games. There is also the opportunity to connect in order to increase the performance of several cards, but this parameter may also depend on the capabilities of the motherboard.