Headache during pregnancy. What to do?

Why do pregnant women have a headache? Many women during childbearing complain of the appearance of headaches and migraines of a different nature. Most often, the pain is throbbing, constant and causes a lot of anxiety. The fact is that during pregnancy, the woman’s body is completely rebuilt. A variety of hormonal changes occur, the cardiovascular system, which is under enormous pressure, changes. Plus, fatigue, emotional overstrain or stress, which quite often accompanies a woman during this period. Most often, it is because of these factors that the headache during pregnancy. But there are other reasons. For example, a sharp rejection of caffeine. Of course, it is worth giving up on it, but you need to do this gradually.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely eliminate unpleasant sensations, but it is quite realistic to warn them. What will help in this matter?

1. Relaxation. Pregnancy always causes some concern. Experiences for the baby, for his future. You need to try to get rid of bad thoughts and unnecessary feelings out of your head and just relax. A light massage, yoga or spa treatment will help.

2. Rest. Everyone knows that pregnant women need to relax and enjoy their position. But, in the first and second trimester this is not always possible. Most women work before maternity leave, and some have pretty hard work. Our legislation provides for the transition to light work with the preservation of average wages. For your own well-being, it is better to take this opportunity.

3. Sleep. A lot of women suffer from insomnia during this period. This is facilitated by the active movements of the child, the inconvenience associated with a large belly. Particularly often, problems arise in the summer, when stuffiness is added to all this. From lack of sleep, pain often appears. But the headache during pregnancy and from excess sleep. Pregnancy sleep rate is 10 hours a day.

4. Hunger. And his head hurts during pregnancy. Therefore, even if there is no appetite, you just need to at least eat something. An increase in blood sugar can cope with pain, so it will not hurt to eat something sweet.

5. Fresh air. The room where the pregnant woman is regularly located must be aired. The head will hurt quite quickly if it is in a warm and, moreover, smoky room. In the summer, in extreme heat, you just need a fan or air conditioning.

6. The noise. Many pregnant women do not tolerate excessive noise. Avoid places where music plays loudly (restaurants, discos, cinemas), large crowds.

7. Posture. Often, headaches during pregnancy appear from prolonged reading or any other activity requiring tilting the head. This also applies to the computer.

8. Compresses. Cold or hot compresses are used to relieve pain. Any soft tissue should be wetted in water and applied to the forehead (especially to the temples), to the eyes, face. With contracting pain, ice applied to the back of the head will help. A greater effect will follow if you completely relax and be in a quiet, quiet environment. It is best to retire, turn off the lights and try to take a nap, asking relatives not to disturb.

If you have a headache during pregnancy and nothing helps, there is a huge desire to drink a pill. You have to be careful! Most drugs are unsafe for the baby's health. For example, aspirin, ibuprofen preparations. In any case, there is no need to act at random. If drug-free methods do not work, you should consult a doctor for the correct and appropriate treatment appointment.

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