At the sixth month of pregnancy, the baby continues to grow and behaves the same as before birth. So, when the 22nd week of pregnancy comes , the fetal movements become more noticeable, since the baby is constantly trying to roll over. Such phenomena indicate its normal development, therefore, the absence of any movements may indicate any complications of pregnancy.
The child continues to grow actively, ultrasound at 22 weeks of gestation can show grown fingernails, as well as eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows. On the whole, the baby’s face begins to transform, his eyes have already formed enough, and he can close them, you can distinguish his lips, which become more distinct with each passing week.
During this period of pregnancy, the liver of the unborn child plays a role, it processes bilirubin, which enters the placenta and the mother’s blood, making it harmless.
So, according to the results of ultrasound at 22 weeks of gestation, the fetus is twenty-seven centimeters tall and weighs 400 grams, it now looks like a newborn baby, only smaller. His skin is still wrinkled and covered with fluff. Sweat glands and pancreas are actively developing. The baby already knows how to hiccup, so mom can sometimes feel a slight push in her stomach.
At the sixth month, the unborn baby is already responding to the noise of the outside world and can discern the mood of his mother. This is due to the active increase in the number of neurons in the brain, and therefore perception is rapidly improving. An important point here is the importance for the baby of touching, since they contribute to the knowledge of the world, therefore, while still in the womb, he learns to move his limbs, touching different parts of his body. Doing ultrasound at 22 weeks of gestation, you can watch the baby suck her thumb.
The response of the mother's body to fetal movements can be the so-called Breston-Highens contractions, which are a sensation of some tension in the uterus. Usually such fights are short-lived and are false.
At the 22nd week of pregnancy, many women have stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, hips, buttocks, and small vessels on the face, neck, arms, and chest become visible, which is associated with an increase in estrogen levels. All these unpleasant phenomena disappear after childbirth. Most women during this period have stool disorders, often constipation, in which case, doctors recommend eating foods that contain fiber.
In general, this period of pregnancy can be called comfortable for a woman, the stomach does not interfere, the weakness gradually disappears. However, with an increase in blood volume, so-called physiological anemia, which is considered normal during pregnancy, can be observed.
It can be said that the baby at the 22nd week of pregnancy does not particularly bother the mother with her movements, and although the sleep time of the baby and the mother may not coincide, gradually the woman gets used to night movements.
In the second trimester, a woman's well-being improves. Hair and nails grow faster, become stronger. Some ladies observe a change in the color of their skin, as well as darkening of the nipples. The only unpleasant moment in this period may be swelling of the legs.
Thus, ultrasound at 22 weeks of gestation shows how the fetus develops, what changes have occurred in it, and how it reacts to various kinds of noises from outside. A woman’s health is usually good, although there are some changes in her body, this does not affect her mood and her general condition. At this time, it is necessary to limit any load so as not to provoke a premature birth.