Pregnancy is an important stage in the life of every woman. Hormonal regulation is responsible for its successful course. Statistics show that many women during this period have insufficient levels of the hormone progesterone. In this case, doctors prescribe hormone replacement therapy, and then the drug "Dufaston" comes to the rescue. Cancellation during pregnancy of this drug is carried out at a certain time according to a special scheme, which cannot be deviated from.
Before starting treatment, the doctor must explain to the patient how to take the medicine.
Remember that the arbitrary termination of therapy may entail negative consequences for the health of the woman and her unborn child!
Why do doctors prescribe hormone therapy?
To understand exactly how cancellation of "Duphaston" should be carried out during pregnancy, it is necessary to understand why in general, experts prescribe these pills and how they act on the patient's body. The composition of the tablets contains dydrogesterone. It is a synthetic substitute for the hormone progesterone, which is considered an important engine of the process and is responsible for preparing the uterine walls for implantation of the ovum. If a woman's body is deficient in progesterone, the embryo will not penetrate into the uterine mucosa, which will cause a spontaneous abortion. When canceling Duphaston during pregnancy, it is important to understand that this will lead to a sharp decrease in the level of progesterone in the pregnant woman, and this is very dangerous for the unborn baby.
The main indications for taking "Duphaston"
As a rule, doctors prescribe hormone therapy with the described drug in the following cases:
- With the usual miscarriage .
- In the case of a woman's history of several miscarriages.
- With dysmenorrhea and endometriosis.
- If the doctor diagnosed the patient with a threat of miscarriage.
It is categorically impossible to assign yourself "Dufaston" yourself! Before prescribing hormone therapy, a gynecologist comprehensively examines a woman. In the event that she cannot become pregnant for a long period or her previous pregnancies ended in spontaneous miscarriages, treatment is carried out. Its duration is from three to six cycles to the alleged conception. In addition, Duphaston is prescribed to expectant mothers who have signs of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Tablets must be taken according to a special scheme, adjusted by the attending physician depending on the clinical picture.
Contraindications "Dufaston"
The drug should not be taken in the following cases:
- With individual intolerance. In this case, the selection of an analogue is possible.
- In the case of pathologies of the kidneys and liver.
- Oncological diseases, including the state of remission.
- With an allergic reaction to the main component.
If you take "Dufaston" in the presence of the above diseases, you can be harmful to health.
Side effect
In the process of taking pills, the following negative reactions may occur in expectant mothers:
- Stool problems, flatulence.
- Headaches, which is especially characteristic of those women who suffer from migraine attacks.
- Sudden abdominal pain and jaundice. This happens if you combine the drug with alcohol.
- A rapid decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.
- Rashes and itching as a result of an allergic reaction, occasionally - Quincke's edema.
If at least one of the above reactions is detected, it is very important to consult a doctor immediately.
Is it dangerous to drink Duphaston?
Many ladies who take these pills and monitor forums for the abolition of Duphaston during pregnancy and the consequences of stopping this hormone ask themselves if the medicine is dangerous for a pregnant woman.
If you take the drug under the supervision of a doctor, there will be no negative consequences. Statistics show that over a long period of use of "Duphaston" in gynecology or obstetrics, not a single case of a negative effect of the drug on conception or gestation was revealed. The main thing is that the appointment and cancellation of "Duphaston" during pregnancy is controlled by a doctor.
- Duphaston has no contraceptive effect.
- The drug does not inhibit ovulation and does not violate menstrual function.
- The hormone helps a woman become pregnant and have a baby.
- For the liver, the medicine is harmless.
Since Duphaston is excreted by the kidneys for two days, it is possible to maintain the concentration of the hormone in the blood at the required level throughout the entire period of the drug.
How to take Duphaston?
Instructions for use are individual for each woman. The approximate reception scheme is as follows:
- With placental abruption and the threat of spontaneous abortion, as well as severe bleeding, 40 mg of the drug is prescribed once. Due to this, the symptoms stop. Next, tablets are drunk every 8 hours at 10 mg. As can be seen, the abolition of Duphaston in the early stages of pregnancy is undesirable.
- In the case of stable miscarriage, the drug begins to be drunk even before conception, 10 mg twice a day.
An increase in dose is permissible only after tests that confirm that the concentration of progesterone in the blood is insufficient.
How to cancel therapy
How to properly cancel "Duphaston" during pregnancy? Usually, this drug must be taken before 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. At the moment, the active formation of the placental layer is noted. It contributes to the independent production of progesterone by a certain date. Sometimes, in unusual cases, the medication continues until the 36th week.
Cancellation of "Duphaston" during pregnancy should be prescribed by the doctor who led the woman during this period. The scheme for each future mother is individual. You can not stop taking the pills dramatically, it is very important to reduce their number to nothing gradually. This is a prerequisite for every woman.
What is fraught with the independent abolition of "Duphaston" during pregnancy? The consequences can be tragic for the expectant mother, because it threatens to spontaneously terminate the pregnancy. The body must adapt to change. As a rule, during the first week the dosage becomes half as much. In this case, the specialist takes control of the process by prescribing periodic ultrasound examinations and blood tests. If everything was done correctly, there will be no negative consequences.
The standard pill withdrawal schedule for normal hormone concentrations is as follows. On the first day, a woman takes 4 tablets, further reducing the dosage by one unit. In some cases, the dose is reduced by half the pill daily. If the problem with hormones is not resolved, the specialist may prescribe another scheme for the abolition of "Duphaston" during pregnancy. Sometimes the adaptation period takes several weeks. In the later stages of bearing a child, after 36 weeks, taking the drug is pointless.
How to replace "Dufaston"?
There are several similar drugs. They are prescribed by the doctor if the expectant mother has an individual intolerance to the components.
- Prajisan. Available in tablets and capsules of vaginal form.
- "Utrozhestan". Contains natural progesterone, which is extracted from plants, and therefore it costs more.
- Norkolut. Quite often used in gynecological practice. Contains norethisterone, the progesterone analogue is not in its pure form. Inexpensive.
Now you know why the drug described in the article is prescribed for women, how it can be replaced with individual intolerance, and what threatens the abrupt cancellation of Dufaston during pregnancy. It is better to take control of the situation and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.
Do not self-medicate! Hormone therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician. We wish you a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby! Progesterone-containing drugs have helped thousands of women!