Every mother tries to ensure that her baby is not only full, but also that he eats that food, from which his stomach would not hurt, strong regurgitation does not begin, and the chair is normal. Therefore, in some cases, you have to try several mixtures until you find one that is ideal for this particular child. What kind of product is Similak Antireflux? Reviews of mothers and pediatricians will be presented in the article.
Regurgitation problem
Along with young children, problems unfortunately come to the family. Now we are talking about regurgitation. In some babies, they begin immediately after leaving the hospital. Vomiting occurs after each feeding, in some cases even a "fountain". For one of the peanuts, this happens only an hour or a half after eating.
Usually, the local pediatrician tries to reassure mothers, telling them that this, in principle, is normal, because all children are prone to regurgitation. Therefore, as a rule, parents begin to show anxiety only after the baby is one and a half to two months old. Some mothers and fathers even come to see a neurologist, trying to understand: maybe the child is crying a lot or nervous, and therefore spits up?
And then Similak Antireflux comes to the rescue. Reviews of pediatricians about this mixture are positive. Experts recommend giving it before each feeding thirty milliliters. True, its cost is quite high (800 rubles for 375 grams). But here it is either cost savings, or the health of the child.
We make mistakes
When the child begins to regurgitate, most likely the problem is not that the mixture is not selected correctly. We must look for another reason. Pediatricians can make different diagnoses, for example, assume the mother is overfeeding the baby, or the mixture should be changed.
It is a pity that not all doctors are well aware of products that are suitable for artificial feeding. Therefore, each mother has to independently search for the baby that milk mixture that suits him. And these searches can consist in trial and error, as well as experiments on the child.
Important control
Studying the issue of baby food, we can conclude that it is the Similak Antireflux mixture, reviews of which only confirm its usefulness, that is perhaps the only food for children that is controlled by the pharmaceutical manufacturer. It should be noted that this is a fairly serious control over the production of baby food. Unfortunately, the rest of the mixtures, although undergoing research, have nothing to do with the pharmaceutical industry.
Let's talk about the advantages of the “Similak Antireflux” mixture. Reviews indicate that it does not have GMOs and palm oil. And this is a pretty significant advantage, because from infancy you should protect the health of babies. Products in which there is a lot of palm oil adversely affect the state of the cardiovascular system.
Healthy food
Reviews of the “Similak Antireflux” mixture indicate that already in the first week of e6e use of regurgitation is significantly reduced. Every day the condition of children is getting better. There was no allergy to this mixture, constipation disappears. Gas formation is significantly reduced, as are stomach pains. The latter is due to the fact that in this mixture the lactose content is reduced, which is also the prevention of diarrhea.
From the foregoing, we can conclude that "Similak Antireflux", reviews of which are only positive, is really a very good mixture, suitable for a large number of kids and able to solve their problems.
The composition of the mixture has the necessary balance. And as an anti-reflux component, a thickener is used - rice starch. I must say that many mixtures contain potato starch, and this is not very good for the child's body. By the way, manufacturers are not informing consumers about this either. There are no restrictions on the use of this mixture, except for the age of the child (from birth to six months).
Pediatrician reviews about Similak Antireflux for newborns confirm that this is the best choice for babies who have problems with regurgitation. Moms offering children this mixture made the right choice.
Little minus
For mothers, the only disadvantage is the inconvenient measuring spoon in use. And because of its capacity, you can dilute the mixture either by sixty milliliters, or by one hundred and twenty. But there are also children who are suitable for 80, 90 or 100 milliliters. It turns out that you must either breed several feedings at once and store in the refrigerator (and this, as many mothers know, you can’t do this: give the kids only freshly prepared), or pour out the rest.
Its value has already been mentioned. Most likely, the manufacturer supplemented the product with such a measured spoon so that the mixture ended faster, and consumers often bought new banks. Such a commercial move exposes the manufacturer in an unsightly light, however, for the sake of the health of the child, you will do if not everything, then the maximum possible.