Catholic Christmas: differences and features

Christmas is considered one of the most important holidays for Orthodox Christians and the main holiday for Catholics around the world. This is the long-awaited time of gathering the whole family, a solemn feast, as well as gifts.

The Russian, Bulgarian, and Serbian churches (Orthodox) did not go over to the Gregorian calendar at the time and still use the Julian calendar. Hence, Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on January 7th, and Catholic Christmas is 13 days earlier on December 25th.

The choice of date is most likely dictated by the combination with the pagan holiday of the birth of the Sun, with its subsequent complete replacement and displacement. The coincidence of the leitmotifs of the victory of light over darkness and good over evil contributed to the organic merging of Christmas symbols with pre-Christian beliefs associated with winter Christmas time. It is characteristic that the replacement of the pagan archetype of birth shone with the birth of the Son of God took place in the worldview culture of almost all the ancient countries where Christianity was introduced.

Catholic and Orthodox Christmas is the long-awaited end of a long Lent, which Catholics call Advent. During this period, all Christians should spend time in repentance and prayer. On Christmas Eve itself, a particularly strict fast is observed . Traditionally, on this day you need to eat a juicy - ceremonial dish made from barley grains and honey. From here came the name - Christmas Eve.

One word and so many meanings

As for the name of the holiday itself, here “Christmas” means the birth of Christ, but “Christmas” the Catholic sounds like “Mass of Christ”, in different languages: Christmas - in English, Kerst-misse - in Dutch from Old English Cristes Maesse; Noël - in French, Il Natale - in Italian from the Latin Dies Natalis, etc.

Catholic Christmas Traditions

Catholics prepare for Christmas in advance, first of all, decorate the house and yard with garlands, decorate the Christmas tree, prepare gifts. Santons or nativity scenes depicting the scene of the birth of Jesus in a stable are very popular. They are made by the whole family in miniature for home or in full growth for the street.

One of the rules of holiday etiquette is the obligatory congratulations of all relatives, friends, colleagues with Christmas cards. Some companies even distribute to their employees lists of mailing addresses of colleagues. Congratulations on Catholic Christmas are very important in Western countries. They are approached seriously enough, thinking through the text of the postcard in advance and choosing a gift for everyone. Children are given gifts on behalf of Santa Claus or his similar "colleagues."

Christmas is a family holiday and is traditionally held among relatives and friends. Traditionally, the whole family gathers for Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve, when the first star shines in the sky. An integral attribute of a Christmas feast is prayer. The main dish is served on the table - turkey.

The most popular way of congratulating Catholic and Orthodox Christmas is to play a carol (a kind of Christmas song). Caroling in pre-Christian times. Then the carols played the role of ritual songs, with the help of which prosperity was called upon, a good harvest in the next agricultural cycle. Now the carols glorify the Son of God and serve at the same time as the wish of good for the master of the house and his whole family.

A peculiar concept of the “spirit of Christmas” - literally Christmas Spirit, gave rise to Catholic Christmas. This is a festive atmosphere that fills people's hearts with joy, kindness, warmth, love and bright hopes. At Christmas time, all Catholics break away from the daily rush to plunge into the world of miracles and fairy tales.

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