How to prepare for the birth of a child: necessary things, documents, psychological preparation

Preparing for the birth of a child is a very difficult and at the same time interesting process, which has many aspects. Today, expectant mothers do not lack information about pregnancy and upcoming births, but obstetricians say that they see units of truly trained women in labor. Doctors connect this phenomenon with a certain one-sidedness in preparing women for the birth of a child. The information is given in such a way that pregnant women often find it even unnecessarily disturbing. Some admit on the forums that in the end everything turned out to be completely different than what was presented in the courses.

If you want to become a mother of a healthy baby, then you should think about how to prepare for the birth of a child long before the cherished two stripes appear on the test. Such an approach is practiced by rare mothers, but it is he, as practice shows, that becomes the most faithful and justified option of all possible. Today we will analyze when to start preparing for the birth of a child, what aspects of this process are most important and how to avoid the basic mistakes that almost all future mothers tend to make.

when to start training

Initial stage of preparation

Experts never argue about how much it takes to prepare for the birth of a child. They are unanimous in their opinion - the expectant mother should plan her pregnancy and prepare for it for at least six months. Better if she has a year left. Of course, many of our readers, already in a position, will say that it is too late for them to read this section. Perhaps they are right. But for those women who are only thinking about replenishment in the family, this material will come in handy.

If you want to give birth to a healthy child, the preparation for the birth of this miracle should begin with a specific list. It is necessary to include all aspects of training and strictly follow certain rules. To make such a list is not difficult, we offer an approximate version of it, and you can make your additions in the form of several points. So, how to prepare for the birth of a child in advance:

  • physical fitness;
  • normalization of weight;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • medical examinations;
  • the material side of the issue.

Note that we do not focus the readers on the baby’s father. Since it is most likely that with a planned pregnancy, a caring and attentive man is next to the woman, equally ready to share with her all the responsibility for the life of the future man.

Let's now analyze all the items in the list in more detail. The first is physical activity, and this is no accident. The fact that pregnancy and childbirth are a huge test for the body, today they say everywhere. Therefore, it is important that the woman is well prepared physically for the upcoming tests. This will help her to feel good throughout all nine months, it is easier to give birth and quickly return to good shape after. How to prepare for the birth of a child physically? Naturally, this is easier to do in advance.

Start by buying a subscription to the sports center. Let the first load be small - swim in the pool, walk on a treadmill or work out on exercise machines. Over time, you will notice that your body has become stronger and you are ready for more serious activities. They can be absolutely any, but it is better that the load is diverse. Continue swimming, learn yoga, start strength training with a personal trainer, and so on. Thanks to this approach, your body will be fully prepared for the upcoming bearing of the baby. Believe me, you will never regret the money spent during this period.

Now let's talk about normalizing weight. Some women who have problems with him believe that getting in shape before pregnancy is a thankless job. After all, according to the majority, it is considered the norm to recover during the gestation of crumbs up to twenty kilograms, which means that before conception you can afford to eat anything. If you think so too, then you are absolutely wrong.

Being overweight increases the risk of not having a baby and reduces the chances of conception. Very often, women who do not care about getting fit, during pregnancy get a lot of diseases and often they have to go to the hospital for preservation. Therefore, do not treat the problem of excess weight connivingly, especially since women who do not have extra pounds give birth faster and easier. Do not forget that caring for your figure before the conception of the baby forms the right taste habits that will positively affect the development of the fetus.

It’s not a secret to anyone that for nine months of being in the womb, a baby from her body draws a huge amount of vitamins, microelements and other substances necessary for him to be healthy. Therefore, the mother, even before conception, must stockpile all of these components. Typically, women do this by taking multivitamin complexes, preparations with calcium and, separately, vitamins C and E. Thanks to this, the immunity of the expectant mother rises, which can easily resist colds and epidemics of influenza.

If you ask a doctor about how to prepare for the birth of a child, he will definitely recommend paying a lot of attention to medical examinations. A woman planning a pregnancy needs to go through all the doctors and take tests to identify various infections, including sexually transmitted infections. Many expectant mothers do not even suspect that they need treatment, and learn about it already when they are pregnant. And at this time, the possibilities of doctors are extremely limited.

And at the end of the section I would like to talk about material preparation. Of course, each person has a different concept of financial stability and affluence. But still, when planning a replenishment in the family, be prepared for numerous expenses. They concern not only pregnancy management and the purchase of a dowry for a baby. For many parents, preparation for the birth of a child includes a major overhaul in the apartment, and often the purchase of new housing. If your living conditions are not very good, then think about improving them. After all, during pregnancy it will be too late to do this, and future mothers are not recommended to think about problems.

Four directions of the preparatory process

When you need to start preparing for the birth of a child, we have already found out. But if the previous section is not relevant for you, since you are already pregnant, then this does not mean that you can relax. After all, women who feel a new life in themselves begin to worry even more about how to prepare for the birth of a child. And here they need to focus on four aspects of this process:

  1. Informing. Expectant mothers (and often dads) should have a clear idea about the physiology of childbirth, the documents governing the work of the institution where their baby will be born, as well as all the manipulations that are performed in the hospital with newborns. Thanks to their knowledge, women feel more confident and get rid of a large number of fears.
  2. The legal side of the issue. Most of the future women in labor do not have an idea of ​​their rights, social benefits provided by the state, legal aspects of drawing up an agreement with a maternity hospital and other nuances. All this often causes nervousness in a pregnant woman and does not allow her to enjoy her position.
  3. Recovery. Even if you did sports before pregnancy, you should not assume that physical activity is now not for you. For women who feel well and do not have any contraindications, doctors strongly recommend that physical activity be included in the daily regimen. Of course, they should be tailored to the position of the girl. Many expectant mothers enjoy swimming in the pool, doing yoga and mastering breathing techniques.
  4. Psychological preparation for the birth of a child. Many obstetricians consider this aspect the most important, because the child’s health and how the birth will proceed depend on the mood of the woman and her emotional state. For several years now, experts have claimed that pregnant women who attended special courses and were interested in information on how to psychologically prepare for the birth of a child gave birth to healthy babies and did not receive any injuries in the process.

A woman who was able to pay attention to all of the above aspects during pregnancy will lead a healthier lifestyle, gain self-confidence, and many will even completely change their worldview. In any case, the answer to the question of how to prepare for the birth of a child allows a future mother to approach the most important day of her life emotionally and physically prepared, healthy and with a sense of inner harmony. But some women, carried away by this process, make a number of offensive mistakes.

attending courses

False strategies in preparation for childbirth

So, imagine that you have to prepare for the birth of a child. What you need for this can be found in any antenatal clinic. However, plunging into the study of new information, women begin to try on certain roles or choose behaviors that ultimately do not give the desired result. We will briefly describe them, and you try to honestly look at yourself from the outside - perhaps the same mistakes are peculiar to you.

Most often among expectant mothers, “excellent student syndrome” is noted. A woman turns into a kind of schoolgirl diligently performing all tasks. Such pregnant women always visit the doctor on time, special courses and are a storehouse of information about childbirth. However, they perceive this process as a kind of exam, which you need to approach with all the tickets you have learned. Women with this syndrome are sure that their diligence literally deserves a successful outcome of childbirth without complications and other problems. They are captivated by the process itself and the features of how to prepare for a child’s birthday, but at the same time they are absolutely not ready for reality.

The “pink glasses" strategy is unknowingly chosen by many expectant mothers. Doctors consider her one of the most dangerous for a woman and her child. Since for all nine months the pregnant woman ignores any important information, recommendations of doctors and even possible complications. The woman is sure that all this is nonsense and in fact she will be fine. Just because it cannot be otherwise. Unfortunately, during childbirth, such expectant mothers often panic and interfere with the work of doctors.

The "ostrich" strategy, too, to the displeasure of doctors, is very common. Choosing it, women do not even think about when to start preparing for the birth of a child, since they experience genuine fear of this process. They are afraid of everything related to the upcoming birth and they try to completely forget about this important event. Such future mothers usually fall into the nearest hospital with labor pains, sometimes without even an exchange card in their hands. What they need to prepare for the birth of a child is told to them by the doctor from the on-duty team, since they do not know anything about this side of their situation.

Excessive zeal in preparation for the birth of the baby is also not a factor ensuring a successful outcome. Psychologists often call such moms "bodybuilders." They enthusiastically play sports, train the muscles of the pelvic floor, as they heard from experts that this will help the baby to pass through the birth canal. Such mummies can spend hours in the pool all the time so that their baby is more comfortable. And by informative training, they can give odds to any obstetrician. A female bodybuilder hangs on the forums every day and reads any information that she thinks is important. From the outside, this approach seems to be true, but experts do not see any advantages in it. They note that excessive physical activity leads to muscle cramps during childbirth and prevents the baby from being born. And the excess of information does not allow to synthesize a number of hormones in the cerebral cortex necessary for the successful course of the birth process.

There are pregnant women who choose a control strategy. They are not interested in forums, but prefer serious scientific literature. Women read textbooks on obstetrics and publications of eminent professors, so they try to control their pregnancy from and to. They literally make up a schedule of what and when should happen to them. Even the birth itself, they want to go according to plan, not realizing that this is a natural process in which it is important to relax and submit to your body.

The wrong preparation strategies include focusing on external attributes. A list of what is needed in preparation for the birth of a child, such mothers make up almost immediately after a visit to the doctor. Periodically, it is replenished with new items. From the outside it seems that such pregnant women are simply an inexhaustible source of energy. They manage to visit all maternity hospitals to choose the best, study the biography of obstetricians and enter into an agreement only with the most professional of them. In addition, they are able to travel to most of the children's stores in search of certain things or toys. Many relatives and friends admire such an energetic expectant mother, but in fact she is very tired of her activities. Behind all the external, sometimes unnecessary fuss, a woman forgets about the emotional side of her condition. She does not think about how to mentally prepare for the birth of a child, and misses many important points related to pregnancy.

One of the most dangerous strategies, doctors consider the pregnancy of a particular dogma. Based on fashion trends or someone else's recommendations, she develops a detailed scenario for future births. It can be water, home birth or the participation of a certain doctor in them. In nine months, the chosen scenario becomes clearer, and the woman is ready to follow only him. Psychologically, she is not ready for changes that are likely. If this happens, then the woman falls into deep depression, which prevents recovery from childbirth.

mistakes in preparing for childbirth

Psychological preparation for the birth of a child: features and nuances

Earlier, we listed four important aspects of preparing for the birth of a baby. The simplest of them can be considered informational and legal. It is easy to obtain the necessary information from the Internet and specialized directories, but I would like to dwell on other aspects in more detail.

How to mentally prepare for the birth of a child? Almost all future mothers think about this to one degree or another. And this is not surprising, because despite the fact that during pregnancy, a woman undergoes wonderful transformations, during this period she is subject to fears and emotionally unstable due to hormonal changes in the body.

Most often, expectant mothers are faced with mood changes, fear for the life of their baby and fear of childbirth, as well as with an overestimation of values. The last nuance brings its totality of anxieties to the life of a woman, such as fears of not becoming a good mother and so on. In order to psychologically prepare for the birth of a baby, you need to clearly understand which phobias were imposed or borrowed, and which ones were generated by your consciousness. This can be done through communication. Do not withdraw into yourself and spend more time with people close and pleasant to you.

Very important for psychological preparation is attending courses. According to the features of your pregnancy and the fears you have, you can choose a specific course that will help you deal with internal problems.

Do not forget about visualization. Set a goal within yourself - to give birth to a healthy and beautiful baby. Often imagine what it will be, how you will see you for the first time and what emotions it will cause. Over time, fears will fade into the background, and inside you will experience a feeling of joy at any thought about the baby and childbirth.

To dispel all anxieties will help and information. Typically, women are afraid of everything unknown, because preparing for the birth of a second child is usually easier and simpler, since the woman already knows exactly what will happen to her. Therefore, study the literature on pregnancy and childbirth. , , .

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At any stage of pregnancy, you can do special exercises. There are a lot of similar gymnastic complexes, but doctors advise to engage only in groups. An experienced specialist will be able to assess what kind of load you can give without harm to health. A correctly selected complex helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, the harmonious development of the baby, reduces the risk of complications during childbirth and shortens the recovery period after them.

Experts recommend making physical activity regular and combining it with swimming. It is considered the most effective workout for all muscles and at the same time a relaxation session for a woman.

Massage and breathing exercises: should such sessions be carried out

Imagine that you are in full swing preparing for the birth of a child. What do pregnant women need to know about massage? There are a lot of rumors about this procedure, and some women even claim that massage is harmful to expectant mothers and leads to a miscarriage. Obstetricians are ready to debunk all the myths and confidently talk about the benefits of massage for pregnant women. It relieves muscle tension and clamps, pain, reduces swelling and improves mood. However, it should be borne in mind that the procedure for expectant mothers should exclude pressure and kneading, and be performed while sitting or lying on its side.

Breathing exercises few mothers pay due attention to. But her methods help not only during childbirth, relieving pain, but also during pregnancy. In the last trimester, women often complain of shortness of breath and breathing problems, which is extremely harmful for the baby, depriving him of the necessary amount of oxygen. Therefore, respiratory gymnastics is one of the best assistants to women in preparing for childbirth and should not be neglected.

choose a doctor and maternity hospital

Choosing a doctor and maternity hospital

Today, pregnant women can choose not only a maternity hospital, but also a doctor who will receive their birth. Therefore, preparation for the birth of a baby is accompanied by a painful search for a better place and specialist.

Most women prefer to conclude a service agreement with a medical institution in advance in order to be calm for their health and the conditions of their stay in the hospital. Most often, the following characteristics become the selection criteria:

  • conditions in the prenatal, genital and postpartum departments;
  • reviews of staff in the maternity ward;
  • professionalism of neonatologists;
  • the possibility of obtaining additional services;
  • cost of birth management;
  • institution rating.

It will be useful to read reviews about the hospital on the forums. But it is worth taking into account the fact that all opinions are subjective and, as a result, may not coincide with your impressions when you personally visit the institution.

The choice of a doctor is much more important for a future mother than the place where she will give birth. Even the most advertised doctor, with whom you personally are not comfortable, will not be able to facilitate the birth process. Usually, at first glance, a woman understands that she is calm with this doctor. And in this case, childbirth will be much easier, and will not leave unpleasant memories.

I want to say that you should not chase the most popular obstetricians. They are very busy, so they will not be able to give you due attention and often treat their patients as a way to earn money. Therefore, be sure to meet a doctor a couple of months before the birth, because in a stressful situation it will be easier for you to communicate with an already familiar person.

partner birth

Together we prepare for the birth of a child: what you need to know about partner births

The popularity of childbirth with a partner in our country is growing steadily. Most often, women choose husbands for this role, but there are known cases of childbirth with a mother, mother-in-law and even a friend. Doctors positively evaluate this practice, assuring that the partner gives the woman a sense of calm and comfort. However, it is important to consider several factors before going to a partner birth:

  • The desire to participate in such an important process for a pregnant woman should be sincere. Neither the husband nor other candidates for this role should succumb to the persuasion of a woman if they do not want it.
  • Trust in the partner. The expectant mother must have unlimited trust in the person with whom she will be giving birth. This process may not show it from the best side, therefore human relations are important here.
  • A pregnant husband or any other chosen partner should be calm about blood. Nothing good will happen if, at the crucial moment, the one who is called to support the woman faints.
  • Defined character stock. You need to stop your choice on a person who has a certain influence on the pregnant woman, who knows the approach to her and has self-control. After all, childbirth is an unpredictable process, and it can proceed in different ways.

It is important to decide on a partner in advance, as he needs to listen to a course of lectures and take several blood tests. Also, from him, doctors will need the results of a fluorographic study.

we collect things in the hospital

Getting ready for a trip to the hospital

What needs to be prepared for the birth of a child from things? These questions concern all mothers without exception. Therefore, they are buying up a lot of things, most of which will not even be useful to them in the future. Experienced mothers advise to take care of buying a crib and stroller, as well as a dowry for the baby, a month and a half before delivery. It must include:

  • diapers of different sizes;
  • diapers (disposable, flannel and thin);
  • clothes (several bonnets, bodysuits, vests and romper suits, as well as a set of holiday clothes for discharge);
  • hygiene products (wet wipes, talcum powder, baby cream);
  • nipples and bottles.

All of these things need to be prepared for use and put so that the young father is well aware of their whereabouts.

A month before the expected birth, you need to collect two bags: with documents and things intended for a trip to the hospital. The package of necessary documents includes: passport, exchange card, insurance policy, birth certificate and contract for the provision of services in the hospital. The list of things will be longer. It needs to include a mobile phone, charger and utensils. Also put in the bag two pairs of shoes (for shower and ward), a bathrobe and a nightgown, hygiene items (shower gel, the necessary cosmetic minimum, wet wipes, high-absorbency postpartum pads, disposable bra inserts), disposable diapers, bandage (if you need it). You can also bring along drinking water without gas, bananas and a bar of chocolate in case of prolonged labor.

Do I need to prepare for the birth of a second child

The second child in the family: whether to prepare

There is an opinion in society that a second pregnancy and childbirth do not require preparation, since the mother already has some experience. However, it is precisely in it that the trap for a pregnant woman lies. The fact is that every pregnancy, even in the same girl, proceeds differently. This also applies to the birth process. Therefore, one cannot expect the second pregnancy to be identical to the first. In addition, the initial experience can be negative and a woman has very real fears that are based on. Therefore, the question of how to prepare for the birth of a second child is quite relevant.

Doctors say that this should be done as carefully as in the case of the first pregnancy. But psychological preparation needs to be paid more attention to rid a woman of phobias and fears. If the first pregnancy and childbirth left the most unpleasant impressions, it would be useful to work with a qualified psychologist. Since such an injury can be a serious obstacle to a successful outcome for the second time.

I would also like to mention the preparation of the eldest kid in the family for a new role for himself. Not all kids happily accept this news, so the main task of father and mother is to set their child in a positive mood in relation to the future brother or sister.

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