Medicines for pregnant women for colds: a list of drugs, reviews, recommendations

Medicines for pregnant women for colds are allocated in a separate subgroup. After all, only these medicines are tested and reliably safe. It is worth noting that some of them are allowed only for certain periods. This article will tell you what medicines can be used for pregnant women with colds. You will learn about the features of the use of certain tools. It is also worth mentioning the reviews of expectant mothers in the correction of this condition.

Colds in pregnant women

During the expectation of a child, every woman tries to protect herself from all kinds of diseases. After all, some pathologies can adversely affect the development of future crumbs. However, it is not always possible to avoid colds.

cold medicines for pregnant women

When fertilization occurs, inhibition of the immune defense of the woman’s body occurs. This is necessary for the correct and normal course of pregnancy. Otherwise, the ovum can be perceived as a foreign body. It is because of a decrease in immunity that infection occurs with some colds. Is it worth it to intervene in this process?

Colds in pregnant women must be cured. What drugs can be taken at the same time - you will learn further. Many expectant mothers also resort to the use of folk medicine recipes. In most cases, this disease is accompanied by fever, chills, runny nose, cough, and sore throat. Consider what drugs can be pregnant with a cold.

We increase immunity and fight viruses

Medicines for pregnant women for colds can have an antiviral effect. But at the same time, they increase their own immunity. Of great popularity are drugs that provoke the production of interferon. It is worth noting that this substance is independently produced by the body of a sick person. That is why it is not able to harm the expectant mother and her unborn child.

colds in pregnant women

This type of medication includes Interferon Leukocyte, Anaferon, Ergoferon, and so on. Separately, it is worth highlighting the medicine "Viferon". Pregnant with colds, it is administered rectally. This method of use avoids the ingress of the active substance into the blood. It is worth noting that not all antiviral and immunomodulating formulations that produce interferon are approved for use at different stages of pregnancy. Medicines such as Lycopid and Isoprinosine can only be used in the third and second trimesters.

Antibacterial drugs

In some situations, pregnant women may need cold medicines that can eliminate bacterial infections. Before using them, doctors recommend that bacteriological culture is mandatory. This analysis allows you to determine the location of microbes and identify their sensitivity to certain drugs.

what medicines can pregnant women with a cold

Among the antibiotics that are allowed during the expectation of a child, it can be noted Amoxiclav, Flemoxin, Augmentin, Ecobol and so on. The active substance of all these drugs is amoxicillin. It is approved for use in the second and third periods of pregnancy. In the first third of the term, the medicine is contraindicated, as it can harm the emerging body. In especially difficult situations, doctors can recommend other antibacterial compounds.

Eliminate sore throat

If a pregnant woman has a cold, then the main concomitant symptom is pain and sore throat. The medicines allowed during this period will help to eliminate this problem. These include the drug “Miramistin”, “Chlorhexidine”, “Tantum Verde”. These medicines are available as a spray. You just need to spray the medicine into the larynx. The described agents have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The drug "Tantum Verde" is also recognized as an anesthetic. It reduces the severity of pain and eliminates itching.

what to drink pregnant with a cold

Another approved medication is Lizobakt. This medication needs to be absorbed slowly in the mouth. It acts locally and has a bacteriostatic, analgesic and softening effect.

Fight with a runny nose

What other medicines for pregnant women exist for colds? If the pathology is accompanied by a copious separation of mucus from the nose, then drops should be used. They are divided according to their action into vasoconstrictive, antiviral, antibacterial. Before applying the drug, it is recommended to rinse the nasal passages. This can be done with the help of such formulations as Aquamaris, Dolphin, Aqualor and so on. If necessary, you can use normal saline. A few minutes after the manipulation is allowed to use drugs.

what to take pregnant women with a cold

To combat viral diseases, use the medication "Grypferon", "Derinat" or "Nazoferon". If we are talking about a bacterial lesion, then it is permissible to use "Polydex" or "Isofra" preparations. With nasal congestion, doctors sometimes allow the use of Nazivin or Vibrocil drops. However, the dosage of vasoconstrictor formulations should be childish. In some cases, with a prolonged runny nose, doctors prescribe warming.

What to do when the temperature rises?

What should a pregnant woman drink with a cold if she has a fever? Many doctors do not advise to bring down the temperature to the mark on the thermometer at 38.5 degrees. It is in this state that the body can most effectively cope with the infection on its own. However, this statement does not apply to pregnant women. Expectant mothers should very carefully monitor their temperature. When the scale on the thermometer crawled over a value of 37.5, you need to think about antipyretic drugs.

what drugs can pregnant women with a cold

The safest remedy that can relieve a fever is paracetamol. With this active substance the preparations “Cefecon”, “Panadol” and many others are produced. It is necessary to pay attention to additional components. The less you find them, the safer the medicine will be. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the use of the drug "Ibuprofen" is allowed. The described drugs not only reduce body temperature, but also contribute to the elimination of pain. As a result, the expectant mother feels much better. Doctors do not recommend abusing the described medicines.

Pregnant cough - a dangerous enemy

What other medicines can pregnant women have for a cold? If the expectant mother is faced with a cough, then this can very badly affect her condition. During contractions of the bronchi, an involuntary tone of the uterus occurs. This can lead to the risk of miscarriage or premature birth. That is why it is necessary to begin the fight against this symptom as soon as possible. To begin with, it is worth determining the nature of the cough. It can be wet or dry, productive or paroxysmal.

if a pregnant woman has a cold

The best cough remedy is inhalation. You can carry out the procedure with some medicinal formulations or ordinary mineral water. What else can be done? What medicines can pregnant women have for a cold, which is accompanied by a strong cough? Effective drugs include Ambrobene, Lazolvan, ACC and others. Sometimes doctors prescribe the Coldrex Broncho medication.

Folk recipes

What to drink when pregnant with a cold? Many expectant mothers adhere to traditional medicine. They are sure that natural compounds cannot harm an unborn baby. However, in such treatment, special care must be taken. Here are some effective folk remedies for fighting colds:

  • Warm milk. This tool perfectly eliminates cough. The effect will be enhanced if you add a piece of butter to the white liquid. After using the composition, instant softening of the tonsils and larynx occurs.
  • Tea with raspberries. This recipe belongs to the category of antipyretic. It is used both in warm and in hot form. It is worth noting that the danger of this remedy is that raspberries contribute to an increase in uterine tone. High doses can lead to the threat of premature birth.
  • Lemon and Parsley. In the treatment of colds, vitamin C can not be dispensed with. This substance enhances the immune defense. Vitamin C can also slightly reduce the temperature. Lemon and parsley contain a large amount of the described substance.
  • Onion and garlic. These funds are recognized as natural antibiotics. They can fight a runny nose very effectively. To prepare the drops, squeeze the juice of onions and garlic, and also add a teaspoon of olive oil.

Reviews on the treatment of colds during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers have colds. Reviews of pregnant women report that if treatment is started in a timely manner, then a minimal amount of drugs can cope with the pathology. Sometimes ordinary folk recipes are enough. When the condition is already running, the disease can cause complications.

viferon for pregnant women with colds

Many expectant mothers report that treatment for the common cold should be accompanied by bed rest. You should also drink plenty of water and any warm liquid. Patients say that self-medication in such a situation is not worth it. This can lead to an aggravation of the condition or the development of side effects. In some situations, there is an irreversible negative effect on the fetus.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know what to take when pregnant with a cold. Remember that even the safest treatments should be agreed with your doctor. During the period of waiting for the baby, you bear great responsibility not only for your well-being, but also for the condition of the future crumbs. Be healthy and do not get sick!

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