Mysteries of Marshak: creativity for children!

Since childhood, we all know Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak, a Russian Soviet poet who wrote a lot of books for the smallest and most inquisitive readers. It is Marshak’s riddles that attract children, and they read them with pleasure and try to figure out what is encrypted in these lines, what is at stake, who is the hero of riddles and poems.

Each age has its own poems

So, we will try to get acquainted with the work of the master of pen and ink.

riddles of marshak

In each of his many collections Samuil Yakovlevich tried to arrange poems in thematic sections. It was in this way that the last collection of poems for children was compiled, which was prepared during the author's lifetime. Compilers of the remaining volumes of his works, which were published after the death of Marshak, acted in exactly the same way. The poet was sure that in books for children it is most convenient to distribute poems according to age criteria. Of course, there are no sharply defined boundaries in the perception of works by kids. The author only helps young readers to join the poems as such, and also try to guess what the lines say.

Who is harder to write for?

According to Samuil Yakovlevich himself, it is books for the smallest - with fairy tales, poems and riddles - that are the most difficult genre of children's literature. Once he recalled how his son, who at that time was not even two years old, asked to read him a book aloud. Marshak began to read, but soon realized that none of the proposed poems to the crumbs do not like and does not produce any impression. Then he began to tell him a story. First, dad started prose, and then, gradually, he switched to poetry. This was seriously interested in the little listener. So, over time, there appeared books "Baggage", "Mustachio-striped" and others. And from here came the idea with the arrangement of verses in sections and topics.

Getting to know the riddles

The riddles of Marshak, of which there are innumerable numbers, amaze with their originality, a kind of intricate plot and originality of writing about seemingly completely simple and understandable things. But that's what they are interesting for children.

Marshak's riddles for children

Despite the fact that they are not very long, riddles look like real literary works, only small ones. Marshak's riddles for children - These are not ordinary metaphor questions. They are whole poems that are very easy to remember. Kids are always happy to read them themselves or listen to how their parents read them. One cannot but pay attention to the fact that Marshak’s copyright puzzles it is small readers who guess much faster than their mothers and fathers, grandparents.

The subjects of these puzzles are very different. They talk about home and nature, about man and shoes, about toys and trees, about electricity and tools, about a calendar and time, about sports and musical instruments. You can continue for a very long time. But it has already become clear that the riddles are all those objects that surround us all the time in everyday life. True, there are also such mysteries of Marshak, the answers to which are not so easy to obtain, they are rather non-standard.

“If you make faces for me, I grimace too”

Almost all the poems of the children's poet and his puzzles are loved. More than one generation of Soviet babies grew up on them, and even after the collapse of the Soviet Union, interest in Marshak’s work did not decrease by one line, not a single poem. Often kids love poetry and riddles S.Ya. Marshak with answers for their rhythm: it is very clear and easy to remember. Sometimes the kids do not even listen to the meaning of the verses, they simply gesticulate to the beat of the lines voiced by their parents. It even happens that children still do not understand the words, but love to listen to how they read game counters or riddles.

Marshak's copyright puzzles

Indeed, one has only to read the lines: “The blue house at the gate. Guess who lives in it? ” - and immediately from somewhere a sea of ​​energy arises, I want to smile, enjoy the little things. And I really want to know what this riddle is about? Well, of course, about the mailbox.

Mysterious Mystery Style

The style of Samuel Marshak imitates what is usually used in folk riddles. Only in the latter we are talking, as a rule, about a person, nature, natural phenomena ... Marshak's puzzles include the most ordinary things that a person can use in everyday life: glasses, a hammer, a mirror, an entrance door, a ball, a clock, matches, slippers, a bicycle ... The author tried to describe them as simply as possible, but so that the kids would be interested.

puzzles with i marshak with answers

And indeed, all his puzzles turned out to be very accessible to perception. The duet of fairly simple rhymes and phonetic clarity was the assistant who helped not only to quickly understand the mysteries of Marshak, but also to remember them for many years.

Distinctive features

For all its simplicity, riddles and questions do not provide the reader with a detailed and complete description of how (let us take for a comparative example) the works of Chukovsky. The puzzles of Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak with answers can provide only a small hint, using which, in order to find the right answer, the kid connects all his imagination, logical thinking, all his vocabulary, and all his small ones (for an adult, but significant for the child) knowledge.

riddles of samuil yakovlevich marshak with answers

Of course, for kids such riddles make a much stronger impression than those where you can guess the answer in rhyme or find it by the most detailed description. But guessing them is somewhat more difficult. But much more interesting. The main thing is that when reading these riddles, parents do not forget to take into account the age of the baby.

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