Pregnancy from the very beginning is marked by signs of the presence of a fetal egg. Changes primarily affect the reproductive organs. Therefore, it is natural that the cervix in early pregnancy, the photo of which is given in the article below, changes. And the changes taking place with her are some of the symptoms of an event awaiting a woman.
The location of the cervix in early pregnancy
Few women will be able to explain, if necessary, what this segment of the reproductive system is, what it matters. This is easy to explain - it is impossible to keep track of the dysfunction or health of the cervix. Her assessment and examination is the business of the gynecologist conducting the examination.
This is the part of the organ that is visible during the examination, which is transitional to the vagina, as well as connecting them. At every stage of the menstrual cycle, it produces mucus. At the same time, the role of the cervix in early pregnancy (see the photo in this article) cannot be underestimated - it is it that ensures in many respects the retention of the ovum in its proper place. On examination, only its vaginal part can be detected, although this is enough to assess the state of health. During the examination, she looks like a prominent rounded formation with a small hole in the middle and covered with a mucous membrane.
The ordinary size of the organ is 4 cm in length and 2.5 centimeters in circumference, the pharynx is closed, the consistency is solid, it becomes a little wider on critical days for free release of secretions.
Changes in the cervix during pregnancy in the early stages are clearly visible to the doctor, which makes it possible to detect this condition. It is considered one of the main signs along with the cessation of menstruation.
Main functions
In a woman, the internal genital organs work smoothly if she is completely healthy. This organ in normal condition performs several functions that help maintain microflora balance within. We describe the main functions:
- favorable microflora is maintained thanks to the channel located in the vagina;
- inside the pharynx there is mucus that prevents all kinds of bacteria and microbes from entering the uterus;
- signals about any changes that can be seen during inspection;
- fetal egg protects against loss;
- reproductive organs stimulate normal functioning.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this body for a woman’s health. Moreover, only an experienced specialist can read all the information.
Signs of cervical changes
So, let's figure out which cervix is in the early stages of pregnancy. It begins to change noticeably from about the fourth week, when the fetal egg causes a slight protrusion of the wall, as well as an increase in the size and asymmetry of the organ. This can also be detected exclusively by a specialist. At the same time, which cervix in the early stages of pregnancy primarily depends on how much time has passed since its inception. In this case, the increase in progesterone observed after conception leads to a visual change in the organ. With a gynecological examination, this is easy to notice. An experienced doctor can establish an unmistakable period from the date of fertilization.
The cervix in the early stages of pregnancy acquires such differences from the normal state:
- Its position varies significantly with respect to the main part of the organ.
- The color of the mucous membrane acquires a cyanotic shade, which was pink before fertilization.
- When you feel the tissue, the consistency becomes different.
No need to be afraid of such changes, they are caused by the activation of metabolic processes, the proliferation of blood vessels. This is necessary to improve blood circulation, since the formation of fetal membranes, in addition, its nutrition requires an increased amount of oxygen.
Changing the location of the vaginal region of the neck
When an embryo appears, the reproductive organs adapt to it in such a way as to provide it with comfort, normal development, and also protect it from possible dangers. This explains the changed position of the cervix in the early stages of pregnancy. It is unstable, changing at different stages of the cycle. But in general, this part of the organ is quite high relative to the vagina. This is especially noticeable during ovulation - at this point the body seeks to facilitate the penetration of sperm into the germ cell.
The cervix is located in early pregnancy low relative to its usual position. It falls due to progesterone, thereby preventing the prolapse of the ovum. The course of pregnancy depends on the level at which the cervix is located during early pregnancy - low or high.
If it is located high, then this may indicate increased tone, which increases the risk of interruption. Due to this, some women have to spend almost the entire pregnancy lying down. But the doctor will take into account other signs. Probably, its high location is a feature of the body that does not threaten the fetus.
Neck consistency
The cervix is soft to the touch in early pregnancy compared to its previous state. This is explained by a significant expansion of blood vessels, more active work and swelling of the glands. Progesterone also plays a role, the uterus itself and its endometrium also making it thicker, friable. Although the neck is denser than the walls of the organ. It is a certain castle protecting the fetus. In this case, it becomes more mobile.
Some worry that if it is soft, then it will not hold a fetal egg. There are no grounds for fear, since its channel narrows significantly, and the tissues will still be normal in elasticity and difficult to stretch until a certain time. The glands begin to produce more viscous and thicker mucus more actively. A large clot appears in the cervical canal, called a cork, which performs several functions:
- maintains the balance of microorganisms;
- does not allow foreign bacteria to enter the uterine cavity;
- creates the conditions for the normal functioning of the reproductive organs.
If the neck is too hard to the touch, this may indicate an excessive tension of the organ (hypertonicity). This condition is dangerous due to the possibility of rejection of the fetal egg. The consistency of the cervix is unrealistic to assess on its own.
Therefore, you do not need to "wind up". Regular visits to the doctor are a guarantee that the pathology will be detected before it is too late to fix it.
Short neck
Not all women have a pregnancy without problems. One of the most serious is the threat of interruption caused by various reasons.
It is worth noting that the development of the fetus, in addition, its significant increase in weight, pressure on the neck increase. Sometimes it is reduced in size and can no longer be full protection. This condition is most often caused by hormonal causes, although it happens with injuries sustained in the past by the organ, polyhydramnios and multiple pregnancy. This phenomenon is called "isthmic-cervical insufficiency." It requires medical supervision and treatment. We highlight the symptoms of shortening of the neck detected by the doctor:
- excessive mobility;
- too soft tissue consistency;
- widened lumen (the cervix is ajar in the early stages of pregnancy).
In some girls, these signs are poorly expressed, but she herself will not notice a problem in any case, especially in the first weeks. An anomaly should be seen by a doctor, for which registration is required, as well as a huge number of examinations.
Danger of shortening the neck
Shortening the cervix during pregnancy in the early stages is dangerously high probability of miscarriage. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency, instead of a very dense ring, which protects the embryo from falling out, leads to the appearance of an element that provokes bleeding near it. This part of the body can not restrain the increasing pressure, which leads to tone. The uterus becomes tense, firm, its muscles can begin to actively contract at any time, trying to tear off the fetal egg.
This is at an early stage dangerous because the woman herself does not always see symptoms of contraction during pregnancy of the cervix. The shortening of the site of this organ is detected using transvaginal ultrasound, prescribed at different times. At the same time, some girls observe:
- the cervix in the early stages of pregnancy is bleeding;
- the appearance of a watery discharge;
- drawing pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, discomfort in the form of tingling in the vagina;
- frequent urination.
Periodically, the small length of this part of the organ can be congenital, most often it is an acquisition. Although in order not to provoke the shortening of the cervix itself and to pose a threat to the child, a woman should take care of this even before pregnancy, in other words:
- do not smoke, as this bad habit provokes the development of hormonal disorders;
- Avoid abortion
- Do not overwork and not be nervous during pregnancy itself.
Cervical examination
In addition to a gynecological examination using mirrors, as well as a two-handed examination, the gynecologist will send the girl to undergo the necessary analysis on the microflora. You should make sure that in her body there is no fungus and sexually transmitted infections that can harm the fetus. We are talking about the microflora of the vagina, while it affects the general condition of the cervix directly.
The following cytology study allows us to study the normal structure of cells in a given organ site. In this case, the cervix is completely immune from their possible degeneration into malignant.
An altered cervix in the early stages is not just one symptom of an “interesting position”. In addition to protective functions, she informs about probable problems that can lead to a sad end if the correct measures are not taken. Therefore, girls do not need to be afraid and avoid intravaginal ultrasound and gynecological examination, especially if a history of preterm birth, miscarriage, and abortion are present.
The neck is bleeding
If the discharge, which is the physiological norm, acquires a brownish color or includes dissemination of blood, there is a high probability that the cervix is bleeding. This type of discharge is never associated with menstruation and is for the most part smearing.
Basically, the cervix is bleeding due to existing erosion, which is small sores that just bleed.
Damage to the mucous membrane is likely. They occur during sexual intercourse, in addition, during a medical examination, and this can also be accompanied by a slight neck straightening.
In addition, cervicitis (inflammatory processes), uterine polyps can appear, and sometimes several of the above can be the cause of the appearance of blood.
Early Pregnancy: Cervical Discharge
In the first ninety days of pregnancy, the occurrence of spotting is not uncommon. They are observed in almost 20% of pregnant women. This process is far from always associated with pathology. For example, the cervix can bleed at the very beginning of pregnancy, after the egg is attached to the uterine wall, in the case when it is successfully fertilized. Such discharge lasts about 2 days. In the 3rd trimester, the appearance of blood may already speak of placental abruption, and this requires quick medical intervention.
Before you begin treatment, you should definitely find out why the cervix is bleeding.
If erosion becomes this reason, then the specialist prescribes various healing preparations, douching and baths with herbs.
Surgery is considered the main method of treating polyps that cause discharge from the uterus of a bloody nature.
Sometimes the appearance of blood happens with cancer. In this case, a biopsy is mandatory.
The expectant mother in the very first months rises in the antenatal clinic for mandatory registration, where she undergoes all kinds of necessary medical examinations, and also prepares to meet her baby and the upcoming birth. Therefore, it is possible to timely identify various pathologies or diseases, in addition to prevent their possible complications. The most common and most commonly diagnosed diseases include cervical erosion.
It is detected very often at the very first gynecological examination. The doctor examines the girl with a special mirror, and also makes a smear on cytology. Pathology looks like a small defect located on the cervix, namely on the mucous membrane, in the form of an ulcer or redness.
In medical practice, pseudo- and true erosion of the cervix are isolated. A pregnant woman then records on the presence of pathology in a personal card. This is done so that other specialists who will be at the birth pay close attention to this.
It should be noted that cervical erosion in early pregnancy can be a consequence of all sorts of reasons. The very first of them is a violation of the hormonal background of the girl, which begins to change at the very beginning, right in the first trimester. In addition, various sexually transmitted infections (mycoplasmas, chlamydia, gonorrhea) received by a woman before pregnancy or already in the process, chemical and mechanical effects, improper, rough douching, and many other factors contribute to the occurrence of cervical erosion.
In addition, the development of the disease is affected by the frequent change of sexual partners and a decrease in immunity.