How to feed decorative rats at home? Rat food

The rat, it would seem, is a petty, nasty creature that can cause nothing but disgust. But not many people know that these are the most intelligent and cunning animals among other rodents. Recently it has become fashionable to start these cute tailed houses. Consider how to properly care for them, choose when buying and, most importantly, how to feed decorative rats so as not to harm the health of your pet. It doesn’t matter what animal you get at home, you must remember that with the appearance of the same rat in your apartment, your lifestyle will change. Since it is already necessary to bear responsibility for another member of the family.


How to feed decorative rats? Before answering this question, we will decide on what they generally are. The colors of decorative rats can be completely different: from white to black and red. There are about 8 types of decorative rats:

than feed decorative rats

  • naked. They do not have hair, with the exception of the antennae;
  • standard. These are the largest decorative rats that grow to 800 gr. From these rodents the other species were derived;
  • satin rat. It differs from others in its long and fluffy hair. It lives mainly in the United States and Western Europe;
  • rex. Famous for her fluffy and curly hair;
  • dumbo. A distinctive feature of these rodents is their ears, which are lower than all the others, and in shape are not pointed, but round. The body of these animals is shorter and rounded than their relatives;
  • tailless. It is their long bald tail that scares away many from rats. These do not have it at all. This feature makes them cute and almost like hamsters;

colors of decorative rats

  • multi-eyed rats. The name speaks for itself. This type of decorative rat has different eyes. Moreover, the greater the difference, the more expensive the animal;
  • tricolor rat. This is an artificial view. Since in nature there are no rodents with such a color, and by inheritance this phenomenon is not transmitted. Whatever the color of the rat’s fur, one of them must be white.

What affects lifespan?

How many domestic rats live at home? In larger animals, the breed may influence life span. In rats, their appearance does not indicate this at all. In rats, strangely enough, genetics affects life expectancy. Tailless more often than others undergo overheating. Since they have a tail not only to keep balance, but a kind of temperature regulator. Bald rats can more easily damage their skin than those with increased hairiness.

how many domestic rats live at home

If one of the parents was painful in the animal, then one should not expect that the offspring will be distinguished by good health. Experienced breeders advise you to buy a rat not with your hands, but in the nursery so that you can look at the baby's parents.

Living conditions

Also, surprisingly, the environment in which she has to live affects the life span of a rat at home. The cage where you are going to settle your pet should be spacious with many shelves and ladders, along which your pet will be able to move freely. Insufficient sizes lead to a sedentary lifestyle of the rodent, which, as in humans, can lead to obesity or muscle atrophy, and other diseases. Therefore, it is important that not only the cage was the right size, but it is necessary that you let your pet out regularly to walk around the apartment. And here it is important to ensure that no one accidentally steps on the rat. Also keep in mind that this is after all a rodent who is used to biting, tearing something. Therefore, be careful that the baby does not begin to grind his teeth on his favorite furniture or shoes that were accidentally left in the hallway.

rat food

Many owners make the mistake of placing decorative rats in an aquarium. This interferes with sufficient air circulation, which often leads to suffocation of the animal.

With all responsibility, it is worth approaching the choice of cell filler for the animal. It is desirable that it be woody in granules, and in no case coniferous, which can be very dangerous for rats because splinters remain in their body. Other types of paper or hay filler do not absorb an unpleasant odor.


How to feed decorative rats? Of course, much attention should be paid to this issue. But we will consider this extensive aspect below.

Now let's try to understand the diseases of animals, the timely diagnosis of which can save the life of your pet. In no case do not self-medicate, but rather consult your veterinarian. Remember that decorative rats are artificially bred animals. Their immunity is significantly lower than that of those who run along the streets and eat on garbage dumps.

than to feed a decorative rat at home

Make sure that the pet does not get parasites, especially if you suddenly decide to go out with the rat to nature. A very common disease among small rodents is the common cold and other lung diseases. After bathing, it is worthwhile to dry the rat well, and then let it into the cage, otherwise any draft can be dangerous for it. Carry out antihelminthic prophylaxis in time. Make sure that your rat does not have fleas that can easily bite in large quantities. Very often, decorative rats can be diagnosed with tumors of various stages. Therefore, be careful not to start the disease. And try periodically to feel the rodent, at the slightest suspicion of a tumor, immediately consult a specialist.

Life span

So how many domestic rats live? At home, observing all the necessary conditions for their maintenance, you can significantly extend their life. It is believed that rodents are tenacious. Therefore, nothing threatens them, on average, artificially bred animals live no more than two years. But there are centenarians among them. Those can live up to four years.


Life expectancy depends on nutrition. And what to feed a decorative rat at home?

than you can not feed decorative rats

Basically, a rat is an omnivorous animal. But do not confuse them with hamsters and guinea pigs, who eat everything that they do not put in any quantities. The rat is a highly intelligent animal that will determine how much and what it needs to eat. Your task is to make rat food diverse and of high quality.

Most of the diet should be a grain ingredient. Rat food can be bought at any pet store. And you can give the rodent any boiled porridge without butter, sugar and salt. You can also boil pasta from hard varieties or let the bread crumble. These tailed ones will not refuse to feast on dry bread crust or on the cob of corn.

Every day, make sure that the diet contains vegetables, herbs or fruits. It can be carrots, beetweed, potatoes, apples. The more varied the choice, the more necessary microelements the pet will receive.

large decorative rats

It is a mistake to assume that cheese is the favorite treat of rodents, which they can eat day and night. Cheese, like other dairy products, contains a large amount of protein. And this in unlimited quantities leads to the rapid aging of the animal. Therefore, it will be enough if once or twice a week give the crumbs a piece of meat or cheese. You can also pour some milk in a bowl. They will not refuse low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt.

Feeding tips

Keep rat food clean and fresh. Do not give the animal food directly from the refrigerator. It is advisable that all the products that you intend to give the decorative rat are at room temperature. Remember that they cannot do without water and food for more than two days. Therefore, the option to impose more and leave for a few days to rest, will not work. If you are not sure that you will return home on time, then ask someone to look after your pet. Otherwise, you risk not returning him alive when you return home.

What is forbidden to rodents?

Now you know how to feed decorative rats. We also figured out how often this needs to be done. And what can not feed decorative rats? It is strictly forbidden to give the rodent chocolate and any other sweets. You can not abuse cheese, especially smoked or salted. And, in general, it is strictly forbidden to put any smoked products in the cage. You also need to know that even vegetables are good for rodents, but in no case should you give them cabbage, sprouted potatoes or any legumes other than corn.


Having figured out what to feed the decorative rats, and how to properly care for them, you can safely get a small pet without fear for his health. Let your new family member give you a lot of positive emotions.

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