The process of teething is a test not only for the baby, but also for parents. When teeth are cut in children, everyone around them feels discomfort due to the reactions that accompany this process. When teething occurs in children, the symptoms may be different, at the same time, for some, this happens absolutely painlessly and imperceptibly. But this is extremely rare. If some of these symptoms occur, even a doctor’s consultation is needed to prevent the disease.
So, with teething in children , the following symptoms are observed:
- The state of general malaise. When teething, the baby may be lethargic and tired.
- Bad dream. Very often during this period that kids that parents forget about a good night's sleep. A child often wakes up crying from the pain that torments him.
- Restless behavior. The child is annoyed, constantly crying and acting up. It can also suck a finger, and on the contrary to refuse a dummy.
- Increased salivation. Salivation more than usual - this indicates irritation of the nerves in the gums. The amount of saliva can even constantly wet the baby’s clothes.
- Pain in the gums. The gums of a child become especially painful and itchy when the clove is already approaching the surface.
- Temperature. You can also observe a short-term increase in temperature. Use of antipyretic drugs is necessary only when the temperature rises above 38 degrees. If it does not fall even after taking the medicine, consult a doctor immediately.
- Digestive disorders. When teething in children, symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and regurgitation are observed quite often. But if these symptoms are present all at once together, then it is better to consult a pediatrician so as not to miss the poisoning or infection in the baby.
- Runny nose. If a child has snot flowing, and there are no other signs of a cold, then his teeth are climbing.
- Gum disease. Redness and inflammation of the gums may also indicate the imminent appearance of a tooth. They swell, acquire almost a burgundy hue. If you notice a white spot on such an inflamed gum, then your baby will have a little tooth soon.
- Stomatitis. When teething, the baby pulls everything in his mouth. As a result, small sores may form in the oral cavity. In this case, the detection of wounds on the mucosa do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
- Refusal to eat. Because of this, weight gain may stop.
- Diseases. Against the background of weakened immunity, the child is more susceptible to various kinds of colds. You should not visit places with a large number of people during this period.
Teething procedures in children are different. It depends on many factors, such as: heredity, nutrition and even the environment. Basically, the central incisors are cut in the period from 6 to 9 months, lateral from 9 to 12 months. Usually a baby already has 8 teeth per year. But each child is individual and a deviation of several months is not a disease. But do not forget that too much deviation from the norm, delay, can be a sign of a disease such as rickets. With this disease, the entire order of teething is also violated.
After a year from 14 to 16 months, the anterior small molars (first molars) are cut out, at 16-20 months we can observe the eruption of fangs, and at 20-24 months - the posterior molars (second molars).
What teething symptoms in children can be you now know. Do not be afraid to consult a doctor with them. In the children's clinic, you will be helped and advised by means to relieve the baby's pain (ointments, gels, cooling teethers).