To create favorable conditions for fish and their treatment, many means are used. Even among a large assortment, methylene blue for the aquarium continues to be in demand. Before using it, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition, rules of use, dosages.
The drug has a disinfecting effect. Its purpose is to carry out the redox process and supply hydrogen ions. Because of this, the methylene blue drug is effective in eliminating poisoning. The composition is highly soluble in alcohol and water.
Release form
Methylene blue is presented in the form of crystals, after interaction with water they turn blue. The drug is also produced in powder. It is no secret that aquarium fish need special and thorough care, although they are calm creatures. It will be necessary to acquire a special feed, regulate the normal temperature of the water, and create access to oxygen. High-quality lighting is also needed. Of primary importance is water. If it is dirty for a long time, the fish do not survive. Methylene blue is just what you need to clean the liquid.
The properties
The main advantage of the drug is the composition, since it includes natural dyes. It also has the following properties:
- Antiparasitic. The tool allows you to get rid of fungi and bacteria on the body of fish.
- Donor-acceptor. This is necessary for good fish breathing.
The drug is added to the feed. It perfectly softens food.
What is it used for?
Methylene blue for the aquarium is a synthetic dye. The product is presented in the form of dark blue crystals, highly soluble in water. It is used for: treating fungal diseases, ailments that arose from parasites, blood diseases. It is necessary to restore the incubation process of eggs, prevent stress and improve breathing. If similar phenomena are observed, it is necessary to use methylene blue. Application in the aquarium will improve the condition of the fish.
Cons of funds
Methylene blue for the aquarium also has disadvantages:
- poor filtration;
- negative impact on plant development;
- all blue color, including skin of hands, stones.
Even considering the cons, the tool is considered one of the safest fish care products. But to prevent a negative impact on the microclimate and the appearance of the aquarium will turn out if you perform the procedure in another bowl. In any case, the drug perfectly cures the fish, and also makes the living environment more favorable for them.
How is it applied?
Proper methylene blue must be used for the aquarium. The instruction includes clear rules for using the product. It is important to observe the dosage so as not to harm the fish. It is necessary to use a solution of 1%. It is prepared simply: 10 grams of the drug is added to water (1 liter). The finished composition should be used in such quantity: 3 ml per 10 liters of water. There are divorced funds in stores. A classic 50 ml bottle consists of 0.3 g of methylene blue. It is diluted in 100 liters of water. If the dosage is observed, then the drug will not bring harm.
In aquarium
Methylene blue for the aquarium can be used in one tank. To create a solution, you must perform the following steps:
- The necessary amount of the drug is measured, and then dissolved in 250 ml of water.
- 1/3 of the finished solution is poured into the aquarium. Water is gently mixed.
- After 30 minutes, another half is added, and then the rest.
It is advisable to mix the solution using an aeration unit. During the treatment of fish, the biofilter must be eliminated, since blue neutralizes the nitrification, which appears due to beneficial bacteria. It is necessary to be treated within 1 month. Then you need to apply an activated carbon filter.
In a separate container
Methylene blue for the aquarium is bred in another tank. It will take 25 ml of the finished composition in 10 liters of water. The fish should be placed in a container for 30 minutes. If this procedure did not help, you should repeat the session after 3 days. The safety rules must be observed with the solution: use a respirator and gloves.
Rules for keeping fish
In addition to using methylene blue, you must adhere to the rules for keeping fish. Under the aquarium, you need to lay linoleum or cardboard. Then an elastic stand is placed. The fish dwelling should be washed without chemicals. After the purchase, it is better to treat it with baking soda, and then rinse. With a solution of potassium permanganate, it is necessary to wipe the temperature regulator, filter, thermometer.
Any soil before placing it in the aquarium must be boiled. Water must be added to the sediment. Plants must be sanitized before planting. At first the water is cloudy, but with the filter it becomes clean. Fish should be launched after 5 days, until there is a favorable situation. Some pets love soft water, while others like hard water. This can be determined by a special test. You must follow these simple rules, and then the fish will be in order.